Meadows Message
July 15, 2024
Principal’s Welcome
I’d like to officially welcome all new Ram family members and all returning families to Madison Meadows for the 2024-25 school year!
Please read below for some preliminary information, save-the-dates, and to-do’s.
We will typically send one email each week on Monday with updates and links you’ll find helpful as you help your student navigate middle school. Teachers may also send you email updates so be sure to check your inbox regularly.
Over the next few weeks we will start introducing you to some of our new staff members, we will share information about upcoming events, and tips to ensure the start of the school year is as smooth as possible.
In the meantime, enjoy the rest of the summer break! We look forward to seeing you on the first day of school, Tuesday, August 6th!
All the best,
Katy Clark
School Supplies
5th & 6th Grade Supply List
7th & 8th Grade Supply List
PowerSchool - Parent Portal
Verify that you can access the Parent Portal of PowerSchool as it is one of our main modes of communicating student academic progress. If you do not have a Parent PowerSchool Account or are having problems login into your account, please contact the Meadows office for assistance at 602-664-7600 or
Walk-Through & Annual Check-In Days
If you happen to be in town, stop by campus to ‘Walk-through’ and pick up student schedules, take a self-guided tour of campus, purchase PE shirts, etc. The Annual Check-In is an online process that is completed online in the PowerSchool Parent Portal (more info to follow next week).
July 24th - 11 am - 4 pm
July 25th - 7 am - 11 am
in the Meadows' Cafeteria
If you are out of town, don’t panic! We will have plenty of people to support students and help them navigate campus on the first day of school.
New Family Presentation 8/5/2024
If you don’t get a chance to come in person on July 24th or 25th for our Walk-through event, you may choose to come to our new family presentation, which we will hold on Monday, August 5th at 5:15 pm in our cafeteria. This will be a brief presentation by Meadows administration with some introductions to some teachers and staff members. Families may choose to take self-guided tours after the presentation from 6-6:30 pm.
Register for a Bus
To register your student to ride the bus, please contact our Transportation Department. Please include:
- Student's first and last name
- Student ID number
- Requested bus name and stop location
- If they will be riding in the A.M., P.M. or both
Social Media Links for Meadows
Sometimes emails end up in your spam folder or get buried. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for quick updates and reminders.
Parents & Teachers at Meadows (PTM)
Stay Updated with PTM events and news!
Get emails from Meadows PTM on Sundays and the Meadows Med-O-Gram on the first of the month during the school year.
Sign up here.