Wayland Union High School
March 2025
Upcoming Dates
March 3: Trimester 3 begins
March 7: Report Cards Published to Parent Portal
March 9: Daylight Savings Time
March 14: No school for students and staff
March 17: No school for students, Teacher PD Day
March 27: WorkKeys Testing, all Juniors, Aux Gym
March 20: MiCareer Quest, DeVos Place
March 28: improv.anonymous presents Murder Mystery Dinner, 6pm, FAC
April 4 - 11: No school, Spring Break (This is also Tech Center Spring Break)
April 14: School resumes, full day.
April 15: PSAT, SAT Testing, Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors
April 15: Scholastic Honors Night/Alumni Hall of Fame, 6:30pm FAC
April 17: WUHS Choir Spring Showcase, 6:30pm FAC
April 18: Prom, 7:30pm Baypointe Woods
April 21: PSAT/SAT Makeup Testing
April 21: Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4pm in-person
April 24: WorkKeys Makeup Testing
April 24: Wildcat Dance Theatre Spring Concert, 7pm FAC
April 25: Blood Drive, hosted by Student Council
April 29: M-STEP Testing
April 30: WUHS Job Fair, Aux Gym
May 2: M-STEP Makeup Testing
May 9: Wayland Theatriks presents "Rock of Ages: Teen Edition", 7pm FAC
May 10: Wayland Theatriks presents "Rock of Ages: Teen Edition", 3pm and 7pm FAC
From the Guidance Office
Upcoming Dates and Happenings
March 2025
March 7, 13, 21, and 28: FAFSA Madness raffles for seniors only! In order to be eligible for the raffle, the senior must complete their FAFSA and register in the Guidance Office.
March 5: Dual Enrollment meeting for students who indicated interest on their Course Request Form. Application due by March 13.
March 18: Class of 2025 Local & Community Scholarship application will be released! Thereâs over $15,000 worth of scholarships available-all through one application; due APRIL 18TH (the Friday after spring break). Donât forget-some scholarships are available to students attending college or entering a skilled-trade.
March 20: CareerQuest field trip at DeVos Place in Grand Rapids for all those who registered previously. You must be registered to attend.
đ©đš Bond Construction đšđ©
Parents and students,
We appreciate your patience and flexibility as we work through construction process. While there may be some temporary inconveniences, we are excited for the start of construction and look forward to the improvements it will bring to our school and added opportunities for our school community.
Below is a map of the current parking changes that took effect Monday, March 3rd.
Map of overhead view of High School:
The main student parking lot will be at the FAC. Seniors will be able to park in the lot at the main entrance.
Buses ONLY will be permitted behind the High School for the drop off and pick up.
Parent drop off and end of day pick up will be on the north side of the building (the former bus loop).
Please note: if you drop your student off late (after 7:40am) OR pick your child up from school during the day, you will still use the main entrance. See the map below for entrance/exit, as the front loop is closed.
Parents can access Wildcat Drive by turning right only from the high school. We strongly encourage your child to use the shuttle between the high school and middle school to help with traffic congestion.
Map of Parent Drop Off Loop:
Enter at main entrance, turn left into the (former) bus loop for drop off. Continue on pavement to the Administration Building to exit on Superior.
Access to Wildcat Drive is available for middle school drop off by turning right only from the high school.
Classroom Hapenings
Students in Mr. Doupe's Nonfiction class recently wrote letters to 5th grade pen pals.
The 5th graders wrote letters and asked for advice about handling middle school, sports, and studies. Our high schoolers returned hand-written letters with really great words of wisdom!
Capturing Kids' Hearts
Courage is a choice to push through fear, self-doubt,
and anxiety to do things that feel hard or frightening.
WorkKeys: March 27
- The ACT WorkKeys test is given to all Juniors.
- Test day this year will be Thursday, March 27th, in the Aux Gym. Makeup will be April 24th.
- Test format is paper/pencil.
- WorkKeys is a graduation requirement.
- Students will check in before entering the gym.
- No electronics are allowed in the testing room! This includes cell phones, smart watches, ear buds, headphones, etc..
- Testing will begin promptly at 7:40am, so it is important that students are on time!
- Students will return to class at the completion of testing, as it is a normal school day.
- Tech students will be excused from attending Tech Center. (PM Tech students will report to the Media Center at the completion of testing).
- Students with an IEP or 504 will receive specific testing information.
PSAT and SAT: April 15
The PSAT 9 is administered to all Freshman.
The PSAT 10 is administered to all Sophomores, in the Main Gym.
- Both of these are standardized tests. This is also good practice for the SAT.
- The SAT is administered to all Juniors, in the Aux Gym.
- This is a college entrance exam, as well as WHS graduation requirement.
đšđšALL tests will be given on the same day: Tuesday, April 15th.đšđš
Makeup day is scheduled for April 21st.
This year all test formats will be online. Students will use their iPads. Please make sure your iPad is fully charged the night before!
No electronics are allowed in the testing room! This includes cell phones, smart watches, ear buds, headphones, etc..
- Students are be released at the completion of testing. Please arrange for a ride home for your student. Students who ride the bus will report to the Media Center for the remainder of the day.
- Junior students will be excused from attending the Tech Center.
- Students will have the option to order a sack lunch from the cafeteria.
- Students with an IEP or 504 will receive specific testing information.
M-STEP: April 29
- All Juniors will take the M-STEP on Tuesday, April 29th. Makeup will be May 2nd.
- This test is taken online, using computer labs.
- This is the final testing requirement for graduation.
- No other electronics are allowed to be brought into the testing room.
- There will be an AM session and a PM session.
- Tech students will attend their normal tech schedule.
- Students will report to class either before or after testing, depending on assigned time.
- Students with an IEP or 504 will receive specific testing information.
improv.anonymous presents "Good Riddance a gnarly 1990's Murder Mystery, Dude!" Dinner
Join us for improv.anonymous' annual Murder Mystery Dinner! The show will be held Friday, March 22nd in the Fine Arts Center. Tickets on sale at https://wufactickets.ludus.com/index.php. Get yours today before they sell out! Cost is $30 and includes an all you can eat three-course meal and an interactive show.
Don't miss out!
The Forensics Team (competitive speaking and acting) is busy preparing for upcoming competitions! They will compete at tournaments throughout March. The team is performing in a variety of events this year: Eleanore Pogodzinski/Oratory, Percy Ward/Dramatic Interpretation, Abree VaneDenBrink/Duo, Alex Oosterhouse/Oratory, Bella Bogema/Oratory, Gillian Klug/Oratory, Addie Huston/Storytelling, Tyler Tylk/Extemporaneous, Student/Ortaory, Avery Hozeska/Duo, Alyssa Varyney/Dramatic Interpretation, Hajra Noor/Broadcasting.
Good Luck Wildcats!
Say Congratulations to our 2025 Choir Students from Honors Choir and Select Choirs. Members participated in the District Solo and Ensemble on Saturday, Feb. 1, 2025. In spite of the multiple snow days that occurred during this event's preparations we proudly can announce that we are bringing the most events to the State Solo and Ensemble than ever before!
Honors Choir received a rating of a 1 and will be performing at State Solo and Ensemble. Select Choir and the TBB Choir (which is part of the Select Choir) Received a 2 but performed very well and are continuing to polish these pieces.
We had 16 events participate at Solo and Ensemble and 11 total events will be moving on to State in April. We can honestly say that we have amazing performers and great students here at Wayland.
Regional Soloists
State Soloists
Honors Choir member listed from left to right
Back row: Jenna Hendricks, Rylee Brown, Alexis DeLaney. 3rd Row: Kayleigh Warmbold, Lillian Harrison, Kaylee Cooper, Madison Campos. 2nd Row: Patience Hawley, Jessa Lee, Eme Carlson. Front Row: Logan Watson, Isabella Lynch, Alayna Maxlow and Josephine Musgrave.
Select Choir Member listed from left to right
Back row: Ovelia Taylor, Carlos Cervantes, Aiden Ketchtapaw, Kayden Balch, Maddie Mulder.
3rd row: Amber Terry, Jackson Byers, Connor Bush, Suryiah Wilson, Madison Campos, Isabella Newcomb. 2nd row: Kylie Mulder, Rylee Brown, Jayson Stokes, Leon Marin, Liberty Boze
Front row: Hannah Wilson, Kaylee Cooper
Not Pictured: Kelsey Jackson and Jerry Ramierz
TBB Choir
Back row: Connor Bush, Carlos Cervantes, Kayden Balch, Aiden Ketchtapaw, Jackson Byers
Front row: Jayson Stokes, Kaylee Cooper, Leo Marin, Maddie Mulder
District Soloists
Lillian Harrison, Jayson Stokes, Kayden Balch, Ovelia Taylor, Isabella Newcomb
Kayleigh Warmbold, Madison Campos, Rylee Brown, Suryiah Wilson, Amber Terry
Jenna Hendricks, Kaylee Cooper, Connor Bush
Not Pictured: Alexis DeLaney
State Soloists
Lillian Harrison, Kayden Balch, Ovelia Taylor
Kayleigh Warmbold, Madison Campos, Rylee Brown, Suryiah Wilson, Alexis DeLaney, Jenna Hendricks, Connor Bush
On Tuesday, February 25th, the Concert Band performed for the Band Festival at Hastings High School.
Wayland received a division 2, which is an excellent rating!
Members had a rather diverse program that included an Irish march, an English ballad, and a tango! Soloists Jasmine Stevens and Dylan Pallett also did a fine job!
Mrs. Smith is extremely proud of her srudents' hard work and flexibility.
MI Youth In Government
Nine students recently attended the Michigan Youth in Government Conference in Lansing. Students spent four days participating in a mock state government. This year tudents took on the roles of legislators and lobbyists, and had two students participate in the National Issues Forum. In preparation for the conference, students each write a bill or policy, and work to get it passed at the conference.
Congratulations to Piper Huston, Teagan Robinson and Callie Conley for having their bills passed and signed by the student governor. Great job to all our participants! Alicia (Wren) Schumaker-Alanzo, Bella Bogema, Hannah Bogema, Callie Conley, Adaline Huston, Piper Huston, Ethyn Riley, Teagan Robinson, Jacob VanDuine, and Payton Wallace.
Senior Cap and Gown Handout
Seniors! Welcome to your last trimester of high school!
Jostens will be at school on Thursday, March 13th to hand out caps and gown during both lunches.
Any orders not picked up that day will be available in the Main Office.
**If you have not yet placed your order, please see Mrs. Ewing in the main office.**
You may also send an email: ewingj@waylandunion.org
Orders can be placed online using the link here. Time is running out, so make sure to get those orders submitted!
- Facilitating
- Understanding
- Through
- Unique
- Real-life
- ExperienceS
FUTURES is an external/non-traditional learning experience for our students. FUTURES is designed to allow students to learn about subjects not traditionally taught during the regular school day. It takes place the last two and a half days of the school year.
Enrollment will OPEN in March 2025!
Click the following link for a course catalog of the programs that will be offered.
A few things to know:
- Courses will open for registration for Juniors, then Sophomores and Freshman.
- There are many FREE options to choose from, while others may require a fee.
- You can only sign up ONCE!! So, talk to your friends to sign up together and have fun with it!
Norther Michigan University
For the Love of Cars
Ultimate Scavenger Hunt
Junior/Senior Prom
Ticket sales will be available online through Revtrak beginning Monday, March 10. In person ticket sales will be during both lunches from March 17 - 28.
Guest approval forms are due to the main office no later than Monday, March 24. When your prom guest is approved look for an email from Mrs. Russell and then you can buy your guest ticket.
All ticket sales will end on Friday, March 28!
Please read the letter below with more information.
Purchasing Yearbooks
Walsworth is our yearbook publishing company. Order your 2025 yearbook this fall at yearbookforever.com.
đžđžOrdering deadline is Friday, April 25đžđž
Don't delay, order your yearbook today!
Student Handbook
Student Handbook Notes
Deliveries: No food or drink is to be delivered during school hours. Items that are school related and/or needed for school sponsored extracurricular activities may be dropped off by parent/guardian as an exception to the policy.
Please review the student handbook. You can find the link below:
Mr. Santino Di Cesare
Email: dicesares@waylandunion.org
Location: 870 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: 269-792-2254
Mrs. Karyll Russel
Assistant Principal
Email: russellk@waylandunion.org
Location: 870 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: 269-792-2254
Mr. Brett VanDeRoer
Assistant Principal
Email: vanderoerb@waylandunion.org
Location: 870 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: 269-792-2254
Mr. Adam Valk
Athletic Director
Email: valka@waylandunion.org
Location: 870 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: 269-792-2254