Bryantville Elementary School
Weekly Update
March 7, 2025
A Note from the Office
Bryantville Families,
Happy Friday! We cannot believe we have just finished our first week of March! Things have been very busy around Bryantville. The hallways are full of writing and artwork. Some of it reflects the themes of February (Love Monster theme, What Love Is, Black History Month projects), and some are leading us into March. Students have written about their “lucky charms” and what makes them lucky. We have been celebrating Read Across America with our sixth grade ambassadors reading in our younger grade classrooms. Everyone loves it! Thank you for your continued support, and we hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Jen Simmons and Traci Costa
🥧 Pie in the Face Fundraiser! 🥧
📅 March 1 - March 13
💰 Bring your coins & cash!
📍 Jars in the cafeteria
The Coin Wars are going strong, and the competition is heating up! 🔥 Corwin is in the lead, but anything can happen in the final stretch! Keep those donations coming—every cent counts!
It’s all fun and games until someone gets pied! 😆 Drop your donations into the jars labeled with participating teachers’ names. The top 3 teachers who raise the most will take a pie to the face on Pi Day—Friday, March 14! 🥧🎉
🎯 Goal: Raise funds to support the Class of 2031—and if we hit $2,500, Principal Simmons joins in on the fun!
This is a lighthearted event, so let’s keep it fun, positive, and full of school spirit! Show our teachers some love (and maybe a little whipped cream)!
💥 Let the coin wars continue! 💥 Who’s getting pied? It’s up to you! 😆
#PieInTheFace #PiDayFun #CoinWars #SupportClassOf2031
Early Release Days
Early Release Days in March - Wednesday, March 12 and Wednesday, March 19. Dismissal is 12:45. Lunch will be served.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Conferences are on Wednesday, March 19. The Pick a Time link to schedule your conference was emailed home earlier this week. We look forward to seeing you!
Check the Lost and Found!
Lost and Found is piling up again. All unclaimed items will be donated on March 20, after teacher conferences.
Kindergarten 2025-2026
Kindergarten 2025-2026 search has begun. If your child will start kindergarten in the fall, be sure to complete the search form on our website.
The BES kindergarten timeline:
January - Child Search starts - complete form on website
March - Parent Night Invitation mailed home to families
April - Parent Night held
May - student screenings will be held at the end of May
August - Teacher placement letters mailed home
Morning Drop Off Reminder
Morning Drop Off - starts at 8:07 and is Drop and Go. Please pull up as far as you can and if you need to assist your child in getting out of the vehicle, please park in one of the open parking spots and cross your child to the sidewalk.
Recess Reminder
Students head out to recess even in the snow. Be sure your child is dressed appropriately. Warm pants, coat, hats, gloves and boots. If your child is in need of a winter coat, hat or gloves, please reach out to Mrs. Rossini at Erika.Rossini@pembrokek12.org. BES has a collection of items that have been donated.
Physical Education Reminder
Please ensure your students wear rubber-soled sneakers for physical education class each week. Boots, Crocs, and Uggs, and similar footwear pose a tripping hazard and are not allowed during class. Bringing a change of footwear on physical education days is an excellent way to ensure your child is prepared.
W.O.W. Projects
Bryantville artists are working hard in their choice centers. Here is a link for you to see their second Wonderful Original Works of art (W.O.W. projects). The theme for the second W.O.W. project was "Dreams". Enjoy the showcase slideshow by clicking this link: https://www.artsonia.com/artshow/19352/64424
Pembroke Public Library Artist Display
Join us in congratulating four Bryantville artists who have their artwork hangin on display in the Pembroke Public Library. Congratulations to these three kindergarteners; Sadie, Sophia and Will, and to sixth grader Natalie. Their art will be on display until the end of March. Stop by and check it out!
Donations needed!
Mrs. Dunn is still looking for donations for the architecture center. She is collecting cardboard recyclables, specifically cardboard tubes (paper towel rolls and cereal boxes but other items are ok) so the students can turn them into art. Any donations can be dropped off outside of the art room against the wall. Thank you for collecting!
The next before school art club will run from March 4 to April 8. This session is for 2nd and 3rd graders only. There is still time to sign up.
Mark Your Calendar
10 All Choral Night 6:30 @ PHS
11 Art Club 7:15 grade 2 & 3 only
All Band Night 6:30 @ PHS
12 Chorus 7:30
Early Release Day
13 Grade 6 Basketball
All Strings Night 6:30 @ PHS
14 Report Cards Emailed
March is “Music In Our Schools Month”! The Pembroke Music Department will be presenting their annual All-Town concerts to help celebrate “Music In Our Schools Month”.
All-Choral Night, Monday, March 10th at 6:30 PM in the PHS Gym.
All-Band Night, Tuesday, March 11th at 6:30 PM in the PHS Gym. * Ticketed Event*
All-String Night, Wednesday, March 13th at 6:30 in the PHS Auditorium
The concerts feature students in grades 3-12 who sing in school chorus or play an instrument in the band or orchestra to perform on the same concert program together. It is a wonderful opportunity for the students and their caregivers to see and hear the breadth of the music program.
*SPECIAL NOTE: Due to audience size capacity in the PHS gym and the number of band students in the district, the All-Band Night concert is a ticketed event. Each band student in grades 5-12 will be given 2 free tickets to the concert for their caregivers. Only audience members presenting these free tickets will be allowed in to view the concert. Band students will be receiving their tickets from their band teacher in class next week to bring home. We apologize in advance that seating is limited for the All-Band Concert.
Tickets are not necessary for the All-Choral Concert or the All-String concert.
Pembroke SEPAC Meetings
SEPAC Parent & Caregiver Support Group Meetings for 2025 Announced
We’re excited to share the schedule for the SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council) Parent & Caregiver Support Group Meetings for 2025. Thank you to all the families who provided feedback on preferred meeting times—your input helped shape this schedule.
All meetings will take place at the Pembroke Community Center
Here’s the schedule for the upcoming year:
March: Monday, March 10 | 9:00–10:30 AM
April: Wednesday, April 2 | 6:30–8:00 PM
May: Monday, May 12 | 9:00–10:30 AM
June: Wednesday, June 11 | 6:30–8:00 PM
We hope to see you at one or more of these meetings!
School Council Update:
At our February school council meeting we reviewed the school’s most recent data. This included DIBELS, IReady, and MCAS. The data review was in support of our achievement goal. Click here to review the School Improvement Plan for this year. Our next meeting will be on March 27 at 3:00.
Nurses Corner
It’s that time of year with an increase in absences. Please remember:
If your child will be absent from school be sure to call the school at 781-293-5411 and select option 3 to leave a message on the absent line by 9AM. Be sure to state your child's name, homeroom and reason/symptoms.
Notes to the Nurse - If your child is missing school for a doctor’s appointment, be sure to submit a doctor’s note to Nurse Nali. The note can be dropped off at the main office, emailed to Jason.Nali@pembrokek12.org, faxed to 781-294-4662 or send the note in with your child and the homeroom teacher will submit it to the office.
The Nurse is in need of new or gently used tops and bottoms size 5-6T or size small for when students have an accident and need to change. If you have anything to donate, please send in with your student or drop off to the main office. Thanks in advance.
Should They Stay or Should They Go?
Should They Stay or Should They Go? When School Children/Youth are Sick
Attendance is important – but your child should not come to school when too sick to learn or there is a risk of making others ill.
When you are questioning whether to send your child to school or not, please keep the following guidelines in mind:
Fever ~ A temperature greater than 100.0 is considered a fever. Your child should be fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medication for 24 hours before returning to school.
Vomiting and Diarrhea ~ Your child should be symptom-free for 24 hours before returning to school.
Rash ~ A rash is usually a sign of a viral illness. It may also be a reaction to a medication or chemical (plant, detergent). If your child has an unusual rash or it is associated with a fever, contact your doctor. Keep your child home until you have discussed the rash with your doctor.
Cold, sore throat, cough ~ Children average six to eight colds per year. Your child may attend school if there is no fever. If cold and cough symptoms are associated with a fever or they do not readily improve, call your doctor.
If your child has anything contagious (i.e. chickenpox, Fifth disease, strep throat, conjunctivitis, impetigo, MRSA, measles, pertussis, etc.), I need to know so we can take the necessary steps to prevent an outbreak.
If your child is being treated for an illness (pneumonia, bronchitis, ear infection, asthma), even if they don’t need medication at school, it is helpful for me to know, so I can provide the best care for them at school.
If your child has sustained an injury ask your healthcare provider when it is safe to return to school and physical activities (physical education and recess). Inform me so we can make the appropriate accommodations at school.
Children with allergies or asthma are often affected more seriously by respiratory infections and may need to see a healthcare provider.
Bournedale News:
Grade 6 Camp Bournedale - Camp Bournedale information packets went home with students yesterday. Camp Bournedale will take place daily Monday, May 12 - Thursday, May 15. The total cost is $330 per student (sibling discount).
Timeline is as follows:
Permission forms & health forms due back to homeroom teachers by Monday, March 24
If your child will not attend Camp Bournedale, notify the homeroom teacher by Monday, March 24
Deposit of $165 is due to Lori Jacobs by Friday, March 21
Final payment of $165 is due to Lori Jacobs by Tuesday, April 22
Parent Information night TBD
We are raffling off the chance to win a 3 night stay this summer in Sunday River, Maine to support the 6th grade class! Raffle ends April 1st. Details are below
Lunch Menu
The Elementary Lunch Menu is now available on the MealViewer app!
Way to go, Titans! Another successful month of Positive Office Referrals!
Learning in Action
Pembroke Public Library Display
Congratulations to four of our Bryantville artists who have their artwork hanging on display in the Pembroke Public Library. Way to go, Sadie, Sophia, and Will, and Natalie! Their art will be on display until the end of March. Be sure to stop by the library and check it out!
More congratulations are in order to our Bryantville Color Guard team for participating in their first competition on Saturday, March 1. The judges were so impressed with your abilities given it was your first competition. You made us so proud!
Sixth Grade Band
Please join us in congratulating our sixth-grade band students on their incredible performance of Eye of the Tiger during halftime at the Boston College basketball game this week! A heartfelt thank you to our families for supporting their children’s love of music and to Mr. Hawes for organizing these fantastic opportunities for our students to shine. We highly encourage students to consider learning an instrument—it's a truly rewarding experience!
We have a lot of events coming and we need your help! Please take the time to navigate to our website and see the opportunities available! Any amount of time helps!
Please remember you will need a valid CORI on file in order to volunteer! Just drop by and Pembroke Public School office with your license (we promise it only takes 2 minutes)
PTO Meetings
This year all meetings will be held at 6:30pm in the Bryantville Library.
We encourage as many faces (new & old) to meet with us in person at the school, but we completely understand that life gets in the way sometimes! That being said, we will be offering the option to join via Zoom for those who can't attend in person.
Hey Pembroke
All three elementary schools are coming together and throwing the party of the year!
Come join us and Bad Decisions on March 15th at Courtside Bar and Grill!
Thinking of volunteering at Bryantville
Please take a moment to check with the main office to see if your CORI is up to date. CORI’s are good for (3) years. Forms are available in the main office. You will need to physically bring your license to the main office for us to complete the background check. Thank you.
Community News
Football and Cheer Registration
Secure your spot for the 2025 Titans Football & Cheer season by registering today! Click here to sign up: https://www.titansfootballandcheer.com/register
Football: Register by May 1st to avoid a late fee!
Cheer: Registration closes May 15th. A brief re-opening will follow tryouts for sideline-only (Grades K-2).
OPEN HOUSE: April 26th | 5:30-7 PM | Pembroke High School
CHEER TRYOUTS: May 21st & 22nd | Pembroke Middle School
Flexible Payment Plans & Scholarships Available
We believe finances should never be a barrier to participation. Payment plans are available, and scholarships are offered to families experiencing financial hardship. To apply, please email ptfc02359@gmail.com.
Family Discount: Families registering 3+ athletes, please contact us before registering for a special discount code!
Our messenger is open! Reach out with any questions—we’re happy to help!
Pembroke Girl Scout Event
March 31st at the Pembroke Library from 6-7PM.
Girl Scout Event in Pembroke
- March 31st at the Pembroke Library from 6-7PM.
Bryantville Elementary School
Email: jennifer.simmons@pembrokek12.org
Website: www.pembrokek12.org
Location: 29 Gurney Drive, Pembroke, MA, USA
Phone: 781-293-5411
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BryantvilleElementarySchoolNews/?ref=bookmarks
Twitter: @PemSch_news