Rough Rider Review
"We graduate students who are college and career ready."

February 2025-💟 Love to Learn 💟
Academic Support
Plan Ahead
Transportation Information
General Transportation Information & Bus Routes
NEISD Transportation information is available in one click! Find out pick up and drop off times, as well as your child's bus route or closest bus stop.
Attention Bus Riders!!!
Students will be given one free replacement, all replacements after the first will be $5.00. For any questions about buses or Smart passes, please go to the AP Office.
Spring Saturday School
Students that have received a "No Credit" in a class for the Spring Semester can attend Saturday School. If you have questions about hours, please contact your child's Assistant Principal.
Students must bring their Student ID and enough school work for five hours. Students must reserve their spot using the Google Form link below, and pay in full before the deadline. No exceptions.
Price: $10.00
Time: 8:00am-1:00pm
Dates for Semester 2 Attendance:
- February 22
- March 1st
- March 22nd
- April 5th
- April 26th
- May 10th
- May 17th
Payment Deadline:
- All online payments are due 4pm the Thursday before
- Cash payments are due at 2pm the Friday before
- Online payment link will be sent to student and parent emails.
For any questions, please go to the AP Office.
Explore SORA
- Find digital study guides 24/7 through Sora- the digital book app!
- SAT prep books have been updated to reflect the 2025 digital exam.
- Many titles are available for simultaneous use.
Information from the CCMR
All students should join the Google Classroom for their graduating class to receive updates and important information. Parents/Guardians cannot join these Google Classrooms but can elect to receive summaries about material posted. See below for the Join Codes:
Class of 2025 (Seniors): yx6zjjl
Class of 2026 (Juniors): kcxh2r6
Class of 2027 (Sophomores): tqp3pfq
Class of 2028 (Freshmen): s3ivnbj
- Seniors: Any senior who has not shown college readiness on either SAT or ACT will be taking the TSI test on Wednesday, March 5. Students who are not sure of their college ready status can see Ms. Bauer in the counseling office. Students wanting to prepare for the TSI can use ready platform in there NEISD launchpad to study and prepare.
- Juniors will be taking the SAT on Wednesday, March 5 - students can be working on SAT prep in Khan Academy at home. All juniors will take the SAT on Wednesday, March 5. Ms. Juniper will be having tutorials for students needing help to prepare for the SAT on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 4:30 to 6:30 PM in room D 12.
- See Ms. Bauer and Mr. Sanchez in the College & Career Center for help or more information with SAT, ACT, TSIA, AP, Scholarships and College Applications!
- FAFSA priority deadline is February 15. Students who are still needing help completing their FAFSA can come to the college and career center during their lunch or after school until 5:30 PM.
- The AP exam payment window is open for students taking a second semester only course. Payments can be made through the student’s Skyward account or by using cash and bringing it to Miss Bauer in the counseling office. Students who missed the registration in the fall for yearlong classes can still register for their exam but will need to pay an additional late fee.
Show me Something Good! - NEISD One Singular Sensation Showcase
Announcements and Reminders
New Cell Phone/Headphone Policy 1/6/25
I hope you have had an outstanding Winter Break!
With the approval of and input from the MTSS committee, the CIC committee, and several teachers, parents, and students that I've spoken with, on Monday, January 6th, 2025, we will implement a new TR cell phone/headphone policy.
New TR Cell Phone/Headphone Policy: During the seven instructional class periods, cell phones and headphones will be put away (not visible) and not used by students. Students may use cell phones and headphones during passing periods and during their lunch period.
Rationale: Schools who have implemented similar policies have seen higher levels of academic achievement, lower failure rates, and an increase in overall student well-being and socialization.
While we understand that it will take time for our students to get fully acclimated to the new policy, we ask for your support when the policy goes into effect. We believe that this policy will help our students focus on the great lessons that our teachers prepare, increasing our students' understanding of subject content.
Bryan Norwood, Principal
Failure to Comply with Administrative Directive
Rough Rider Community,
Over the past few years, administrators have faced greater challenges when addressing some disciplinary incidents including:
- Students fleeing from them when directed to do otherwise
- Students concealing items on their person and refusing to allow the administrator to search them when legally allowed to do so
- Parents instructing their students to not comply with legally allowed searches
Current disciplinary measures, such as In-School Suspension and Out-of-School Suspension, do not effectively deter this behavior. Therefore, Starting Jan. 6, 2025, at our middle and high school campuses, students suspected of possessing a prohibited item, who run away from an administrator to avoid complying with a lawful search, could be sent to the North East Alternative Center.
When a student refuses to be searched or runs from administrators, it undermines the safety protocols we have in place to protect everyone. These actions pose potential risks not only to the individual student but also to the broader school community. We are enhancing the consequences for students who engage in such behaviors to reinforce the importance of safety and cooperation.
TR Administration
Attendance Matters All Day Everyday!
The correlation between excellent grades and excellent attendance is undeniable! Your child’s attendance is also tied to their ability to receive high school credit. If your child has 10 or more absences in a class during a semester, they lose credit in that class. Let’s work together to ensure that our students receive credits and stay on track to graduate. Contact an administrator if you have question regarding attendance. Please remind your child that at TR, Attendance Matters All Day Everyday!
Attendance: Notes for Absences
Closed Campus
Our campus is a closed campus. Students are not to leave campus without being signed out by a parent/guardian in the office. Failure to comply with this directive may result in disciplinary action by administration.
Important Policy Reminders- No Food Deliveries Allowed
🎓Senior Information🎓
Graduation 2025 Information
Roosevelt Graduation
Monday, May 26, 2025
9:30 AM–11:30 AM
Doors open at 8:30 AM
All traditional high school graduation ceremonies, with the exception of the International School of the Americas (ISA) will be held at the Alamodome, 100 Montana St, San Antonio, TX 78203.
The Alamodome will charge $10 per vehicle. Cash will not be accepted.
We will provide more detailed information as we get closer to graduation.
Can’t make it to graduation? North East ISD has you covered. Family and friends can watch each ceremony live and free of charge on the North East ISD Graduation Ceremonies YouTube channel.
This is a reminder FAFSA is a graduation Requirement. It is mandatory. You need to send a screen shot of your FAFSA email where it shows that you submitted it with the date to your counselor ASAP. If you do not plan on completing your FAFSA email your counselor now to let them know.
Also, If you want to graduate get free college through AlamoPromise. You must complete your ApplyTexas and FAFSA by February 28th. You are running out of time. Links to apply are below. If you need help applying stop by the college and career center and see Mr. Sanchez or come by and see your counselor.
https://www.applytexas.org/ - ApplyTexas
https://studentaid.gov/ - FAFSA
https://www.alamo.edu/promise/ - ALAMOPROMISE Information
Order your Cap and Gown
Seniors that want to participate in the graduation ceremony must purchase a cap and gown from Jostens. Please click on the following link to purchase the cap and gown: https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/productDetail/1080546/ROOSEVELT-HIGH-SCHOOL/Cap-and-Gown/2471582528/CATALOG_REPOSITORY/Cap-and-Gown-Unit/2523302735
Cap and Gowns delivery date will be announced in the Spring Semester.
Sports Senior Nights
Seniors, come join us in the stands for Senior Night to celebrate our Senior Athletes!!!
Softball Senior Day: Saturday, April 5, 12:00 PM at NE West
Show me Something Good! - Basketball Senior Night
2024-25 Yard and Fence Signs
Show your support with car decals, yard signs for your home, and fence signs to display on the Roosevelt fence.
Visit our store for all options at www.trptsa.com/spirit-store.
Community Information & Resources
Skyward Family Access: Update Your Portal Information
Stay Connected! Follow us on Facebook
Roosevelt Family Specialist
Melissa Mendiola is Roosevelt's Family Engagement Specialist. She is available to assist with any needs or issues in a student's home life that can negatively affect a student's ability to excel at school. She is able to provide support and services for all students and their families, creating a true connection between home, school, and community. The family specialist's role is to bridge the gap of communication between parents, the school, and the community and provide resources to families who are experiencing barriers, and to empower all parents to fulfill their role as child’s first teacher.
Contact information mmendi2@neisd.net
PH: (210)356-2219
Please contact Family Engagement Specialist for information regarding parent sessions, campus events, parent volunteering, and classroom/attendance support. Send your email to the email listed above to receive information about parent sessions/events/field trips please.
23rd Annual Family Engagement Training (English)
Capacitacion Anual de Participacion Familar (Spanish)
Valentine's Day Craft
February 4th, 9-10AM
What is Emotional Intelligence?
Self-Care and Wellbeing
Boundary IQ
Community Garden
Understanding Hypochondria and Somatic Disorder
Creating Positive Connections in Discipline
February 6th, 12-1PM VIRTUAL
Understanding ADHD
February 11th, 12-1PM
Community Garden
February 12th, 10-11AM
Understanding Depression
February 12th, 10-11AM VIRTUAL
Understanding Cutting and Self-Harm
I don't need help: Supporting People Who Can't See Their Mental Illness
February 13th, 12-1PM VIRTUAL
TR Sports Schedule
⚾ Varsity Baseball JV Baseball
🥎 Softball
Theodore Roosevelt High School
Rider Pride IS Alive!
Theodore Roosevelt School Mission Statement: Our mission is to challenge and encourage each student to achieve and demonstrate academic excellence, technical skills, responsible citizenship, and a healthy lifestyle for success in global society.
Address: 5110 Walzem Road San Antonio TX 78218
Phone: 210-356-2200
Website: neisd.net/roosevelt
Assistant Principal at Roosevelt High School