Trustee Highlights
February 26th, 2024

Students Join in at the Board Meeting
Student leaders from University Park, accompanied by Principal Matthew Harris and Vice Principal Teresa Morales, led the Pledge of Allegiance and the UP pledge to open the Nov. 17 Board of Trustees' meeting. Sixth grade student Kailyn Romero (at podium) told the attendees the story of University Park, while students from Mrs. Varela's class performed a song.
Thanks to the families and staff members who joined the meeting while on winter break!
Oaths of Office and New Board Roles
On Monday, Dec. 17, incumbent trustees Belia Garcia, who ran unopposed, and Amy Ish, who reclaimed her seat for Trustee Area 4, swore their Oaths of Office as administered by Superintendent Rebeca Andrade. In addition, new trustee Jennifer Zanzot, who won the race for the Area 2 seat, was sworn in at the Board's first new trustee for the coming term.
Trustee Belia Garcia being sworn in by Dr. Andrade.
Trustee Jennifer Zanzot being sworn in by Dr. Andrade.
Trustee Amy Ish being sworn in by Dr. Andrade.
At the Dec. 17 Board meeting, the Trustees held their annual organizational meeting, as required by state Education Code. The Trustees ratified the election of Area 5 Trustee Jessica Powell to serve as Board president, and of Area 3 Belia Garcia to service as vice-president. In addition, Amy Ish was elected to serve as Board clerk.
The District thanks Area 1 Trustee Art Galimba, the Board's immediate past president, for his service in that role.
Acknowledging Success
At the Dec. 17 meeting, the Board acknowledged seven District teachers and one former teacher who were recently honored by Hartnell College at the school's Teacher Appreciation Dinner for their work in the District's Extended Learning Program, including our Saturday programs, summer STEAM camp and the annual Invention Convention.
Teachers Sara Mercado and Juan Chavez received the Leadership Excellence Award; teachers Leticia Garcia and Sylvia Valdez received the NASA Award; teachers Oscar Amaro (who was not present) and Airene Canque received the STEAM Award; and teachers Alma Enriquez and Victor Marinelli received the Student Innovation Award. We thank these teachers for going above and beyond in the service of student enrichment.
Safe, Positive and Well-Resourced Schools
At the Dec. 17 meeting, the Trustees received two reports involving the fiscal health of the District.
First, the Trustees received information on the 2024-2025 First Interim Financial Report, which is a mechanism by which the District certifies its ability to meet its financial obligations for the remainder of the current fiscal year, and two subsequent years. After receiving the information, the Board voted 5-0 to approve the First Interim Financial Report, which can be viewed along with the meeting agenda via this link.
Second, the Trustees received information from MCSIG (Municipalities, Colleges, Schools Insurance Group) Executive Director Neddie Sarmiento on a recent and unexpected assessment MCSIG made on all member Districts, which has resulted in the District having to pay a member assessment of $1.2 million to MCSIG. Documents regarding the assessment are also available at the link above.
Fostering Inclusive Academic Excellence
The Trustees approved new board policies and revisions to existing board policies as follows:
- BP 4040 Employee Use of Technology
- BP 0510 School Accountability Report Card
- BP 6162.6 Use of Copyrighted Materials
- BP 6163.4 Student Use of Technology
All new and/or revised policies will be available on the website at this link.
The Trustees also received an information report on student achievement on state assessments. Among the next steps referenced in the information are to ensure families and partners understand the California Dashboard and compare results with recent local assessments to ensure students are being challenged, and appropriate interventions provided. Further next steps also include identifying student groups at the District and school level and address the identified state indicator(s) for which the student group or school received the lowest performance level on the 2024 Dashboard.
Strong Relationships as a Community
Trustees Jessica Powell, Art Galimba and Amy Ish wore their finest Christmas gear to participate in the annual Holiday Parade of Lights, which took place on Dec. 1. The District entered two vehicles into the event, with Santa Galimba riding the school bus and Ms. Powell and Mrs. Ish riding along on the back of a maintenance department truck.
Trustees Ish, Powell, Galimba and Garcia, along with newly elected Trustee Jennifer Zanzot, attended the California School Board Association's Annual Education Conference from Dec. 5-7 in Anaheim. Above, from left: Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services Ron Dillender, Superintendent Rebeca Andrade, Trustees Ish, Powell, Galimba, Zanzot and Garcia, along with Ricardo Tapia, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent.
Next Meeting
The next regular Board meeting takes place on Jan. 21. All meeting agendas are posted to the District website the Friday before the meeting.
Phone: 831-784-2201
Information about School Board Meetings
The Board of Trustees establishes its meeting schedule for the coming year annually in June. Meetings are normally held on the third Tuesday of each month, with closed session occurring at 5pm and the public portion of the meeting starting at 6:30pm; the schedule is subject to change if the third Thursday of a month occurs during an official school holiday or on a national holiday.