Grapevine Mustang Band
September 1, 2022
Good afternoon Mustang Band!
- We have extra show shirts for sale! Please email Mr. Redd for available sizes. Shirts are $25 each and can be paid for by check or cash. Verify availability with Mr. Redd before depositing any money.
- Please help keep your students up-to-date on all class work. In 3 weeks we have our first eligibility report where students that are not passing their classes with at least a 70% will be deemed ineligible to perform with the band.
Every wind player has been issued a school-owned tuner. This tuner is part of their daily supplies and is expected to be used. Should a student break or lose a tuner, the student will need to purchase a new tuner from Mrs. Irby for $18. An online payment option through the district site will be available soon.
- The Pit Crew Scholarship recognizes and rewards senior members of the GHS Mustang Band who maintain a good academic standing and who exemplify what might be called the “pit crew work ethic” – working behind the scenes, doing unglamorous but necessary work, without seeking a reward other than helping the band. Band member(s) who are selected to receive a scholarship are recognized at the annual band banquet with a financial award that can range from $500 - $1000. The link to apply for a Pit Crew Scholarship will be posted on the Band Website on November 1st, 2022. The deadline to submit an application will be November 15th, 2022.
- The 4th installment of band fees was due Aug 1. Please refer to the Band Fee Payment document for more information. Please note: if you are paying through PayPal and do not send the payment directly to, the processing fees will be charged to your Charms account.
- All Mustang Band members should be practicing their ALL REGION music at home and with their private lesson teachers.
- The band calendar at is your one-stop shop for all dates and times.
- Join the 2022-23 Remind! Info below.
- Lessons are available for all members of the band program. Please go to and set up lessons if you have not already.
- All Families can raise funds for their individual band account NOW with the Scrip Fundraiser. See below for details.
Weekly Schedule
Monday -
3:30pm - Band hall opens
3:45pm - Load trucks
5:30-8:30pm - Stadium Rehearsal MPS
Tuesday -
7:00am - Marching Band
5:00-8:00pm - Chipotle Fundraiser (4609 Colleyville Blvd)
Wednesday -
7:00am - Marching Band
Thursday -
7:00am - Marching Band
Friday -
7:40am - Marching Band
7:00pm - Grapevine vs Argyle at MPS - Itinerary (Future Mustang Night)
Online Auction
Thank you to everyone who bid on the online auction last week. We raised $526 for the band! If anyone is still interested in bidding on the Red Rail Suite it is still up for grabs. Reach out to for info.
Chipotle Fundraiser - Tuesday, September 6
Grab dinner at Chipotle on Tuesday and raise money for the band. You can dine in or order online.
Spirit Wear has arrived!
If you have not gotten your spirit wear it is in the band hall.
Daily Dollar Fundraiser
Update coming soon! If you have not turned in your Daily Dollars Calendar, please turn it in ASAP.
Volunteers Needed
We still need several volunteers to round out our concession stand volunteer shifts. Please sign up to help.
Bands of America - New Mexico Band Trip
We are still searching for box truck drivers for the New Mexico Band Trip. We have to finalize our hotel reservations soon, please sign up to help drive a truck.\
If you would like to be a chaperone or help with props/pit crew our boosters will make sure you have a hotel room. If you are coming to cheer us on in the stands during the competition feel free to book a hotel room anywhere you would like. Pricing and inventory has been a challenge and we do not have a block of parent rooms.
Can you take a Vacation Day off work on Monday, October 17?
The UIL Marching contest is on Monday, October 17th during the work day. We need as many volunteers to help get the equipment to the contest, props/pit on and off the field as we do for a normal contest. In the past it has been incredibly hard to get volunteers since it is a business day. Can you plan ahead to take the day off work and help the band? Does your company offer volunteer hours? Can you use your volunteer hours for this volunteer opportunity? Plan ahead and take the day off work if you can. We would be very grateful for your help.
We are looking for Business Sponsors for this season. Let know if you have warm leads or ideas of businesses we could contact.
Many hands make light loads, laundry loads that is! We need your help keeping our kids looking (and smelling) clean this marching season! Here's how it works; after each game or competition we will send one bag of either shirts or bibbers along with all detergent and instructions home with your student. All you have to do is wash the one load and send it back with your student the following week. It's that easy! Please use the Signup Genius below to choose the dates that work for you.
If available to assist, please contact our Guard Liaison, Brigitte Iafrate, at or 972-948-0357.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
GHS Band Flickr -
More info -
Contact Mr. Redd if you are interested in sharing your story with MFA! This is for students and parents!
Music For All Honor Ensembles of America Auditions
Music for All’s honor ensembles are among the crown jewels of the Music for All National Festival. Individual high school musicians are selected by recorded audition. Members play challenging repertoire under the direction of renowned conductors, alongside outstanding student musicians from across America. Each honor ensemble performs in concert on the final evening of the Festival, Sunday, April 2, 2023. Application Audition Deadline: October 1, 2022
Honor Ensemble Dates:
Thursday, March 30-Sunday, April 2, 2023
Indianapolis, Indiana
Larry J. Livingston
Honor Orchestra of America 2023 Conductor
Mallory Thompson
Alan Baylock
Jazz Band of America 2023 Conductor
Fort Worth Youth Orchestra is looking for percussionists to join their ensemble. This orchestra provides a full orchestra experience for advancing string, wind, brass, & percussion players. They perform a variety of standard and educational orchestral repertoire (grade 4 and 5 level).
Rehearsals are on Sundays from 3:00 – 5:15 pm at FWYO’s Orchestra Hall in Fort Worth. The audition process is easy and financial aid is available. Interested students can go to this link,, for more information.
In the links below you’ll find the signup instructions for our spring trip to Disney! To go on this trip with us, you’ll follow the registration link in the ‘Participant Registration Instructions’ page ( If you went on the NYC trip with us last year, your login and password are still active and you’ll add the trip by using the trip code GO-1007. If this is your first trip with us, you’ll create a profile and add the same trip code. The most important thing to do right now is pay the $100 deposit for the trip before September 15th. This deposit secures airfare for our group, which is the most volatile cost of our trip.
The total price of the trip is outlined on the ‘Terms and Conditions’ page linked below along with the payment schedule for the trip. The total cost of the trip this year is $1,880, which includes airfare, park admission, on-site hotel rooms shared amongst 4 students, and some meals. If you would like to arrange your own airfare, you’ll select the ‘Ground’ package. The total cost of the trip without airfare is $1,280. It is not an option to take trip airfare one way (either departing or returning) with the package. This trip will depart on March 9th, 2023 and we will return to the DFW airport on March 13th. If your airfare is separate, you’ll receive an itinerary with where you’ll meet up with our group and where you’ll depart our group.
If parents, family members, or siblings would like to travel with us, you’ll select one of the ‘Guest’ Packages when you register for the trip. They are more expensive as the cost of the hotel is not split as many ways. If you have a family of four that can stay in the same room, you’ll select one of the ‘Student Quad’ packages and we can clarify that you are not on the student trip at a later date.
One of the Disney days will include all band members performing and recording in the Disney Imagination Campus Soundtrack Session where they will record the film scores for several Disney movies! A detailed itinerary is below.
Everyone will receive a detailed itinerary that includes student check in times, locations for all events, flight and luggage information, and how to arrange which Disney/Orlando Studios rides you would like to go on. We want this trip to be a ton of fun for everyone! If you have any questions about this trip, please email Mr. Rees.
Start Raising Money NOW!
Stay Connected
Here are the links to stay connected!
Instagram: Grapevine Mustang Band Parent Page :
Students/Parents should login and update their CHARMS information. This is our primary form of communication, and it is important to have accurate information.
If you have any questions, or have trouble logging in to your account, please contact Ms. Irby. (
Charms Link
All students and parents must join the Remind Groups. We use Remind to communicate quickly during events and will only send out messages that are important for everyone. Visit the band website for details.
You may pay for your child’s fees easily with a credit card using a Pay Pal account. To use this feature, click on the “Finances” button then choose the “Make A Trip Payment” button. If you have not set up a Pay Pal account, you will be given an option to do so. Choose to pay using your credit card, debit card, or bank account. Make secure purchases without revealing your credit card number or financial information to the GHS Band or the CHARMS system. PayPal offers one of the safest platforms for online commerce with fraud rates at a fraction of those of typical e-commerce offerings. PayPal offers ease and flexibility, accepting all major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express), as well as all major debit cards and direct transfers. Please be aware that there is a fee to pay by credit card.
Grapevine Mustang Band
Location: 3223 Mustang Drive, Grapevine, TX, USA
Phone: 8172515249