PASD Staff Newsletter
NEWS & NOTES October 28, 2022
Marty's Minute
Starting in November, PASD's administrative cabinet team will visit schools weekly on Mondays on a rotating schedule. During this time, we don't have an agenda. We want to see the great work you are doing in your school buildings and learn more ways to support you.
We look forward to seeing you in your element!
Your cabinet team is made up of these team members:
- Marty Brewer - Superintendent
- Michelle Olsen - Assistant Superintendent
- Dr. Rachel Summers - Director of Special Services
- Scott Harker - Director of Human Resources
- Kira Acker - Director of Finance and Operations
- Jennie Wilson - Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
- Carmen Geyer - Communications and Community Relations Coordinator
AmeriCorps Swearing In Ceremony
Our wonderful AmeriCorps members were sworn into service Friday, October 21st, during the virtual Serve Washington AmeriCorps Service Year Launch and Swearing In Ceremony. They joined over 2,000 members in our State serving with Serve Washington and will be counted among over 1 Million AmeriCorps Alum when their terms of service are completed.
Serving this year are Brielle Preskenis at Lincoln HS, Darbey Martin at Jefferson Elementary, Susan Roberts at Dry Creek Elementary, and Ella Lancaster at Roosevelt Elementary. Thank you to this outstanding team of AmeriCorps members who do SO much for our students and staff!
We are still recruiting for partial-year positions. For more information about our program, check out this link. Learn more about AmeriCorps or contact Michell Gentry, PASD AmeriCorps Program Coordinator: mgentry@portangelesschools.org.
Congratulations to all of the AmeriCorps members serving our communities across the country.
AmeriCorps pledge that all members took.
The Return of Nature Bridge!
We are excited and grateful to offer this programming to our students again! Pictured below are Dry Creek sixth graders during their adventure time at NatureBridge.
PAHS Students Do Great Things!
Environmental Science students in Adam Logan's class ended their unit on invasive species by going to the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center and pulling Himalayan blackberries and heaps of English Ivy.
The Port Angeles High School Garden Club delivered 6 lbs of beets, 5 lbs of onions, 7 lbs of tomatoes, and a 3 lb Zucchini to the Port Angeles Food Bank grown on this campus!!
Way to go, Roughriders!
Trunk or Treat!
Clallam County First Responders and Walmart would like to invite our community children to our Trunk or Treat Event held at both the Port Angeles and Sequim Walmart stores from 4 - 6 pm on Monday, October 31, 2022, Halloween Day.
Your local First Responders will hand out a truckload of candy and glow sticks to children to keep them safe for their evening adventures.
Come join us all from 4-6pm on Halloween.
4th Port Angeles Cranksgiving
Bring $15-20 to buy food. Prizes to "first finisher" in several goofy categories. Wear your helmet too!
Click the flyer below for more info!
Teacher Grants for the 2022-23 School Year
Clallam County School Retirees Association - Due December 1st
- CTE Science Equipment Grant
- Teacher/Classroom Mini-Grants
New Grant!
Peninsula Credit Grant: 2022 Peninsula Education Grant (P.E.G.) program. P.E.G. was developed to provide charitable grants to fund programs, materials, and related financial resources for educators to assist in providing learning and growing opportunities for their students. This is one way Peninsula Credit Union is giving back to the communities we serve.
The grants are available to educators in all primary or secondary classes for public and accredited private schools.
Grants will be awarded up to $500.00 for the implementation of new programs and continuation of existing programs, materials, equipment, or supplies. For more information about the Grant Program and how to apply, check out the application HERE.
Please read the grant application materials thoroughly and submit all requested items postmarked by November 18, 2022. All applicants are encouraged to be individual members of Peninsula Credit Union (with their own member number), but it is NOT a requirement. Please see our website (www.pcfcu.org) for more details about the Credit Union and the advantages of becoming a member. Grant recipients will be notified by December 31, 2022, and funds distributed to the respective School Districts for allocation to the educator. Incomplete or late applications will be disqualified.
If you have questions about Peninsula Credit Union or the education grant program, stop by your nearest Peninsula Credit Union branch, call 800-426-1601 or visit online at www.pcfcu.org.
If so, fill out this communications request form ahead of time, and let's celebrate!
Upcoming District Dates
- October 31: District Collaboration Day (no students)
- November 1-4: Parent-Teacher Conferences (1/2 days for students)
- November 10: School Board Meeting - 6pm, location TBD
- November 11: Veterans Day (No School)
- November 23: 1/2 day for students - NO LATE START. Regular work day for all staff.
- November 24 & 25: Thanksgiving Holiday