Online Elementary Weekly Newsletter
September 22, 2024
Office Information
Office Hours
7:00AM to 3:15PM
We’ve moved
780 Wheelock Pkwy
St.Paul, MN 55117
Enter through Door #6 and come to room 1001.
Application for Education Benefits
It is critical that all families complete an Application for Education Benefits each school year. These applications determine how much funding your child’s school receives for educational programs and supports. Additionally, eligible families can qualify for other benefits. Paper applications are available at school or can be completed online at schoolcafe.com/spps.
Principal News
Dear OES Parents,
CogAT-7 testing is coming in October.
Dates: October 7–November 7, 2024
CogAT-7 Screening: Kindergarten
CogAT-7: Second Grade
Grades 1, 3, 4, and 5: Teachers/parents nominate students who have not been identified yet.
Important Information about CogAT-7:
CogAT is being used to identify students who are accelerated learners: Gifted & Talented (GT)
It evaluates the level and pattern of verbal, quantitative, and spatial (nonverbal) reasoning abilities for students from kindergarten through grade 12.
These abilities reflect the overall efficiency of cognitive processes and strategies that enable individuals to learn new tasks and solve problems.
CogAT7 has three batteries: Verbal, Quantitative, and Nonverbal.
The abilities evaluated are those that enable students to acquire, organize, store in memory, and recall information; to make inferences; to detect relationships; to comprehend and analyze problem situations; to form concepts; to discover and remember sequences; to recognize patterns; to classify or categorize objects, events, and concepts; to infer rules and principles; and to relate and use previous experience to accomplish new learning tasks or solve novel problems.
More information will be shared with parents, via Blackboard Connect Messages, next week.
John Osorio
Assistant Principal
651-744-6368 / john.osorio@spps.org
School News
Family Culture Survey
Hello OES parents/guardians, you are important to us. We would like to engage our families and students by celebrating their heritage. Please fill out this four question survey if you are interested in helping us achieve this goal. Thank you in advance.
Social Play Groups
We've received several requests from families interested in forming social play groups. To better understand the level of interest in this activity, we would like to conduct a survey. You only need to complete the survey if you are interested. Please note that these play groups will not be school-sponsored, but rather hosted by families within our OES community.
Once we gather a list of interested families, an OES parent will provide further details about the locations and times of the events, which will take place outside of school hours.
Attendance Matters
It is important for your child to show up to class on time everyday. If your child will be absent from class please contact Belinda Vang via phone or email at your earliest convenience.
Attendance Line: 651-774-4707
Attendance Email: oes.attendance@spps.org
How to report an absence:
Student Name
Parent Name
Student # or DOB
Date(s) of Absence
Reason for being absent
September Attendance Contest
Last week, our OES average attendance was at 90.8%!
This week, classrooms will participate in the last week of the attendance contest to see if they can improve their overall class attendance. Take a sneak peak at the attendance video your students will see on Monday!
Grade Level News
Attached is the Kindergarten Newsletter which shares our theme, the lessons and goals we have throughout the theme, and important dates. It also has links to the Big Skills Document, where you can see exactly what your child should have mastered at this time and a link to our Kindergarten Weekly Photo Drops. Please reach out with any questions, comments or concerns to 651-447-8866.
1st Grade
2nd Grade
Click here for the Second Grade Running Newsletter.
3rd Grade
Welcome to 3rd grade! I will be the substitute teacher while Ms. Moua is out. I look forward to learning with your students! You can email me at: lkoelfgen-faust.toc@spps.org
4th Grade
4th Graders are working on collaboration, presentation and communication skills this week through writing non fiction texts and making their own newscasts. Some are making news reporting videos too and using Canva, which they learned about with Ms. Jensen the last two weeks! We are building classroom community through presentations and showing active listening and positive support for each presenter. In writing, we are focused on writing high quality topic sentences and supporting sentences and in math we are working on estimating and adding/subtracting whole numbers in the hundred thousands. They’ve been practicing close reading on math word problems with great success. This is a wonderful, hard working group!
5th Grade
Hello 5th grade families!
This week, students took their placement tests for reading and math - by the end of next week, students will have more independent work time as we start our targeted reading and math groups. With more independent work, please double check your student’s seesaw app so that they do not have anything in their “to do” or “in progress” folders by the end of the day on Friday!
Students are finishing their first writing unit. They spent the last two weeks writing about a time in their lives that made a big impact - their personal narrative! Please ask your student to share their narrative with you so that you can hear what wonderful stories they have to tell!
If your student will be missing class for an appointment or any other reason, please feel free to reach out through email or text message so that I can send the information to our attendance office.
Have a great weekend!
Ms. E
(651) 456-8606
Specialist News
This week in Innovation we have been discussing your digital footprint and responsibility as a digital citizen. To continue the conversation please see this resource.
Your students have also been asked to work with a parent/guardian to sign the Online School Tech agreement. Please check Seesaw, this agreement must be signed by ALL students and their families and will be covered during the Month of September during Innovations. If you have any question please contact Kelly Jenson.
(651) 764-8082
Welcome to Elementary Visual Art! I am Ms. Haug or you might know me as Ms. H. We have some amazing artists here at the Online School and I am so lucky to be with your students for a second year. You can find me teaching art with the Elementary and Middle School students. I teach K-8 at the Online School.
We have been getting to know one another these first weeks of art rotations. We are sharing noticings about lines and color schemes that artists use to communicate ideas.
Kindergarten artists have been learning about lines and they created Line Fish Art. The third grade artists have been looking at works of art from Mexico and Spain. They created their own Amate Paper inspired Folk art during our second week of school.
I am looking forward to another amazing year with your incredible students and I hope you will stay in touch with me. My school phone number is 612-568-5355 or you can email me at jenna.haug@stpaul.k12.mn.us
Physical Education
I’m Mr. Wiczek, the Physical Education Teacher. These first few weeks in Physical Education have been great! We have focused on getting to know each other, learning about the importance of physical activity, and we have been getting movement during class. My hope is to have as much movement as possible for the students during class time with the amount of time the students are sitting on an iPad. We are also learning skills and movement patterns to improve coordination, balance, and fitness levels. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at 651-603-4652 or shaw.wiczek@stpaul.k12.mn.us
2nd & 5th Graders are completing “Getting to Know You Activities.” They completed a Commonality Padlet to see what each of them had in common. We also had both grade levels combine their answers to compare their commonalities with both grade levels.
Student Support Services
Ms. Silva - MLL
Our OES English Language Development (ELD) team, Ms. Claudia PerezInzunza (Ms. P.I) and Ms. Sherrri Silva will be contacting the families of English Learners (ELs) to introduce themselves, explain ELD Services offered in OES for their children and to schedule in person language assessments.
Additionally, we are celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month. Did you know that Hispanic Heritage month starts mid-month on Sept. 15th to coincide with the days of independence of several Latin American countries?
On September 15th Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua celebrate their independence from Spain. Additionally, Mexico celebrates their independence September 16th, Chile celebrates September 18th and Belize celebrates their independence on September 21st!
Hispanic Heritage Month is an annual celebration in the United States that recognizes and honors the history, culture and contributions of Hispanic and Latino Americans. We would like to acknowledge and celebrate the invaluable contributions of our Latino staff and students at Saint Paul Public Schools. Your dedication, expertise and efforts significantly enhance our district, which educates over 5,000 Hispanic/Latino students.
Please click on the flier below to learn more about HHM at SPPS.
To honor and recognize the diverse cultures in our OES school community, SPPS OES students and staff will be thinking and learning about the heritages, countries and cultures represented in our school throughout the school year. We will begin with Hispanic Heritage Month then continue with a focus on Indigenous, Black, Women’s, Arab, Asian, and other heritages represented.
We are planning seesaw lessons, activities, and assemblies focused on sharing how we can build connections in different ways through our cultures by teaching and celebrating with others our languages, leaders, food, music, art, traditions, and other cultural practices. We will observe, discuss, educate, and celebrate how these similarities and differences unite us. The cultural and linguistic richness of our communities can not be overstated! If you would like to be part of the fun and learning, please fill out the Family Culture Survey above.
Finally, here is a link to an informational bulletin from the district’s Office of Multilingual Learning (OMLL) about the Latino Consent Decree (LCD) Information for Latino Families:
Ms. Zallaps - Special Education
Click here for the class newsletter for September: Zallaps' Class Newsletter
Ms. Steph - Special Education Social Worker
Hello everyone! I’m Ms. Steph and I support families that work with Ms. Zallaps and Ms. Deacon. Please call, text or email me with any questions: stephanie.abbas@spps.org or (612) 548-1841
Ms. Brown - Reading Intervention
SIPPS (Systematic Instruction in Phonological Awareness, Phonics and Sight Words) small groups will start after FAST testing is completed for grades 3rd-5th. Molly Brown will contact families of students that will be part of the groups. Ms. Brown’s contact information is: molly.brown@spps.org or 612-568-4212 (call or text).
Ms. Kim - School Social Worker
Please contact Kim Stout for support around family, community, or school stressors. kim.stout@spps.org or (651)401-5595
Ms. Love - School Counselor
Welcome to a new year! I'm Maki Love, the school counselor. I will visit your student in their classroom every week to teach lessons on social emotional learning, bully prevention, career development, and personal safety!
Throughout the year we will run counseling groups and meet with students one-on-one!
Topics might include: friendship skills, mindfulness, family change, and much more.
Have a question or need support?
Email: maki.love@spps.org
Google Voice Text or Call: 612-405-8056
Ms. McConnell - Navigation Specialist
I’m Ms.McConnell, I’m the Navigation Specialist in the Online Elementary school. I support your students and their teachers when they aren’t able to stop a lesson to reach you. If you have needs, and may not be sure where to go, contact me at 6126994177 or at Kiowona.mcconnell@stpaul.k12.mn.us.
Ms. Shanaz - Onboarding Specialist
I’m Ms. Shanaz, the onboarding specialist. I help new students and families from Kindergarten through 12th grade become familiar with the online school and the online platforms. If you have questions, please call or text me at (612)568-6624.
News from Nurse Jenny
Did you know that there is a measles outbreak in Minnesota? As of September 18th, there have been “51 cases identified in Minnesota in 2024 to date related to the current outbreak (https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/measles/update.html#NaN)”.
Measles is a highly contagious disease that spreads easily by coughing, talking or being in the same room with someone who has measles. Symptoms include a fever, cough, runny nose and watery eyes followed by a rash.
Measles can be very dangerous, especially for babies and young children.
About 1 out of 4 people who get measles will be hospitalized.
1 out of every 1,000 people with measles will develop brain swelling due to infection (encephalitis), which may lead to brain damage.
1 or 2 out of 1,000 people with measles will die, even with the best care.
The best protection for your child against measles is the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine.
The measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine is extremely effective at protecting against measles. The MMR vaccine is one of the required vaccines in Minnesota. Children routinely receive two doses of MMR vaccine: The first at 12 to 15 months of age, and the second at 4 to 6 years of age. Students who do not have two doses of this vaccine are able to complete this series even if they have passed these ages. For more information on measles, please visit the Minnesota Department of Health at https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/measles/index.html.
Please reach out to your healthcare provider or Nurse Jenny if you have any questions on this topic. Nurse Jenny can be reached at 651-419-1219 or you can email her at jennifer.martineau@spps.org.
Community Resources
New resources!
St. Paul Family Resources
Check out this link for a list of family resources.
Ramsey County Children's Mental Health Collaborative
Live in Ramsey County and in need of therapeutic support for you and/or loved ones? https://www.rccmhc.org/referral
Concerned about paying your energy bills this winter?
NOW is the time to sign up for energy assistance. Funding runs out so don’t wait.
Free Farmer’s Market in St.Paul
Drive thru, multiple locations
Fresh Produce Distribution
From July to October, you are welcome to come pick up a variety of free fruits and vegetables for you and your household. Events are open to all and first come first served.
Check out the English Flier, Spanish Flier, or Hmong Flier for more information about locations.
Additional needs?
If any additional needs, please reach out to Kim Stout our school social worker (651)401-5595 or kim.stout@spps.org
Tech Support
Need technology or iPad support?
For quick at home fixes, call
Joshua Thao, iPad Manager:
612-699-4161 / joshua2.thao@spps.org
For in person appointments to change out or fix technology, make an appointment below.
Title I
Dear Parents,
It is our desire to provide parents with the resources and documents they need in their native languages. We want to offer parents the possibility of requesting any school communication or educational documents they consider important or necessary for their knowledge or understanding.
Please let us know what information is required by completing the following form:
Requesting Translation of School and Academic Documents
Title I Resources and Important Links for Parents:
Feel free to contact John Osorio at john.osorio@spps.org with any questions about Title I or any of these documents and services.
Important Dates
October 3 - No School (Staff Professional Development)
October 17 - No School (MEA Break)
October 18 - No School (MEA Break)
October 25 - No School (Staff Conference Prep)