Fugett Flash
Monday, September 11th - Friday, September 15th, 2023
Remembering September 11th
Today is the 22nd anniversary of September 11th, which has become known as Patriot Day. On this day, we remember our fallen Americans who tragically died as a result of these attacks. To recognize this event, staff and students held a moment of silence at 8:46 am, when the attacks of that day first started.
During Social Studies classes, various mini lessons on 9/11 involved activities such as a virtual tour of the 9/11, watching videos produced by the History channel, using music to process and remember, reading an article from Scholastic News, and a developmentally appropriate children’s book based on events from the day. All activities worked to the goal of facilitating meaningful conversations with students. I would like to thank teachers for their caring and respectful approach as we collectively honored the fallen men and women of 9/11.
7th & 8th Grade Open House - 9/14, 6:30 - 7:30
We will gather in the cafeteria until 6:25 and then families will be invited to homeroom classes. Please plan to be in your child's homeroom seat promptly at 6:30 for school-wide announcements and a more detailed layout of the night. We will have staff in the hallways to help you find your homeroom. Anyone lingering in the hallway at 6:31 will be required to dress up as Craig the Cougar at the next FMS football game.
If you need any language interpretation or physical accommodations for this event, please reach out as soon as possible so we can best support your needs.
Introducing Mrs. Jen Gallagher
Interim Assistant Principal, 7th Grade Administrator
Greetings Cougar families! It is my pleasure to introduce myself as Interim Assistant Principal and 7th Grade Administrator at J. R. Fugett Middle School. My first few weeks have been exciting! I’ve been welcomed with open arms by parents, students, and staff and I feel very fortunate to be a part of this community. As I walk around the halls, I can feel the sense of pride and dedication that exists in our staff and I see so much potential in the eyes of our students. Our administrative team is energized, optimistic, and committed to working together to foster an environment where all students feel safe and connected and can excel academically, socially, and emotionally. I am eager to listen and learn from all of you, parents, students, staff, and community, in order to continue to build upon so many amazing things that are already happening at FMS.
I have been dedicated to the field of education for more than 25 years, having spent the last 19 of those years as an English Language Development teacher at Henderson High School. In that role, my students and their families taught me so much about the diverse strengths and challenges that exist among us and this has driven me to pursue a role that will allow me to encourage, model, and support personal connections conducive to understanding empathy, strengthening self-confidence and achieving high levels of learning.
I am thrilled about the opportunity to work closely with all of you and to get to know each and every one of our students. Their opinions and perspectives matter and I want to know what they need to make Fugett a school that they are proud of. I’ve been working closely with Ryan Collins, our Campus Safety Officer, to ensure that our students and staff are prepared for any situation. I am also committed to supporting your vision for Fugett and I hope that you will feel comfortable connecting and collaborating with me to discuss our shared goals and vision for the future. Thank you for a warm welcome! I am confident that together we will achieve great things!
Cougar Proud,
Mrs. Gallagher
Field Study Fridays
"Field Study Fridays" with 8th grade SCIENCE classes! Students take to the stream to learn how patterns are all around us!
Chorale Audition Information
"Attention Fugett Singers! If you are interested in auditioning for the AWARD-WINNING Fugett Chorale, sign-ups are posted outside of the Chorus room (229). Please read the linked presentation found on the Fugett Schoology page and sign up for a time outside the Chorus Room! You'll just need to sing the first verse to ""My Country, Tis of Thee"" for the audition. Please practice and prepare to give it your best shot!
If you have any questions, please email or ask Mr. Hill (mhill@wcasd.net)
Please wait until 7:00 to let children out of the car. We have staff ready to welcome students every morning, but this role does not start until 7:00.
Drop Off/Pick Up for Families with Students at EHS and FMS
To serve you better, families may drop off and/or pick up East and Fugett students at either building, as long at you are using the typical drop off/pick up location.
School Store - Extended
The School Store timeline has been extended to close the evening of September 17th.
ICARE - Weekly Update
Monthly Theme - Respect
This past week, students talked about the "Respect Effect" and how showing respect or being in a respectful environment can have a powerful personal impact. Ask you child what ideas they brainstormed about how they could show respect to others.
PTO Corner
Fright Night
We still need Scare Sergeants to sign up for 5 rooms of the Fright Night Haunted House! If we do not have volunteers for these rooms by September 15th, we won't have a haunted house and will have to cancel Fright Night! Scare Sergeants are in charge of planning the configuration of the room, checking our massive Halloween inventory for props, and purchasing any other props needed (within the fright night budget to be assigned). We will send a separate Sign Up Genius for volunteers for help with the Haunted House room set up the week of, and for scarers in the rooms the night of.
The rooms left are: Mad Scientist, Cemetery, Zombie, Vampire and Skeleton. Check out the SUG here and please consider helping out. We know this is a beloved and long-standing event within the Fugett community!
PTO Donations
Please consider donating to the PTO. Your support allows us to provide funding for field days, assemblies, grade level activities, 8th Grade Picnic, Fright Night, staff hospitality, philanthropy and much more. The PTO asks for donations at the beginning of the school year so we don't have to do a bunch of community fundraisers throughout the year. We kindly suggest a minimum family donation of $20 but appreciate you being as generous as you can. We really appreciate it!
Questions? Concerns? Comments? Check out our Website or Contact us!
Fugett PTO is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. All donations to the PTO are fully tax-deductible.
🗓 Coming Up!
Boys Football Game
Home vs Fred S Engle MS @ 3:00
Mixed Cross Country
Thursday, September 14th
Away at Great Valley @ 3:15
7th/8th Grade Open House
Thursday, September 14th
Monday, September 25th
💡 Reminders
1. FMS Carline Information
See attachment below for specific information regarding FMS carline directions and visuals.
Community Resources
All Community Resource information going in the Fugett Flash need to be approved by Dr. Sara Missett, Director of Elementary Education. Please include Dr. Missett's (smissett@wcasd.net) approval when requesting a flyer be included in the Fugett Flash. Thank you!
1. West Chester Hoops Flyer
See attachment for information about a local basketball program. As a reminder, all flyers going in the Fugett Flash need to be approved by Dr. Sara Missett, Director of Elementary Education.
2. Mental Health Awareness
Come out for a fun day to build awareness for mental health!
3. Young Men and Women in Charge (YMWIC)
YMWIC is a college prep program that specializes in preparing scholars for the STEM fields as well as getting them prepared for life after high school. We do this by exposing them to stem careers, tutoring, college tours, and many more opportunities.