The Buzz
Summer Term - 6th July 2023

Message From the Head of School
I can’t believe we only have two weeks left of this academic year! What a wonderful first year I have had at HISN; getting to know all of the children and families has been a highlight.
This week we had our ‘Moving Up’ morning which was a great success. Children enjoyed meeting their new teacher and were full of excitement for the year ahead. We are mixing Reception this year to ensure we have four balanced classes. This will have a positive impact on all children’s learning as they move up the school. Please try not to pass any parental anxieties on to your children as during the morning all children were happy and excited to meet their teacher and spend time with their new class. Y2 children enjoyed their first experience of HJS and the feedback from Y3 teachers was extremely positive.
Governors sent a parent survey out this week and we would really appreciate as many of you completing it as possible to ensure we get feedback from our whole community.
School Reports are coming home on Tuesday. Please take time to share them with your child/ren. There are instructions in the letter on how to give your feedback. There is an opportunity to discuss the reports with class teachers Monday 17th July from 3pm. Instructions on how to book an appointment are also in the letter.
Claire Cook
Head of School
1C had the best attendance last week with 96.6
RF, RK and 2D had1 late each last week
Last week certificates were given out to children who focussed on the HPP principle of
RDC Jelssie
RF Rory
RC Hugo
RK Adam
1B Sebi
1C Aaron
1H Evie
1K Jesica
2A Violet
2D Eva
2J Leela
2T Ellisa
Art Week
What an amazing Art Week we had here at HISN! The children all got involved and their imaginations soared as the children designed their own t-shirt, used marbling ink to create hot air balloons and even used spray paints to outline different places from around the world. It was so wonderful to see all the children's creativity gathered in the hall for the Exhibition last Friday. Thank you all for coming and celebrating our week of creativity. In case you missed it, not to worry, our online art gallery is going live via the website on Monday 10th July at 9am. We hope you enjoy it!
Come rain or shine we have been enjoying being out in the garden and taking our learning outside.
Whilst outside this week the children have continued to enjoy bug hunting and were delighted to find a caterpillar, snail and lots of ladybirds. They were also excited to see that our wildflower seeds are starting to grow and we are able to see little shoots emerging from the soil.
Other interests this week have included building vehicles with mobilo and testing how fast they can travel down a ramp, weighing different objects and playing in our small world rock pool.
Our focus story 'Clem and Crab' by Fiona Lumbers sparked conversations around what we might see, smell, taste, touch and feel at the beach. The children shared their experiences of going to the seaside and creating their own postcards in the writing area.
What an exciting week we have had in Reception! We loved going to visit Year 1 and felt very grown up completing our first piece of Year 1 learning. All of the teachers were so lovely and friendly and were very impressed with our behaviour for learning. It was really fun meeting our new class friends and playing together in the big playground.
RDC and RF enjoyed taking part in Lazerlions this week and loved learning some new circus skills. RC and RK enjoyed the circus skills workshop last week. We learnt to spin plates, juggle, balance equipment and lots more fantastic circus skills. It was so much fun and we enjoyed using our new skills in the Reception playground!
We have also been learning about sun safety too and thought carefully about the steps we can put in place to ensure we are safe in the sunshine. We learnt a sun safety song called 'Slip, slap, slop' and made a poster to remind our friends of how to stay safe when the weather is hot. We know we need to put on suncream, wear a hat, drink lots of water and find a shady spot to sit in.
We are very excited about visiting Carlisle park next week. RC and RK are going on Thursday 13th July and RDC and RF are going on Friday 14th July. Please remember to fill in the eform that has been sent out - failure to complete the form will mean that your child cannot go on the visit.
Year 1
We have continued with our learning of ‘time’ in maths this week. We have been learning to read and write time to the nearest hour and half hour using an analogue clock, and practically showing times using teaching clocks in class. We looked at the hands on a clock and identified the big hand as the ‘minute’ hand and the short hand as the ‘hour’ hand, and practised drawing these on blank clocks to show given times.
Year 1 had the exciting opportunity to meet and hold some unusual creatures this week with the visit of the hugely popular animal experience company, Safari Pete. The children enjoyed meeting the likes of Lady Gaga the tarantula, Talluluah the meerkat, Juliet the owl, Boo-Boo the monitor lizard and Drake the snake, to name just a few. The children were able to ask lots of questions and share their own knowledge of the various creatures, as well as learning about how these had been rescued.
In PE we have continued to implement our dribbling and passing skills into small sided games (e.g. 1v1, 2v2). We also worked together in teams to play a range of games that focused on using effective communication such as ‘tidy up’.
In English we have started our work on the alternative version of Rapunzel by the author Bethan Woolvin. The children have enjoyed interpreting pictures from the story and comparing this version to alternative versions which they are more familiar with. The children have learnt about keeping a diary and why people keep one. As a class and independently the children have started writing the first part of a diary entry form the perspective of Rapunzel.
In art, the children have started their final topic of the term and are very excited indeed! We are looking at printing in this topic using African fabrics as our inspiration, focusing on the artist Yinka Shonibare and learning about his life and the art that he has created.
Year 2
English: Last week, we told our own versions of 'Meerkat Mail' by imagining where Sunny the meerkat would go on holiday. The children used adjectives, verbs and conjunctions to bring their stories to life. We even had a go at creating our own front covers.
Maths: This week, we have revisited our understanding of 2D and 3D shapes and the properties we can describe. We thought about how we can compare shapes by their properties and where we can see these in our everyday environment.
Geography: We have continued to learn about the water village of Kampong Ayer in Brunei. The children explored what the food is like in Kampong Ayer and how this is different from the meals we eat throughout the day and how food may be grown rather than bought.
PE: As we come to the end of the year, we have been applying our skills to team building games and invasion games. We have thought about how we can use space and our body position to pass a ball through rolling and throwing. The children have come to notice how important teamwork is to make them successful in completing tasks.
Information for Parents
We teach the PANTS rule in school. It would be beneficial to discuss this with your child/ren at home to ensure we use the same language to keep our children safe from harm.
Job Vacancy
We are looking for an experienced, flexible person with a caring nature who enjoys working with children of all abilities. The candidate will need to be able to work across the partnership and is comfortable working in both KS1 & KS2.
Applicants must hold a Higher Level Teaching Assistant standards qualification or equivalent and a current first aid certificate would be an advantage. Experience of working in an educational environment is essential.
For more information and to apply please click the link below.
Autumn term calandar of events 2023 will be uploaded next week.
TechnoKids Coding & Digital Club
Fun computing classes designed to develop Coding and Digital skills for Primary children.
Learn to code your own amazing animations and games, create digital music & art, program interactive robots and much more. Technokids aim to build confidence and have lots of fun!
Sessions include lots of great educational apps to develop problem solving skills and creative design.
NEW Clubs in Autumn 2023 !
HISN have 4 new clubs running for the Autumn term - click links below for further information.
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815