NMS Parent Update
May 17, 2024
Check out what is happening at NMS!!
Don't Forget to Vote - May 21st
For more information on the budget vote, please click this link.
Voting is conducted at the district office starting at 11:00 AM on May 21, 2024.
End of Progress Period
Congratulations to National Junior Honor Society
We would like to congratulate the 26 newest members of the Norwich Middle School National Junior Honor Society. We are very proud of our students achieving this outstanding recognition.
Students were inducted into the NJHS in a ceremony on May 15, 2024!!
Memorial Day Weekend Extended
We hope everyone has a great extended weekend, and we remember why we have the days off, in honor of those who have given all for us. Please take any opportunity to honor those who have given everything for our freedoms.
Attendance Matters
May and June are like the final bosses of the school year for middle school students. Just when you think you've made it through all the levels, these months sneak up on you with their last-minute assignments, final exams, and projects. Showing up to school and being present in class is crucial during this time because students do not want to miss a thing. It’s not much longer until the year has ended and summer will be upon us. We want to make the most of our time together over the next few weeks. Show up every day!
Character Strong Corner
Each Family CharacterDare offers families the opportunity to engage in challenges designed to increase connection and conversation at home. These CharacterDare challenges also provide students with more opportunities to practice habits discussed in class.
Dates to Remember
May 2024
17 - Half Day for Students
17 - 8th Grade Career Day
21 - District Budget Vote
22 - Spring Music Concert - 6:30 PM
23 - Yondr Presentation - 6:30 PM - HS Auditorium
24, 27, 28 - No School - Memorial Day Weekend
4 - Algebra I Regents Exam
13/14 - MS Final Exams
14 - Living Environment Regents Exam
17 - No School
19 - No School - Juneteenth
26 - Last day of School
Norwich Middle School
Email: tdevine@norwichcsd.org
Website: www.norwichcsd.org
Location: 89 Midland Drive, Norwich, NY, USA
Phone: 607-344-1600