South Spartan News
Est. 1932 The Spartan tradition continues…
October 2024
From the Principal
Spartan Families,
I appreciate your time in reading this newsletter. This is one of the ways we communicate all of the great things happening at South Middle School. Here are some other ways you can get information about what is happening at South:
Twitter @southms_gf
Speaking of communication, good two-way communication between families and schools is necessary for building strong relationships and succeeding both academically and socially. Please know you can always email or call me to discuss any of your concerns. I would love to hear from you and build upon our relationship.
Please take time to read this information about our upcoming Parent-Teacher conferences:
SMS Parent-Teacher Conferences
We need more parents in our South Parent Teacher Organization. PTO allows parents and the school to work together to make the school experience more successful. Please consider joining our PTO. If you have any questions or want to know more, please email me and I will get you information.
Lastly, I want to give a huge Spartan Salute to all of our staff and students who are participating in athletics here at South. What an awesome way to get involved.
Spartan Pride
Principal, South MS
Attendance Line: 701-746-2346
Please enter this number into your phone so you can inform us when your student is absent or needs to leave our building during the day for an appointment.
Please be courteous to our office staff and teachers and call well in advance to the time that you are needing to pick up your student. By not doing this could result in delayed dismissal of your student and interrupting a teacher in the middle of teaching a class.
Office Hours
The office is open from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. If you have any questions, concerns, or good news, please stop in or call us at 701-746-2345
8:40 AM - 3:30 PM
School begins at 8:40 AM and ends at 3:30 PM (Band and Orchestra start at 7:50 AM). We ask that students not enter the building before 8:30 AM and leave by 3:45 PM unless they prearrange meeting with a teacher or are involved with music, sports practice, or remain in assigned areas. Assigned areas include breakfast in the commons, 6th grade hallway, studying in the media center, or gym.
Bussing Information
Busing information can be found here or at:
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Fall Parent Teacher Conferences
South Middle School
Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences
October 3, 2024: 4pm - 7pm
October 4, 2024: 8am - 12pm, 1pm - 4 pm
October 8, 2024: 4pm - 7pm
Please select your student’s team from the list below.
Find your student’s Prime Time teacher to sign up for a conference
You will only sign up for ONE conference per student
This will be an in-person conference. If you would prefer a phone conference or video conference, please contact that teacher using the email address provided.
If you would like to speak with a specific teacher in addition to the prime time conference, please contact that teacher using the email address provided.
Please come into the building and meet your teacher in the designated room on the date and time you have selected.
Dear Families,
Get ready—the Scholastic Book Fair has arrived at our school! This is a great opportunity to connect with your child over the thrill of bringing home new books to dive into again and again. Studies show that kids read more when they choose books for themselves, and fostering a love of independent reading leads to a wide variety of benefits—including academic success and improved mental health.
Here’s everything you need to know about the Book Fair:
Dates: Monday, September 30th – Tuesday, October 8th
Times: 8:30am – 3:45 pm and during Parent-Teacher Conferences
Location: South Middle School Library
There’s even more info on our school’s Book Fair homepage:
Every purchase at the Fair benefits our school!
Message from our PTO
Our PTO is off to a great start with many thank yous!
Thank you to everyone who came out for our Qdoba profit share night. We raised $615.21 that night. Our Ole and Lena's Pizza fundraiser has ended and we will be sending out more information once we get a delivery date.
A HUGE THANK YOU to families that have donated meal items for our Parent Teacher Conferences. It has been greatly appreciated!
Upcoming events with more information to come:
- Nautical Bowls Profit Share night coming October 11th
- Texas Roadhouse Roll Fundraiser November 6-20th
You can find our South Middle School PTO Facebook in the link below. This will give you the most to date information and happening at South Middle School!
Mark Your Calendars!!!
October 1-8 - Book Fair in the Library
October 1 - PTO Meeting at 5:15 pm
October 2 - Early Release Wednesday at 1:00 pm
October 3 - Parent Teacher Conferences from 4-7pm
October 4 - Parent Teacher Conferences from 8-12 pm and 1-4 pm
October 8 - Parent Teacher Conferences from 4-7 pm
October 11 - PTO Nautical Bowl Fundraiser - More information to come
October 15 - 6th Grade Activity Night from 3:30-5:00 pm
October 16 - Early Release Wednesday at 1:00 pm
October 18 - No School
October 25 - End of Quarter 1
October 29 - 7th Grade Activity Night from 6:30-8:30 pm
October 30 - Picture Retakes
November 5 - PTO Meeting at 5:15 pm
November 6-20 - PTO Texas Roadhouse Roll Fundraiser
November 6 - Early Release Wednesday at 1:00 pm
November 11 - No School
November 12 - South Band Concert at 7:00 pm
November 19 - South Orchestra Concert at 7:00 pm
November 20 - Early Release Wednesday at 1:00 pm
November 27-29 - No School - Thanksgiving Break
Picture Retakes
Picture Retakes will be on October 30th from 10- 11 A.M. on the stage.
Please pick up forms in the office, the online purchasing is closed.
You may pay with exact cash or check made out to Caulfield's Studios.
We look forward to sharing our Fall Orchestra Concert with you on Tuesday, November 19 at 7:00pm in South's Cafetorium. This performance is required for all orchestra students. Orchestra students will meet at 6:30pm, and must wear full concert black including socks and shoes. If you need help getting black clothes and shoes, please email Mrs. McFarlane. More information will be sent to orchestra families as the date draws near. In the meantime, please make sure this concert is on your calendar.
7th & 8th grade orchestra students who are interested may audition for State Middle Level Honors Orchestra. Recorded excerpts are due to Mrs. McFarlane by Friday, November 22, along with a $10 audition fee (checks made payable to NDSTA). Students who are selected will be invited to take part in the State Orchestra Festival, held Feb 14-15 at Red River HS.
Orchestra performance dates for this school year are listed below (all are required for the grades listed unless noted with an * for optional). Students typically need to arrive 20-minutes prior to an evening concert.
Tuesday, November 19th • Fall Orchestra Concert • grades 6-8 • 7:00PM • South Cafetorium
Monday, December 2nd • Holiday Orchestra Showcase • grades 8-12 (South, Schroeder, RRHS) Orchestras • 9:00-11:30am • RRHS Performance Hall
Thursday, January 23rd • All City Orchestra Festival • daytime rehearsals (grades 6-8) • 7:00pm CONCERT (grades 6-12) • RRHS Performance Hall
*February 14-15 • ND State Middle Level Honors Orchestra • *Optional for grades 7-8 by audition • 2:00 Concert Saturday Feb 11 • Red River HS Performance Hall
Tuesday, April 29th • Spring Orchestra Concert • grades 6-8 • 7:00pm • South MS Cafetorium
Friday, May 9th • MS Orchestra Solo/Ensemble Festival • grades 6-8 • 9:00am-1:00pm
Student Pick Up/ Drop Off Procedures
Keller's Korner
Please click the link in the letter below for the current Free and Reduced Application. The 2023-2024 application covers until October 4th, 2024. If you would like to continue to be covered by this program you will need to fill out the new 2024-2025 application.
Tardy Procedures
Students are expected to be on time and be prepared for school. If a student is late for the start of school at 8:40 AM, then he/she must stop in the office for a tardy slip.
Detention Policy
This policy covers but will not be limited to: arriving late to school in the morning, arriving late to class during the day, not checking in with teachers prior to attending meetings, lessons etc. Below we have outlined the detention policy that will be followed:
-Tardies include EVERY class period and not just PrimeTime, our goal is to make sure the students are getting the most out of their class period starting by arriving on time.
-Every 5 tardies is equal to 1 detention.
-After 10 tardies, a student will be unable to attend activities after school such as: sports practices, sporting games, activity nights, until the missed time has been made up. Students are expected to make up their missed time within one week of the notification being sent home.
-You will be notified from the school once your student has reached the mark 5 tardies resulting in a call/email/letter home from our social worker.
-Detention times are served either from 3:30-4:00pm or in the morning before school from 8:00-8:30am.
-Lunch detention will only be used in cases where your student is unable to sit before or afterschool.
Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices During School Hours
In an effort to decrease distraction and increase student learning and personal connectivity, all Grand Forks Public secondary schools will restrict student cell phone use. This includes add-on devices such as ear buds, smartwatches (notifications must be turned off), and other related devices.
Middle School students who choose to bring their cell phones to school will:
Leave their cell phones with their advisory teacher at the beginning of each school day.
Advisory teachers will secure student phones in locked storage containers until the end of the school day when students will be dismissed in time to retrieve their devices.
No cell phones will be allowed in classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, or locker rooms.
Each school office will communicate a procedure for students who leave school early for appointments, competitions, family related events, etc.
Each 6-12 student will be issued a Chromebook which will provide educational access to the district’s online resources deeming cell phone access unnecessary.
Each school’s office staff will happily get a message to your student during the day if necessary. Students will also be allowed to use the office phone to make important calls during the day.
Middle School Consequences
First Offense: the phone is taken to the office and released to the student at the end of the day; parent / guardian notification. Expectations reinforced with the student.
Second Offense: the phone is taken to the office; parent / guardian picks it up in the office. Student serves detention.
Third Offense: the phone is taken to the office, parent/guardian picks it up. Student serves detention and their phone must be turned in to the office daily at the beginning of the day for the remainder of the semester.
Middle and high school students who do not comply or refuse to turn over their phone may be subject to additional consequences which may include but are not limited to detention, in-school suspension, and/or suspension.
Spartan WIN Club is Back!
Device Protection Plan Coverage - Deadline to Purchase is October 18, 2024
The Device Protection Plan (insurance coverage) is optional device insurance and available to families that wish to protect themselves from damage expenses for their student’s school-issued iPad or Chromebook. The Device Protection Plan covers 100% of all accidental damage, fire, flood, natural disasters, power surge, and vandalism to your child’s school-issued iPad or Chromebook with a $0 deductible. The Device Protection Plan will provide coverage on school grounds, at home, on the bus, and anywhere your child may travel. Insurance coverage is available for purchase through MySchoolBucks (When logged in to MySchoolBucks, select “School Store” – and then “Browse All Items”). You can also send a check with your student to school - $20 per student/device; $10 per device for students qualifying for free/reduced meal status.
School Cancellation and Postponement Procedures
School cancellation and Postponement Procedures can be found here: