The Mustang Message
September At A Glance
Happenings in the Mustang Stable...
To help streamline drop-off and minimize traffic congestion around our school, we want to remind everyone that our campus opens at 7:15 AM, Monday through Friday. We encourage you to take advantage of this early access, as it allows for a smoother and safer drop-off experience. By arriving early, you can avoid peak traffic times and ensure that your students can get to class on time. We appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain a safe and efficient environment for all our students. Thank you for your support!
Effective Monday, September 9, 2024, we will be implementing stricter measures to address the increasing number of tardies students are accumulating. Our goal is to foster a more punctual and productive learning environment.
Here’s how the Tardy policy will work:
Tardies Will Be Counted Per Period: Each tardy will be recorded individually for each class period. This means that students can accumulate up to 6 tardies in a single day if they are late to all their periods.
Consequences for Tardies: For every three tardies accumulated in a day, students will receive one lunch detention. This could result in up to two lunch detentions per day if a student is tardy to every period.
Accumulating Detentions: If a student accumulates more tardies than they can serve through lunch detentions, they may be scheduled for after-school detentions.
We understand that unforeseen circumstances can sometimes cause delays, but we believe this policy will help improve overall punctuality and classroom engagement.
What You Can Do:
Encourage Timeliness: Please remind your child of the importance of arriving to class on time and the impact their punctuality has on their learning and the learning environment for others.
Monitor Attendance: Check in with your child about their class attendance and punctuality to ensure they are aware of how many tardies they have accrued.
We appreciate your support in reinforcing these expectations with your child.
Counselor Corner
SAT School Day Exam Registration Available Now!
Registration for the SAT School Day Exam is now Available. The SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) is a standardized exam conducted by the College Board that is applied for admission to a bachelor's degree in the United States. The SAT, in addition to measuring the knowledge obtained during high school, also evaluates the student's future learning capacity. In other words, this test focuses on measuring the reasoning that each candidate has in areas such as reading, language, writing and mathematical knowledge.
Seniors can register to take their SAT exam during school on Tuesday, October 29th. Registration forms are available in the front office and counseling office. Students should submit their completed registration form and exam fees to Mrs.Villasenor in the front office by Monday, September 23rd.
Regular exam fees: $60
Reduced exam fees: $8
Makes checks payable to "AADUSD" and write your student ID# on the check
Students are eligible for the SAT Exam fee reduction if:
-Student is enrolled or eligible to participate in the Federal Free or Reduced-Price Lunch Program
-Student is in a foster home, homeless or migrant
-Student’s family receives public assistance
-Student’s family is at or below the poverty level (information available in counseling office)
See counseling for assistance if you are not sure if you qualify for the fee reduction.
SAT_School_Day_Exam_Registration_Form_2024.pdf (49.6 KB)
AP Exam Registration Available Now
AP Exam Registration is now available. Registration forms are available in the front office and Wellness Center. The deadline to submit your AP Exam Registration Form to Mrs. Villasenor in the front office is Friday, September 27th
Regular exam fee per exam: $99Reduced exam fee per exam: $10
Makes checks payable to "AADUSD" and write your student ID# on the check
Students are eligible for the AP Exam fee reduction if:
-Student is enrolled or eligible to participate in the Federal Free or Reduced-Price Lunch Program
-Student is in a foster home, homeless or migrant
-Student’s family receives public assistance
-Student’s family is at or below the poverty level (information available in counseling office)
For questions regarding AP Exams, Exam fees, waivers, and payments plans please reach out to counseling.
Thank you,
AP_Exam_Registration_Form_2024-2025.pdf (60.5 KB)
The school site council is a group of teachers, parents, classified employees, and students, that works with the principal to develop, review and evaluate school improvement programs and school budgets.
The members of the council can self-nominate are elected by their peers. There are approximately four meetings per year. The SCC is a great way to make a difference.
To apply, please contact the Principal Dr. Smith at rsmith@aadusd.k12.ca.us
NHS/SNHS Membership applications are available in the front office!