St Luke's Catholic Primary
Message From The Principal
As we approach the end of Term 2 there is much to be grateful for. My thanks to the families for your ongoing support and to the children in our school who continue to enrich all our lives daily. I am grateful to Sarah Williams, Kristy Graffin and Nat Vennetti for their smooth running of the school in the past 5 weeks while I have been on leave.
For me personally, the recent pilgrimage to Turkey (known as the Land of the Apostles) and Greece has enriched my life in so many ways. Highlights included a visit to the cave where St Paul preached, and which was where the word Christians was first used to refer to the followers of the Jesus Christ. The opportunity to celebrate daily Eucharist at places such as the House of Virgin Mary (on top of Mt Coresses, which Pope John XXIII proclaimed a sacred place in 1962), Lone Pine (Gallipoli) and Corinth were incredible experiences. To be immersed in the lands where Christianity spread around the world, together with visits to some of the world’s finest archaeological sites was a gift for which I am very grateful.
Fr Stan is now on leave visiting family in Poland. We wish him a safe and memorable holiday and warmly welcome Fr Greg Donovan.
We wish you all a safe holiday when it arrives and look forward to welcoming you back in Term 3.
Kerry Hewitson
Message from the Assistant Principals
Mid-Year Reports
Mid Year reports for all students Pre Primary-Year 6 will be available through your SEQTA Engage portal from 3:00pm on Wednesday 26th June. This year, Kindergarten students will also receive a Mid-Year Developmental Profile to formally report on their progress.
SEQTA accounts have been emailed to all families new to the school and to all Pre Primary parents at the beginning of the school year or at enrolment. If you did not receive a welcome email or would like it re-sent, please fill in this form by 3:00pm Friday 21st June. Kindly make note of your password when you set up your account. Please note that you will only have 7 days to register your account after receiving the email.
School Photos
How to Order
- Photos can only be ordered online at www.3p.net.au
- The school's shoot key is : FN3T95K
- Please ensure you child's hair is neat and tidy.
- Years 1-6: Jumpers and closed in black shoes are required. As we are transitioning from the old uniform to the new uniform, we understand that not everyone will own a new formal uniform, however, please opt to wear the new formal uniform if you have purchased it. We will do our best to make the class photo look as balanced as possible.
- Pre Primary: Please wear sport uniform. No jumpers.
- Pre Kindy and Kindy students: Please wear the Kindy coloured T-Shirt, no jumpers for photo.
- Year 6: Leader's Shirts Friday and Formal Uniform Monday.
Sibling Photos
- Will be taken before and after school on these days.
- Students will not be collected from class.
- Year 6 students who are having sibling photos, may wish to consider that they are wearing leader’s shirts on Friday and formal uniform on Monday, when choosing when they have their sibling photo taken.
Delivery of Photos
- Orders will be delivered to the school. You will be advised by SMS when they are distributed to students. Any absent children will receive theirs upon return to school.
- Digital Downloads will be available at www.3p.net.au after delivery.
- All queries regarding the photos please contact 3P Photography on 9250 6244.
Please see below for the photo schedules. Please note the change to the Year 6 uniform days (Leader's Friday and Formal Monday). The times below are an estimate and may be subject to change on the day.
Three students from the Faith Ministry were also selected to represent St Luke's at the Archbishop's Life Link Launch. Congratulations to Tyrus, Amelie and Kaylee for representing the school so beautifully.
Congratulations to the Year 6 students who received the Holy Spirit through the Sacrament of Confirmation recently. A special thank you to Father Stan for two beautiful celebrations. Thank you also to Mr Plint, Mrs Barry, Mrs Coon and Mrs Graffin for assisting the students in their preparation for the Sacrament. Thank you to Miss Robertson and the school choir for sharing your talents with us at the Sunday morning celebration.
Action for Happiness: Happier Kinder Together
You may be interested in the free Action for Happiness app for iOS and Android, for more info click this link: https://actionforhappiness.org/all-calendars
Please click here for this week's Kids' Bulletin and activities.
Have a wonderful end to the week and an even better weekend! We are nearly there..... there is a light at the end of this very loooooooong term!
Kristy Graffin & Sarah Williams
Assistant Principals
Congratulations to our Merit Award Winners!
Parents & Carers Corner
Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Being mentally healthy during childhood and adolescence means reaching developmental and emotional milestones, learning healthy social skills and how to cope when there are problems. Mentally healthy young people have a positive quality of life and can function well at home, in school and in their communities. This ability to function ensures their overall wellbeing and resilience.
Here are six key points about child and adolescent mental health:
Developmental Milestones: Good mental health goes hand-in-hand with hitting those expected benchmarks in how they think, feel and interact with the world around them. This includes things like learning to express themselves clearly, dealing with emotions in a positive way and building strong friendships.
Emotional Wellbeing: Strong mental health in children and teens is like a foundation for their overall wellbeing. It empowers them to navigate the world through healthy thinking, emotional regulation and positive social interactions. This includes learning to communicate effectively, manage emotions constructively and build strong, supportive relationships.
Risk Factors: Stress, trauma, adverse childhood experiences and toxic environments make it difficult for a child to thrive.
Coping Skills: Equipping children and teens with healthy coping mechanisms is an essential investment in their future wellbeing. These skills empower them to navigate life's inevitable challenges, bounce back from disappointment and manage stress in a constructive way.
Supportive Relationships: Strong, positive relationships with family, friends and teachers are all building blocks for life-long emotional wellbeing. These supportive connections nurture resilience, helping young people navigate challenges and bounce back from setbacks.
Is it normal or should I be concerned?: It is essential to distinguish between typical developmental phases and potential mental health problems. While some moodiness or defiance is normal during adolescence, persistent or extreme behaviours may indicate a deeper issue.
Finding meaningful and effective ways of investing in child and adolescent mental health is like planting seeds for a strong and resilient future. Early intervention allows us to identify and address any emerging challenges promptly, preventing them from evolving into more serious problems for the individuals as well as the wider community.
Source: www.vitalstaff.com.au
Upcoming Events
As calendar dates can be subject to change, please always confirm events by checking our online calendar - https://www.stlukeswoodvale.wa.edu.au/community-calendar
Week 9
Friday 14th June
- School Photos
Week 10
Monday 17th June
- School Photos
Wednesday 19th June
- St Luke's Lombardi School of Music Recital 3:00pm
Friday 21st June
- Interschool Cross Country (Year 3-6)
- Mater Dei Showcase 11:30am
- Merit Award Assembly 2:20pm
Week 11
Wednesday 26th June
- Mid-Year Reports released 3:00pm
Friday 28th June
- Year 5 NAIDOC Assembly 8:45am
- Term 2 Concludes
Term 3
Week 1
Monday 15th July
- Term 3 Commences
Friday 19th July
- Whole School Mass- Feast of Blessed Francis Jordan 9:00am
School Social Media
- St Luke's Facebook
- St Luke's P&F
- P&F Fathering Group
- St Luke's Twitter
- St Luke's Instagram- @stlukeswoodvale
- Lulu the St Luke's Dog Instagram- @luluthestlukesdog
Each year level also has a Facebook group for families to join which are managed by our class representatives. These groups are a great way to keep in contact with other families in your child's year level and can be found here.
Mathematics Parent Workshops
In an effort to support our student's mathematical understanding, we are planning on running parent workshops on Monday, 22nd July. Based on the level of interest indicated, the workshops will run 8:40-9:30am and/ or 5:30-6:30pm.
The workshops will cover:
- Practical ways to support your child's learning at home
- Hands on activities
- Using consistent language at home and school
- Games and activities to engage children at home
- How we learn and teach mathematical concepts
Please use the form here to indicate your interest. The school will communicate the time/s of the confirmed workshops based on the number of responses.
Lego Club
We would like to expand our lunchtime Lego Club to include more children. If you have any Lego at home that is no longer being used, please consider donating it to our Lego Club. Any Lego donations can be dropped off at the Rainbow Room on Wednesdays – Fridays. Thank you!
Library News
Can you read 12 books? How about 12 short stories, or 12 comics or 12 graphic novels or 12 poems? Or a mix?
That’s all you need to do to complete the 2024 Premier’s Reading Challenge. And there are fantastic prizes! Go to premiersreadingchallenge.wa.edu.au or visit the Library for a bookmark with the QR code. Log in and start reading!
At the end of your quest, you’ll receive a special certificate signed by the Premier. It’s like winning a gold medal in reading! Get ready to explore, grab your reading and a bookmark, get comfortable and take off! Your next great story awaits.
The SHINE students (Years 3-6) have recently been looking at ways to create costumes and props in preparation for Tournament of Minds in Term 3. We had Stephanie from Remida join us for an incursion, where we created wearable art. We have also been looking at different ways to solve short term thinking problems and be effective members when working in teams. In class, we were given the task of decorating a rainbow bear and coming up with a story to match the school's rainbow values. We have also used our green hat (creative) thinking when we took different photographs around the school and at our homes. Our current project is to create a scarecrow for the Royal Show this year. If you are planning a visit, then make sure you look for out for our wolf and three pigs.
ICAS Assessments
A Note from our P&F
Locavora Lunches
Locavora lunches are back for Term 2. As usual, to be able to continue this service, we do require volunteers on a Thursday. If you are able to help, please use the link to sign up. Thank you! https://signup.com/go/YpkbihX
Thank You
Thank you to Kelly Matthews and the team for the organising and running of the Mother's Day stall.
Thank you to our Father's Group for organising and cooking the delicious breakfast on our Mother's Day morning.
Student Spotlight
If you have any good news stories about our students that you would like to share with the community, please send any photos and a short blurb to natalie.vennitti@cewa.edu.au
Congratulations to Isabel (Year 5) who successfully completed the 12k HBF Run for a Reason! She finished the course in under two hours and ran the entire way. Isabel's family ran in support of Lifeline, an organisation her father works closely with. Amazing work Isabel!
Congratulations to Sophie (Year 1) Charlie (3YOK) and her parents Barbara and Damien on the safe arrival of baby Joey, born on 14th May. We hope you are enjoying your time together as a family of five!
Last term, Elia and Sydney (Year 6) competed in the State Gymnastics Championships, winning Gold and Silver Medals respectively. Both girls rightly earned a place on the Western Australian Gymnastics Team. Immediately after making their Confirmation at St Luke’s Parish on Saturday 18 May, Sydney and Elia, together with their families flew to the Gold Coast to compete in the Australian Gymnastics Championships for U13 Tumbling. Competing against 36 girls from around the country, both made it through the qualification rounds and into the final. Although the medals went to Victoria, South Australia and Queensland, the girls did their state, families, and our school extremely proud. An amazing achievement for these Year 6 students.
Sport News
Winter Carnival
On Thursday, 30th of May, Year Six and selected Year Five students braved the wet and wild weather to participate in the Northern District Schools Sports Association Winter Carnival. The students could play netball, soccer or AFL in a round-robin competition against seven other schools.
Although we did not come home with a trophy, we had many great wins and close games throughout the day. I want to commend our students for displaying exceptional resilience, comradery and teamwork skills during the wet conditions on the day.
Interschool Cross Country
The students have been training hard every Tuesday and Thursday morning for Interschool Cross Country next week. I want to thank the students and their parents for their commitment to coming to training through rain, hail and shine, bright and early in the morning. A special thank you to Mr Geoghegan and the helpers for supplying the team with breakfast after every session. It was well deserved after all the training the team did!
Important Dates
Term Two
21st June – Interschool Cross Country
Term Three
1st August – Year Three-Six Jumps and Throws Carnival
6th August – Kindy Athletics Carnival
9th August – Pre Primary-Year Six Faction Athletics Carnival
Emily Rasmussen
Physical Education Co-ordinator
Student Leave During School Term
St Luke's Parish
Welcome to Mass everyone and a big welcome to all new parishioners and visitors to our
Parish of St Luke, Woodvale.
If you are new to our parish, we invite you to complete the Visitors' Book in the foyer.
Fr Stan would also love to meet you, so please introduce yourself at school or after Mass. You are welcome to visit the pastoral office on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9.30am—2.30pm.
For more information about our wonderful St Luke's Parish and to read the current
Bulletin please click here.
Youth Group Report
Last week we had our 24:7 Woodvale 5th week combined event. We had an absolute blast! The night was filled with engaging activities which kept everyone excited and entertained. We had a few competitive games in the beginning, which then led into the main event of the night: our Gold Rush tournament. We will definitely bring this game back sometime soon! Overall, it was a night of fun, bonding and unforgettable memories for everyone involved. We are looking forward to seeing everyone back at St Luke’s Parish hall in the next fortnight.
After School Care
Music Tuition
Community News
Please click here to register your child for the Young Engineers Olympic Winter Camp at St Luke's on Wednesday 3rd July.