Oshki Ogimaag Community School
October 27, 2024
Weekly News and Updates
Boozhoo Oshki Ogimaag Community School Families and Community Partners,
Agindaaso - s/he reads, s/he counts
This school year, Ms. James implemented Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) into our weekly schedule. Each week, the entire school; students, teachers and all staff, spend 15 minutes silently reading at the same time. Ms. James wanted adults to role model interest in reading to spark joy in reading for students.
SSR enhances reading enjoyment. Students can pick any book they choose and find cozy places to relax and focus on their books. SSR is for the pure joy of reading with no pressure on students.
SSR can increase reading comprehension. Students do not need to focus on pronouncing each word correctly and can read at their own pace. SSR can improve vocabulary in students as they focus on context clues to interpret the text. Because reading and writing skills are intricately connected, SSR can improve writing skills. Consistent SSR can inspire creative thought processes that transfer to the written word.
In a world where it seems we are inundated with information at a rapid pace, and we navigate spaces filled with noise, SSR can be a peaceful, calming activity that opens up the imagination. It could be a wonderful family activity to try at home!
Looking for a quick way to check if a text is too challenging for your student? Sometimes people use the “Five Finger Rule,” where you open up a book to a random page and have your student read, they put one finger up for each word they cannot read, if they reach five in one page, the text may be too advanced for your student. However, if you are reading with your child and supporting them in sounding out words, and they are in a patient mood, a more challenging text can be a great learning tool. Rereading the same text daily over a period of a week or two can be a great way to support developing literacy skills in fluency, vocabulary and comprehension.
Mark Your Calendar!
Oshki Ogimaag Community School's Annual Meeting
- When: Wednesday, November 13 at 5pm
- Where: Oshki Ogimaag Community School
- What: The Annual Meeting is a time for Board elections, to reflect on the past year, looking at the Annual Report presentation, and envision the future for Oshki Ogimaag!
- The dinner will be pizza provided by Oshki Ogimaag and potluck. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share!
- We hope to see you there!
Classroom Focus
A Peek Into Our Week:
Waagoshag - In Reading, Kindergartners are focusing on sounding out CVC sight words, reading poems and identifying words that rhyme. 1st graders are reading short stories and responding to comprehension questions. In Writing, Kindergartners are working on letter recognition and 1st graders are working on spelling sight words and writing short sentences. In Math, Kindergartners are working on number sense, learning to understand what numbers represent and number recognition, and 1st graders are working on addition and subtraction word problems. In Science, Kindergarteners and 1st graders completed a unit on bats and started a unit on spiders! In Social Studies, Kindergartens are working on a Toys and Play unit and 1st grades are working on a Tools unit.
Makwag - In Foundational Reading Skills, 2nd graders did multisensory work with high frequency sight words; they practiced making the words with play-doh, which helps with word recognition, the hands-on building of the words supports their understanding how words work and improves their fine motor skills for writing. They made art with the words, wrote sentences, practiced spelling and sounding out sight words, and had 1:1 reading time with Ms. Tina.
In Math, 2nd graders began a unit on Collecting and Representing Data, and had lessons on Interpreting Picture Graphs and Interpreting Bar Graphs.
In Language Arts module, 2nd graders completed their unit Schools and Their Importance. They wrapped up the unit completing a close read of each section of The Invisible Boy. Students learned how to identify details in the text and illustrations to help them answer in-depth questions regarding how characters responded to events of the story. They demonstrated their understanding through large group and partner discussion, acting out parts of the story, and through written response.
In SEL (Social Emotion Learning) 2nd graders focused on how our actions/choices affect our day and the feelings of others, respect and compassion, and they learned about Expected and Unexpected Behaviors, including how our actions affect others in the group.
In Social Studies with Ms. James, Makwag are learning about the history of Grand Portage! Students ended the week focusing on Environmental Education with a Forest Friday hike with Ms. James and Ms. Char, and recoding scientific observations in their nature journals!
Migiziwag - 5th graders are reading Esperanza Rising, they are practicing answering comprehension questions and finding evidence in the text to support their answers. 3rd and 4th graders are reading, Love That Dog, they are learning all about poems and poetry writing. In Art, Migiziwig studied Norwegian artist Edvard Munch and made art inspired by Munch’s famous composition Skirk (The Scream).
Halloween Parade!
Halloween Week!
Students should come to school on Halloween in their regular clothes, but are welcome to bring a costume for the afternoon. At 1pm students will do our Annual Halloween Parade in the Community Center! After the paradte, they will return to their classrooms for classroom Halloween parties!
Week At-A-Glance:
October 28-November 01
- On Monday afternoon, all students will process manoomin (wild rice).
- On Tuesday, we will have an Osprey Wilds (our charter school authorizer) site visit and our Special Education Director, Noreen Foster, will be here for a site visit as well. On Tuesday, Mr. Peter James will be subbing in 2nd grader for Ms. Tina, so that she has time to meet our visitors! On Tuesday afternoon, Waagoshag will be harvesting the last of the potatoes and onions for pasties that the Elders will be making!
- On Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Fish will be doing Bus Safety presentations with each classroom.
- Thursday is Halloween! Students will have an opportunity to dress in their Halloween costumes after lunch. At 1pm we will do our Annual Halloween Parade in the Community Center (All are welcome!), followed by classroom Halloween festivities.
- Friday afternoons each classroom does a Forest Friday hike! We also hope to have a campfire Friday!
Please Share and Reach Out With Any Questions!
Fantastic Attendance This Week!
We are on a GREAT Attendance streak! We hope to keep this trend going!
Community Connections
Red Ribbon Week
Ms. Leslie Olson, Children's Mental Health Support Provider at Grand Portage Human Services, visited each classroom, to talk about Red Ribbon Week, and talked about the importance of kids saying no to drugs, to keep their bodies safe.
Cool School Happenings:
Special Lunch Tray Winners, campfire and enjoying the beautiful autumn weather!
Please Join the Oshki Ogimaag Community School Board of Directors!
We Need at Least 1 More Parent of a Currently Enrolled Student to Join Our Board!
We are looking for a minimum of one more individual who is a parent/guardian of a currently enrolled student of Oshki Ogimaag Community School to join our Board of Directors! The Parent Board Members are required per MN statute. We are looking to fill these vacancies ASAP!
The Board meets 1 time per month, the 3rd Wednesday of each month (unless otherwise noted on the calendar), at OOCS at 4:30pm. Board elections will take place at our Annual Meeting on November 13th! Please reach out if you are interested!
Participating on the Board is a great way to serve Oshki Ogimaag Community School and use your voice to play an instrumental role in supporting OOCS in meeting the goals of our mission! Also, we have amazing Community Board members that you would get to spend time with!
Please reach out (email below) or reach out to a current Board member (see our website) if you are interested!
Oshki Ogimaag October 2024 Menu
Oshki Ogimaag 2024-2025 School Calendar
Chi-miigwech to our Families and Community Partners for your continued support!
Community Events and Notices:
- 31 Halloween (No After School Theater Class on Halloween), Oshki Ogimaag Student Halloween Parade at the Community Center at 1pm!
- 01 Start of Indigenous Peoples' Heritage Month
- 04 NO SCHOOL Professional Development Day
- 07 After School Theater Class 3:15-4:45pm
- 13 OOCS Annual Meeting at 5pm, All Community members welcome!
- 14 After School Theater Class 3:15-4:45pm
- 20 OOCS Board Meeting, 4:30pm, OOCS Conference Area
- 27-30 NO SCHOOL Indigenous Peoples' Heritage Break