Town Center Principal Newsletter
August 18, 2023
Friday, May 10th
Field Day Volunteers Needed - Monday, May 20th
Volunteer Opportunities: We are looking for volunteers to help run games and activities for the different groups throughout the day. Please use the Sign-Up Genius to sign up for a time slot. As the event gets closer, PTO will reach out with your specific station and instructions.
Parent Volunteers:
Class Walkers:
Background Check to Fill Out ASAP:
As a reminder, you MUST have a background check completed to volunteer for a station or walk with your class. You can complete through the district website. If you have issues, PLEASE feel free to reach out to our front office staff.
Thank you PTO!
Today we wrap up our last field trip of the year with our TCE learners! I want to send out a big thank you to our PTO for supporting our field trips. This year, they once again used money raised for our campus to cover the cost of field trip busses. This helped lower the overall cost of field trips for families. In addition to supporting the cost of transportation, PTO also allotted funds for multiple scholarships throughout the year in order for all learners to have the opportunity to attend. A big thank you to all our TCE families for supporting our school!
Summer Camps Sponsored by the CISD Education Foundation
The Coppell ISD Education Foundation (CEF) is excited to offer two engaging and hands-on camps for:
Rising 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th grade CISD students - the Robotics Camp
Rising 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th grade CISD students — the STEAM Camp/Interactive Institute
The Robotics Camp is tailor-made for incoming middle schoolers and 9th graders eager to take their STEM Robotics skills to the next level using the state-of-the-art Lego Education’s Spike Prime technology. Space is very limited!
When: May 28 - May 31 from 9am - 3pm
Where: Richard J Lee Elementary
Cost: $400 - price increase after May 15
Register here: (
The STEAM/Interactive Institute gives participants hands-on exposure to various exciting, real-world applications brought by our corporate partners and designed to complement the CISD STEAM curriculum.
When: June 3 - 7 from 8:30am - 12:30pm
Where: CHS9 Campus
Cost: $250 - price increase after May 15
Register here: (
Sign up today for one of these fun and engaging camps!
TCE Trailpass Now Available to Purchase
PTO has revamped the Town Center Trailpass packages this year. We encourage all of our families to purchase one of the options below. Pick the best one for your family, and order online at the PTO website.
*Please make note that the first option does not include a grade-level shirt. You can add-on one to your purchase or purchase a package that includes a shirt. If you have any questions, please reach out to our PTO President at
TCE Field Day - A Note From Our Field Day Coordinators
We are so excited about our upcoming Field Day on Monday, May 20th! I’ve had a few parents ask about Field Day, so I wanted to address some FAQs!
What is Field Day?! It is a day for our learners to celebrate an awesome school year! They travel to different stations throughout the day including bounce houses, a water slide, sponge relay races, treats and MORE! One of the stations is walking to the Coppell City CORE (Coppell City’s Pool) to go swimming! The CORE will have lifeguards on hand and also has some life jackets available for swimmers. If your child is not a strong swimmer and requires a life jacket, please reach out to your homeroom teacher ASAP. It is imperative for you to talk to your student about swimming expectations. The CORE is great because there is not only a swimming pool but a splash pad and water playground so all our students, regardless of skill level, will have a great time!
What will your kiddo need to wear on Field Day, May 20th? Please have them wear a swimsuit (girls under their clothes and boys wear swimsuit bottoms) and their grade level t-shirt and flip flops/crocs or shoes that can get wet. We will have lots of WATER activities!
What do kids need to bring to field day? Please bring a LABELED water bottle as it will probably be warm! Students will also need a LABELED towel with their initials on it. Our amazing Room Parents that will be walking our classes from station to station will keep track of the towels and lunches.
What about lunch? Your child can either pack a LABELED sack lunch or purchase one from the cafeteria. We will eat picnic style outside the school.
Anything else we need? Learners will be outside most of the day, so please apply sunscreen on your child before school and send additional if needed. We also ask that you send a dry change of clothes they can change into when they return to school.
We are excited for an amazing day for our learners to wrap out this year!
TCE Field Day Coordinators:
Amanda Nevels
(c) 214-808-4229
Emily Cantu
(c) 214-929-2782
Seeking 'My home is CISD' Testimonials
CISD would like to hear from our students, families, employees and community about why "My Home is CISD." Submit a testimonial at
Dads Club Volunteers
Thank you to the dads that have taken time at TCE on Fridays to volunteer. For clarification, any amount of time you can give would be great. If you only have time to be there at drop-off or for a specific time frame, we would still love for you to sign-up.
As a reminder, we are having "Dads Club on Campus Day" at TCE. This is currently scheduled for Fridays, and they are able to sign-up to spend time at TCE supporting the campus and classrooms in different ways. This may include:
- Welcoming students to school during morning arrival
- Helping in classrooms, the office, or PE as requested by teachers
- Joining staff for lunchroom duty
- Re-shelving books in the library
- Car line dismissal and high fives to end the day
**In order for the campus to coordinate scheduling, please sign-up at least a week in advance.
Click Here to Participate in a Friday Dads Club on Campus Day.
If you would like to sign up to receive Dads Club Communications, you can email your contact information to Nick Walther at
Background Checks
We ask that all families complete a volunteer background check. They do not carry over from year to year. Since the background checks take time to process, we ask that everyone complete one in case any type of volunteering opportunity (class field trip, Dads Club, Room parent, class volunteer, field day, etc.) arises during the year that you are interested in. Please click on the link below to complete.
Upcoming Dates
Monday, May 13th
CISD Board Workshop 5:30 at the Vonita White Boardroom
Wednesday, May 15th
TCE Seniors Visit Campus 7:30 a.m.
Monday, May 20th
Field Day
Thursday, May 23th
5th Grade Graduation 1:00 p.m.
Friday, May 24th
Spirit Rally 8:00 a.m. - Check in at the front office
Last Day of School Early Release 12:30 p.m.
Last day for discounted Trailpass #2, #3, and #4
Saturday, June 8th
Chipotle Spirit Night 4:00-8:00 p.m.
Sunday, June 9th
Last day to purchase a Trailpass- supplies for next school year