Coyote Tales
May 23, 2024
Corron Mission Statement
From the Principal
It is so hard to believe that we are winding down the 23-24 school year. Our students have grown so much and in so many ways over these past nine months. It is always amazing to watch them change as learners and as people over the years. Our graduating 5th grade class was my first kindergarten class here at Corron. I still remember their sweet little 5 year old faces on the first day of school that year! I’m so proud of the people they have become, and I look forward to seeing the amazing things they do in middle school and high school.
Next week is full of fun for our students, with “MAPLE” Day on Tuesday and the 5th grade picnic on Wednesday. I know classroom teachers have activities planned throughout the week as well. The last few days of school are always bittersweet, both for staff and students. Most look forward to the change in routine that summer brings, but it is also sad to walk away from the school family that they have been with for the entire school year. There are always tears on that last day!
I hope every Corron family has a wonderful summer. We will miss our families that are not returning, whether because of a graduating 5th grader or because they are moving on to another school. As we tell our students, “Once a Coyote, Always a Coyote”!
Chris Balaskovits
Upcoming Dates
Monday, May 27 - Memorial Day Holiday/NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, May 28
Corron "MAPLE" day
Thursday, May 30
Last Day of School - Full Day (with 3 "Emergency Days" used)
Friday, June 1
Returning Student Online Registration due
(Fees posted for all grades in PushCoin on July 8)
Wednesday, June 5
Report Cards Available on HAC - please print out before HAC closes for the summer.
Monday, July 1
Deadline for Intra-District Transfer Requests (see info below)
From the Health Office
This is a reminder to please come to the school to pick up your child’s medication by the last day of school.
Any medications not picked up by 3p on Thursday, May 30th will be discarded. Per D303 policy, we are unable to keep medication in the health office over the summer for re-use in the fall. Students may not transport medications, including over-the-counter medications. All medications must be picked up by a parent or adult designee with parent permission.
If you anticipate your child needing medication or an action plan at school next year, the required forms can be found on the D303 website or through the links below.
From the LRC
Are You Ready to Read This Summer?
On May 28th, the St. Charles Public Library will be presenting their summer reading program to each grade in the LRC. Did you know every D303 student is entitled to a FREE St. Charles Public Library card? Contact the SCPL to renew an existing card or to obtain a new card at 630-584-0076, and be sure to sign up for the summer reading program on June 1st.
You can also visit the Corron LRC Summer Reading website to find information on our D303 eBook databases, summer reading and activities lists, and a fun summer reading program for our soon-to-be middle schoolers. Contact Ms. Skoglund (christine.skoglund@d303.org) with any questions. Happy summer reading!
2024-2025 Information
REMINDER of 2024-2025 Start & End Times for Elementary School
School Start Time - 9:05 am
Earliest Drop-Off Time - 8:50 am
School End Time - 3:25 pm
Students not returning to the district in 24-25:
If you are moving out of the district please give the office a call at 331-228-6900 or email diane.eageny@d303.org. Please make sure your child's device and any other school materials are returned to either the teacher or the office to avoid charges.
Intra-District Transfer Requests
The elementary school intra-district transfer request window opens on May 15, 2024.
The application form will be available on the Intra-District Transfer web page.
5th Grade Picnic Donations sign up
It's 5th grade picnic time! Please help our 5th graders celebrate the end of the year, the end of 5th grade, and the end of elementary school! We are in need of donations to make this event happen. All donations must be dropped off at Corron between Friday, May 24th-Tuesday, May 28th at 3pm. Thanks for donating and helping to make this celebration great! Please take note of Quanity needed as these #'s reflect enough for each kid to have a snack and lunch. Any questions, please contact Nicole Fraser nlfraser@hotmail.com
Orchestra Enrollment
Attention Orchestra Families!
We are in the home stretch--summer is right around the corner! As you begin to fill up your summer with activities and vacations, you should consider our very own D303 Summer Strings Camp!
This camp will be for orchestra students who are currently in grades 3 - 8. Camp will be June 17,18, 20 and June 24, 25, 26 and 27 in the evenings at Thompson Middle School.
Please visit the link in Pushcoin for more details! Questions? Ask your orchestra teacher or email the Director, Angie Wifler at angela.wifler@d303.org
2024 Thompson Middle School Summer Athletic Camps
2024 SCN Summer Camp
STCE Elementary Football Camp Flyers
South Elgin Park District 2024 Summer Camp Brochure
About us:
Website: http://corron.d303.org
Location: 455 Thornwood Way, South Elgin, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-6900
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Corron-Elementary-1421025901489291/
Twitter: @CorronD303