AGPS Elementary Newsletter
August 2024

Dear Ashland-Greenwood Elementary Families,
Please check out our newsletter for the latest news and upcoming dates. Details for parent-teacher conferences are below. Collaborating at parent-teacher conferences fosters an important partnership between teachers and families, creating a shared understanding of a student's progress and needs. This is a great time to have open communication and work together to support the child's academic and personal development, ultimately enhancing the overall educational experience. Thank you for taking the time to meet with teachers! The Scholastic Book Fair will be open during parent-teacher conferences at the Primary! Please come by and check it out!
Parent Teacher Conferences: March 13th from 1:30-9:00
Please sign up ASAP if you haven't done so already:
Primary School Link: https://www.myconferencetime.com/agprimary/
Intermediate School Link: https://www.myconferencetime.com/agintermediate/
Upcoming Events:
March 10 : Arts Festival rescheduled for 5:00-7:00 (flyer below)
March 11 and 13th: Scholastic Book Fair @ Primary (Open to all families and details on flyer below)
March 12: No School State Basketball
March 13: Early Dismissal for students - 12:50 @ Intermediate and 1:00 for Primary
March 13: Parent-Teacher Conferences 1:30-9:00
March 14: No School for Staff and Students
March 17: Visiting Artist Mark Kistler Student Assembly (K-6) Please note that students will be transported to the Performing Arts Center at the Middle School in the morning.
March 19: Young Authors Program 1:00-2:00 @ Primary Media Center
March 28: 5th Grade DARE Graduation
April 18 and April 21: No School for Staff and Students
April 14 - Incoming Kindergarten Parent Meeting for 25-26 Kindergarten Families @ 6:00 pm
May 6: 2nd & 3rd Grade Track & Field @ 12:45-2:45
May 8: Kindergarten & 1st Track & Field 12:30-2:15
May 9 - No School for CURRENT KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS due to Kindergarten Round-up being held this day!
May 12: 4th & 5th Grade Track & Field
Calendar Change - NO SCHOOL March 12th
Congratulations to the Bluejay boy’s basketball team on their qualification for the 2024-25 NSAA state basketball tournament. The Bluejays are scheduled to play Cozad at 10:45 a.m. on Wednesday, March 12th at the Bob Devaney Sports Center. Due to this game time, school will not be in session on Wednesday, March 12th. Tournament and ticket information can be found on the school website and below as well. As a reminder, an early dismissal will be held on Thursday, March 13th to accommodate parent-teacher conferences, and there is no school on Friday, March 14th for a previously planned vacation day.
2025 Boys State Basketball Tournament Bracket
2025 Boys State Basketball Tournament Ticket Information
Congratulations to the team and coaches, and GO JAYS!
Calling all Kindergarten students for the 2025-2026 School Year!
We are currently beginning the enrollment process for the 2025-2026 school year. Any child turning five years of age on or before July 31, 2025 is eligible for entrance to kindergarten. We will be hosting a Kindergarten Round-up/Parent night in April. Please look for more information to come via mail.
Standards-Based Grading
Reminder: Starting with the 2024-2025 school year, the primary and intermediate schools transitioned to grading students based on achievement on state standards. In previous years, report cards and grades have been reported for both standards-based grades and traditional letter grades. This year, we will only report on standards-based grades. The grading codes for standards-based grading are pictured below. Please keep in mind that it is not accurate to think a score of 3 to equal a B and a 4 to equal an A. We expect the level of teaching to be at a level 3 - that is proficiency. Our goal is for kids to be proficient, which is a 3. More details about each score can be found in the PDF attached below.
PowerSchool Note: If you see an elementary grade with a percentage in PowerSchool, please know the percentage should not be there and is inaccurate. We continue to work with PowerSchool to get this error fixed. At this time, parents and students should only focus on the standard grade of 1-4. Thank you!
2024-2025 Ashland-Greenwood Elementary Family Directory
School Calls
When the AGPS District cancels school or has other important messages to share with families, a phone call will go out with the message. We are getting some reports of calls not going through or being labeled as spam. Please save the district number, 402-944-2128, in your phone to ensure you receive these important messages.
Young Authors
Thank you to our PTO for sponsoring this wonderful event!
CONGRATULATIONS to our 2025 Classroom Winners!
Congratulations to our students listed below who were selected as their classroom winner for Young Authors. These students will attend the celebration on the 19th and we will announce three building winners.
Mrs. Hodges: Jonas Van Moorleghem
Mrs. Pearson: Bodie Kush
Mrs. Holz: Bodie Messerly
Miss Egenberger: Hazel Ferguson
Mrs. Mumm: Addie Pitkin
Mrs. Bremer: Jude Kerkman
Mrs. Murphy: Katie Welte
Mrs. Webster: Titus Tripp
Miss Hansen: Eleanor Clancy
Mrs. Lambert: Zailey Wood
Mrs. Brady: Lennyn Rech
Mrs. Cooper: Cary Johnson
Mrs. Rossell: Henley Scheer
Mrs. Gilbride: Wren Lawson
Mrs. Gude-Rung: Alyse Welte
Mrs. Ernesti: Ben Borst
Mrs. Drueke: Kylie Kopf
Mrs. Reestman: Cade Newcomb
Mr. Mencke: Jhett Squier
Miss Parrish: Nora Dutcher
Mrs. Kelley: Grant Newcomb
Miss Kerkman: Ella Moon
Miss Craven: Abby Resler
Mr. Campbell: Jillian Morford
Mr. Chudomelka: Elli Hernandez
The Ashland-Greenwood Schools Foundation is accepting nominations for outstanding alumni. Each year the foundation honors alumni for outstanding contributions they have made to society. They recognize both an alumnus and a young alumnus. To nominate someone, please complete the nomination form that is located on the district’s website located under the tab “Foundation.”
Each year the Alice Raikes family honors one teaching staff member with the Alice Raikes Distinguished Teaching Award. The award is announced at our annual Foundation spring dinner. The winner of the award receives a $1,250 cash prize and $1,250 to spend on their department or grade level. The Raikes family decides on who to honor based on nomination forms submitted by school staff, parents, community members and students.
To nominate someone, please complete the nomination form that is located on the district’s website under the foundation tab on the front page. When you complete the nomination form, please return it to the district office: 1842 Furnas St., Ashland, NE 68003, or email it to: jason.libal@agps.org. You may copy the nomination form if you desire to nominate multiple individuals.
Join Our Team as a Substitute Paraprofessional!
Ashland-Greenwood Public Schools is looking for dedicated individuals to join us as substitute paraprofessionals. This flexible opportunity is perfect for parents who want to spend time in the school environment, support our students, and make a meaningful impact.
With a schedule that works around your availability, you'll help fill a vital need in our school community. Apply today and make a difference for AGPS students! Apply online: https://agps.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx
Captured Moments, Celebrations, and Recognitions
This week, our second graders had a special guest—Dr. Rob Bundy from Bundy Family Dentistry! He shared important tips on how long to brush, the best foods for strong, healthy teeth, and the importance of good oral hygiene. To top it off, one lucky student from each class even won an electric toothbrush!
A big thank you to Dr. Bundy for helping our students keep their smiles shining!
Thank you to Amanda Roe for providing our Reading Rockstar Special Experience winners with a unique opportunity for some science-based fun!
In fourth grade, students spend a lot of time learning about Nebraska. March 1st is Nebraska's birthday. Fourth graders celebrated by wearing red and taking a N picture on the field.
Kids' Cupboard Project
Ashland-Greenwood Primary and Intermediate Schools collected canned goods and supplies for the Kids' Cupboard in Ashland last week! We surpassed our goal of 500 items! Thank you to our families for supporting our community through this event! We are grateful to Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Lavigne for organizing this act of kindness!
Third Grade Hand Washing Activity
On March 3, the third-grade classes learned about the importance of handwashing. They were taught proper handwashing procedures and then participated in an activity to see how well they were washing their hands by checking them before and after under a black light.
Fourth Grade Field Trip
On March 6th, the 4th graders traveled to the Nebraska History Museum and the State Capitol and were able to meet both Cass And Saunders County Senators. Pictures from the day are below. In addition, I was so proud of our Bluejays when I received the email below. They do a great job showing the BLUEJAY WAY!
Hello! My name is Samantha McCarville and I am the K-12 Educator at the Nebraska History Museum in Lincoln. This morning the 4th grade classes from Ashland-Greenwood visited our museum. We see hundreds of school tours each year and each year we are incredibly impressed with the students and teachers from Ashland-Greenwood. All of the 4th-grade students were so polite and kind during their visit. Our entire museum staff wanted to pass on our appreciation. The staff at Ashland-Greenwood are fantastic. Thank you for the work you and your staff did to prepare students for their visit to the Nebraska History Museum today.
Primary Reading Rockstar Gift Card Winners
Primary Reading Rockstars - These students met their monthly reading goal!
Ashland-Greenwood FFA sponsored a FFA Week Coloring Contest for the elementary students at AG! Congratulations to our AG Primary winners Stella, Hendryx, and Addie!
Congratulations to our AG Intermediate winners Kooper, Avri, and Charleigh!
All Things Ashland-Greenwood Elementary PTO-Check it out!
PTO Updates
Thank you to everyone that participated in our Cookies & Canvas events. We had a great turnout at around 100 canvases!
We are going to be doing a baked potato bar for parent teacher conferences on March 13th. Please see the link below to help out!
Our last meeting of the year is April 7th at 7p at the intermediate building. We will be holding PTO officer elections at this meeting.
Thank you for your support!
Cookies & Canvas PTO Event
Meal Prices for 2024-25
Meal program staff will be available in the cafeteria to assist families in making deposits in your child's meal account as well. The cost for meals is:
- Student breakfast - $2.15
- Student lunch - $3.10
Lunch Menu Link:
Community Happenings
Do you know of a community event that would be something our Ashland Greenwood Elementary students would be able to participate in? Please contact us at 402-944-7083.
Ashland Public Library Tax Preparation:
The Ashland Library will host free in-person tax preparation services provided by VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) this year. This valuable service is available to families and individuals who may need assistance with their taxes, and we appreciate your help in spreading the word to those who could benefit.
See the document linked HERE for more information.
Community Resources
A variety of resources are available for families and can be found below:
Resources for Food:
Food Pantry - American Lutheran Church - Jean Stewart - 402-789-2490 - By appointment
Ashland Mobile Food Pantry Every 4th Monday of the month from 3:00-4:00 at the American Lutheran Church
Kid's Cupboard: Children's Food Backpack Program - American Lutheran Church - 944-3535
Ashland Ministerial Association - Contact any area church for assistance.
- American Lutheran Church 944-3535
- First Christian Church 944-7070
- Methodist Church 944-7135
- Riverview Community Church 944-6134
- St. Mary's Catholic Church 944-3554
- Word of Hope Lutheran Church 402-521-0046
- Other churches may be found in the phone directory
Resources for Clothing:
The Closet at the American Lutheran Church provides free clothing. Contact Nicole Chudomelka at 944-3535 for more information.
Other Resources:
School Supply Backpack Program. Contact ashlandbackpackprogram@gmail.com or call Karen at 944-2794
Toys for Tots for the Holidays - Contact Jean Stewart - 402-789-2490