Reid Elementary News
February 2025
Hello Reid Families,
Please be sure to check your teacher’s emails and the PTO website for upcoming events and news.
Reid’s school day begins promptly at 8:40 am and ends at 3:50 pm. If you need to make appointments for your child, we ask that you try your best to schedule them outside of the school day. We need students to be at school every day on time to learn all we can.
Dressing for the weather is very important. Please be sure to send your child to school with a hat, gloves, coat, snow pants, and boots. Children go out every day unless the temperature is below 10 degrees. Please label all of your child's items with their name.
Thank you for all you do to support your child, our staff, and our school.
Educationally yours,
Jamie Wagner
Grand Blanc Wellness Policy
G.B. Wellness Policy and Birthday Treats
Board Policy 8510 -
E. All foods offered on the school campus during the school day shall comply with the current USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans, including competitive foods that are available to students a la carte in the dining area, as classroom snacks, or from vending machines.
F. All food and beverages that are provided, other than through sale, on the school campus during the school day (which may include classroom snacks, for classroom parties, and at holiday celebrations) shall comply with the food and beverage standards approved by the Superintendent.
Please do not send in sugary treats for birthday treats or daily snacks. Some other ideas to celebrate birthdays may include, stickers, pencils, erasers, or other non-food items. Please consult with your classroom teacher if you have any questions. Snacks and treats that don’t align with our district board policies will be sent home with the student. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in following this board policy.
Important Dates:
- 3rd - 7th Lukemia Spirit Days
- 6th 4th and 5th grade field trip and 1st and 2nd grade concert in the evening
- 7th Popcorn Day
- 10th ELGA Education Day, PTO meeting at 7 pm
- 12th Count Day
- 13th 1/2 Day for students (School dismissed 12:17 p.m.), SnowFest 6:30 - 8:30
- 14th and 17th Mid winter break No School
- 19th ELGA Deposit Day
- 24th Kindergarten informaiton night
Multicultural Calendar
Many students and families celebrate different holidays and celebrations throughout the year. Please see the PTA's multicultural Holiday Calendar link below for a reference of celebrations and Holidays that Reid's families may celebrate.
Leukemia Fundraiser
Student Council is sponsoring the Leukemia Fundraiser. We will accept donations until February 21.
- The top earning classroom will win a pizza party.
- There will be t-shirts for students collecting $100 or more online or in person
- There will be weekly drawings for students collecting/donating $50 or more
- Please just make sure student's names are on their donations sent to school so they receive credit
- Please reach out to Mrs. Iatonna if you have questions. She can be reached through email at: hiatonna@gbcs.org
- Class online donation links:
Barnes Classroomhttps://pages.lls.org/ltn/mi/DetroitL24/barnesclassroom
Bond Classroomhttps://pages.lls.org/ltn/mi/DetroitL24/bondclassroom
Brinson Classroomhttps://pages.lls.org/ltn/mi/DetroitL24/brinsonclassroom
Clore Classroomhttps://pages.lls.org/ltn/mi/DetroitL24/cloreclassroom
Dunn Classroomhttps://pages.lls.org/ltn/mi/DetroitL24/dunnclassroom
Edwards Classroomhttps://pages.lls.org/ltn/mi/DetroitL24/edwardsclassroom
Hatfield Classroomhttps://pages.lls.org/ltn/mi/DetroitL24/hatfieldclassroom
Martin Classroomhttps://pages.lls.org/ltn/mi/DetroitL24/martinclassroom
McCarron Classroomhttps://pages.lls.org/ltn/mi/DetroitL24/mccarronclassroom
Melick Classroomhttps://pages.lls.org/ltn/mi/DetroitL24/melickclassroom
Messics Classroomhttps://pages.lls.org/ltn/mi/DetroitL24/messicsclassroom
Peters Classroomhttps://pages.lls.org/ltn/mi/DetroitL24/petersclassroom
Reid Elementaryhttps://pages.lls.org/ltn/mi/DetroitL24/reidelementary
Schenk Classroomhttps://pages.lls.org/ltn/mi/DetroitL24/schenkclassroom
Skinner Classroomhttps://pages.lls.org/ltn/mi/DetroitL24/skinnerclassroom
Stuck Classroomhttps://pages.lls.org/ltn/mi/DetroitL24/stuckclassroom
Taylor Classroomhttps://pages.lls.org/ltn/mi/DetroitL24/taylorclassroom
Thompson Classroomhttps://pages.lls.org/ltn/mi/DetroitL24/thompsonclassroom
Count Day is February 12th
We count on your child being in school every day, but twice a year the State of Michigan does a school count that determines our school funding. Please help us keep our school funding by making sure your child is counted. Children should attend the full day on February 12th to be counted. We understand that sometimes students are ill or emergencies arise, if this is the case, please communicate with our office staff if your child is tardy or absent on Febuary 12th. Thank you!
Late Start Information - Letter from Dr. Alward
Reid PTO
Please see the PTO's facebook page for their latest updates.
Drop off/Pick Up Bins
Kindergarten Enrollment Information 2025-2026
Kindergarten Information Night will be held at Reid on February 24th at 6 p.m.
All classrooms are nut free
Parent Vue Attendance
News from the Nurses
We have been experiencing an increase in respiratory illnesses in our school district. This is consistent with trends throughout the state and the country.
Both Pertussis (Whooping Cough) and Mycoplasma Pneumonia (Walking Pneumonia) have been on the rise so please be vigilant in monitoring for symptoms. Infection is spread by inhaling respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
- Symptoms: sneezing, runny nose, mild dry cough, and low-grade fever
- After about 1 to 2 weeks, more serious “coughing spells” develop that can last for more than a minute and result in difficulty breathing.
- At the end of a coughing spell, the cough may make a high-pitched “whooping” sound as they try to catch their breath.
- Sometimes the coughing will cause vomiting. Between spells, usually feel well.
- Who is at Risk
- Pertussis can spread easily among susceptible household members and in group settings such as schools, workplaces, and sports teams.
- Adolescents and adults are also at risk for infection since vaccine protection decreases over time.
- The time between exposure to the bacteria and disease symptoms is usually between 7 - 10 days, but in rare cases, it can take up to 3 weeks.
- Treatment
- Pertussis can be treated or even prevented with antibiotics if detected early or before the disease has started.
- If you develop any of the symptoms described above, stay home from school and contact your doctor immediately. Please also inform the school office of any illness.
Walking Pneumonia:
- Symptoms: can include cough, fever, sore throat, headache, and sometimes wheezing
- Often people don’t feel sick enough to stay home or in bed, thus the term “walking pneumonia”
- Who is at Risk
- Infection can occur at any age, but most often among children ages 5-17 years and young adults
- Treatment
- Some people get better on their own with a mild mycoplasma pneumoniae infection, but some with more severe infection will need an antibiotic
For general respiratory illness, it is recommended you stay home if you have a fever and you can return 24 hours after fever free and symptoms are improving. However, if you are diagnosed with Pertussis you must stay home from school until your 5 day antibiotic treatment is complete.
Strategies that prevent respiratory viruses, such as handwashing and covering coughs and sneezes, prevent these bacteria from spreading.
Mrs. O’Mara & Mrs. Fredrick
GBCS District Nurse Consultants