Whitford Newsletter
September 10, 2020
Principal Message
September 10, 2020
Hello Whitford Families,
We thought it was going to be an extra week out of school around Spring Break, then possibly a few extra weeks, then stay at home until the end of last school year, but here we are in September, still not back in school, but starting the school year off with comprehensive distance learning. In all my administrative training and experience, I have never endured anything like the challenges that we have faced under these unique circumstances in my time as an educator. Here we are, starting school on September 14th, all from home, and I’m trying to lead a group of educators into these uncharted waters of distance learning until at least November 16th, and possibility longer.
You will soon be hearing from, or meeting the teachers which will be interacting with your children. The staff is both nervous and excited. We miss our students, but this new way of educating is far different than how any educator was trained out of college. We will have successes, challenges, technology issues, distractions, misunderstandings, and plenty of confusion, but most of all we all ask for grace as we start the 2020-2021 school year.
Over the past two weeks, our teachers have been given a firehose of information from understanding a new schedule, new technology apps, how to navigate Zoom, learning how to best instruct virtually, all while keeping the focus and passion for teaching the students.
We have a team of administrators, teachers, instructional assistants, secretaries, counselors, and other professionals who will be supporting students online. One of our goals this year is to provide the very best comprehensive distance learning for all of our students. This is not just the teacher teaching, but having a team of wrap around supports so students keep learning and removing any barriers which would impact student’s ability to attend, learn, and achieve.
Our second goal as a school is to delve into race, equity, and being an antiracist educator. We are well aware of the political tension in our country and want to guide our students in open, honest, and unbiased conversations about what is happening in our society. We strive for all our students to feel welcome, honored, valued, and treasured at Whitford. Our diversity is an asset and we will learn more from listening to each other than talking over one another. Our teachers are ready to dive into this work an make Whitford an even better place.
Over the next few weeks, we will be communicating information via school messenger regarding back to school nights, parent Q&A, Chromebook exchange, PTO, Breaking Barriers, school pictures, possible after school virtual clubs, and information for if/when we return to a hybrid model.
I thank you for your support, patience, and understanding. We are moving forward to teach grade level learning targets in all classes knowing that last spring might have been a challenge. Our kids deserve the very best and collaboratively we can, and will, achieve this goal no matter if we’re all virtual, hybrid, or full-time school.
Be Well,
Brian Peerenboom
School Office Hours
School office hours are 8AM-4PM. We will have limited staff in the office. Due to construction in the building and social distancing, we will need to speak to you outside. Please ring the button on the side office door and we will be happy to help. We will always have a box outside to return books and other materials. We are here if you need us.
FRIDAY September 11-- Due to the poor air quality, we are working at home today. Hopefully we will return on Monday. We can answer the phone and email from home. We are here if you need anything.
Whtifod Drive Through for Supplies
School Meals
We will be providing free meals to all children, ages 1-18, at our curbside school locations and bus routes starting September 15th. For an interactive map to find a location nearest to you visit: www.beaverton.k12.or.us/meals
If you need the application for free and reduced meal benefits, you can apply online with this link or pick up an application at the school.
On September 24 and 25th, (4-7pm) we will have picture day at Whitford. This will be an outside event. The pictures will be taken outside by the main entrance. Again, we will need masks and social distancing. Parents will need to stay in their cars. Only students will be allowed to line up to take pictures. We passed out picture packets on our first drive through event (September 9 and 10) We will have more picture packets available on the 24th and 25th. There is information below on how to order pictures online.
We will have a Chromebook exchange on the same days. (This is for students with Chromebooks from last year.) Please bring your old Chromebook and charger in order to get your new one. We will also have a few more items for science and possibly art class to pick up.
Please follow the schedule below:
September 24 (4-7PM) Last Name A-L
September 25 (4-7PM) Last Name M-Z
You have the ability to order pictures online by visiting dorianstudio.com and searching for your school’s name. Your online order can be placed BEFORE and up to four (4) days after picture day. Los padres pueden ordenar fotos en línea en dorianstudio.com buscando el nombre de su escuela. Su pedido en línea se puede realizar antes y hasta cuatro (4) días después del día de la foto.
After the 4-day grace period expires, a personalized access key will be sent home with picture delivery. A $7 shipping and handling fee will be added to all orders made with a personalized access key and orders will ship directly to your home. DESPUÉS DE QUE EXPIRE EL PERÍODO DE GRACIA DE 4 DÍAS: Un código de acceso personalizado le será enviado a su hogar con sus pedidos. Estas órdenes incluyen una tarifa de $7 de envío.
On September 24th and 25th, in conjunction with picture day, we will have a drive through Chromebook exchange for the students to exchange their old one for a new one. Please bring your charger with you. The new chromebooks have a different charger. We will have more information to follow.
Please follow the schedule below:
September 24 (4-7PM) Last Name A-L
September 25 (4-7PM) Last Name M-Z