St. Mary & St. John Weekly Update!
August 23, 2024
Saint Bartholomew, pray for us
Dear Friends,
This Saturday the church celebrates the Feast of the Apostle St. Bartholomew.
The Lord is just in all his ways and holy in all his works.
I saw you under the fig tree. This is what Jesus said to Nathanael.
As the Church celebrates this saint today, who is also known as Bartholomew, we marvel at the way these words from Jesus to Nathanael provoked this skepticism-turned-confession from him: Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel.
This is only the first chapter in John’s Gospel, and already some of his disciples see the divine revelation in Jesus. The “sign,” so to speak, that Jesus “saw Nathanael,” is pretty mild as signs go. There are no jars of water being turned to wine, no walking on water, no healing of a man blind from birth. Yet the encounter between these two is profound. In their meeting Nathanael, who asks whether anything good [could] come from Nazareth, is transformed by that very goodness from Nazareth. Goodness calls out goodness and Nathanael responds from the heart.
The knowledge that he had been seen, perhaps deeply, intimately, and truly – and from a distance! – gave Nathanael the ability to intimately and truly behold the man who stood before him. In being known, Nathanael knew love. He recognized Christ’s power and care, his transcendence and his immanence, his glory and his closeness.
Jesus saw each of us where we sat before following him. He sees us each today, as we sit in whatever posture or place our spiritual life has led us. For our skeptical moments, we have the grace of faith. For our faith-filled moments, we have the promise that Jesus gave to Nathanael: You will see greater things than this … you will see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.
The Lord sees all of us, all that we are and do – the good and the broken, the strength and the weakness, the triumphs and the failures. He sees us and he loves us. It is this loving gaze that can transform us and lead us to see others and all of reality with Christ’s eyes.
May each of you know His love, today and always!
Deacon Don
Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis! Holy Mary, pray for us!
Summary of what's Going On:
- Raising Vocations Collection continues
- Blessing of Students and Teachers at all masses this weekend.
- That Man is You - Begins Wednesday, 9/11/2024 - We want to see you there men!
- New Progress pictures of St. Mary Restoration!
No Masses at St. Mary until late September. ALL MASSES and Adoration/Confession hours will be at the same time - AT ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST.
St. John Handicap Ramp - doors & windows are installed, still need flooring and railing installed. The ramp is available for weekend Masses. Please continue to use caution in that area.
If your child attends public school, they should join us for Faith Formation - it's time to register for classes! Classes begin September 4!
If your child is nearing the age to prepare for 1st Communion/Confirmation it's time to register for sacramental preparation!
Can you help on a team to maintain our outdoor spaces at both churches?
Check out our Faith Formation and Youth Events!
Considering joining the Catholic Church? Check out OCIA
So much happening at St. Mary Catholic Schools, especially the school and playground renovation at St. Mary Elementary!
Consider a donation towards Altar Flowers.
- Have you registered as a parishioner? Consider joining our parishes!
- Have you tried using SCRIP! IT'S EASY!! SCRIP contributes $50,000 to the bottom line of our parish budgets. Try using SCRIP for a tank of gas and a bag of groceries! Scrip is for sale after all Masses and in the Parish Office!
- Online Giving is available through We Share. Leave your checkbook at home.
****As you can tell, we have a lot going on! Our Weekly Update continues to grow. Some of you may be missing some of the news. 😳 When browsing the Weekly Update on your computer or phone you may find a note when you get to the "bottom" that says "Message clipped" View Entire Message. If you click "View Entire Message" then the rest of the Update will load. Be sure to look this week, you don't want to miss anything! 😉****
Have an idea for the Weekly Update? Drop me an email!
St. Mary Restoration Progress
Look at the beautiful color and detail!
Look at the beautiful color detail of this Ave Maria Medallion. This is achieved with many layers of stencils and completed with golf leaf. These will be in all the "corners" where the vaulted ceiling meets the wall. You can see this in the second picture. The artists also began painting the detail trim around the windows. You can see the outline of where one of the Apparition Medallion paintings will go.
The Apparition Medallion paintings have arrived!!!
Back to School Blessings for Teachers & Students!
This weekend at all masses there will be a special prayer of blessing
for all students and teachers returning to school. Please join us!!
Raising Vocations for Tomorrow!
Our Future Priests and Religious Sisters Need Your Help: Thank you to those who have participated in the Raising Vocations Collection! There is still time to respond to the great need to support our young people through campus ministry, youth conferences, and more. Will you please support our youth, so they can say “yes”? So far this year, our parishes have raised $6,355. Every gift makes an impact in the formation of hundreds of young men and women throughout northeastern Wisconsin as they say “yes” to vocations to the priesthood or religious life. Make your gift today by mailing in your pledge card, visit or call Tammy Danz at 920-272-8123.
MEN - Join us as a new semester of That Man is You begins - 9/11/2024!
Volunteers needed for helping maintain outdoor spaces at our Churches.
Happy Labor Day - September 2, 2024
Please note that the Parish Office will be closed on Labor Day, Monday, September 2. And with Labor Day our Parish Office Summer hours come to an end. After Labor Day the Parish office will be open M-F 8:00am - 3:30pm.
Blessing of bench in memory of Anna Marie Halaychick
Lord God,
You have placed the earth and its fruits under our care, so that by our labor all might share the benefits of your creation.
You temper the cares and burdens of our toil, and by giving us rest and healthy recreation, refresh our weary bodies and minds.
Today we entreat your kindness, as we remember the life of Anna Marie Halaychik and her devotion to the St. Vincent DePaul society and her work providing food for those in need.
As we dedicate this bench in her memory, we ask that all who sit on it be renewed in spirit and strengthened in mind and body.
May it provide a place of respite and peace that cradles and inspires others to service.
Grant that all who sit here may inspired to serving those in need and have the respect for life and gentleness of our beloved Anna
We ask all these things as we bless this bench + in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Handicap Access Construction continues at St. John!
Handicap Access Update
All that remains to complete the project is the flooring and railing to be installed. As such, it is not a finished project, so please continue to use caution.
A shout out to the church cleaners!
A shout out to the St. John and St. Mary cleaning teams who have been working so hard to keep the parking lot dust out of the church! Made more difficult with all of the Masses being held at St. John. A Special shout out to St. John's cleaner, Bob Koslowski, who had his last day of cleaning on Tuesday. When he was asked how long he has been cleaning, he responded that it has been so long he can't remember! Here are a few pictures to jog his memory...did he clean when St. John's looked like either of these?!!!
Widows of Prayer Quarterly Mass - September 5
Thinking about joining the faith and becoming Catholic? We can HELP!
The Order of Catholic Initiation for Adults (OCIA)
is the program by which non-Catholics learn about the Catholic faith.
If you are interested in becoming Catholic, contact Joel Kuplack at (920)809-1022 or Barb Unruh at (920)486-6565,
OCIA is for adults who: are interested in the Catholic Faith, have never been baptized, were baptized in a different Christian faith but are seeking entrance into the Catholic Church. OCIA is a spiritual formation process that will begin in September and end with full initiation into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil next year. These classes are for anyone with interest no matter your current denomination. Please encourage your friends and neighbors with interest in Catholicism to give us a call. Let the Holy Spirit Guide you!
God bless!
Faith Formation / Youth Events!
Faith Formation starts September 4, 2024!
Faith Formation and Sacramental Prep Registration Please register your child(ren) ASAP!
Students who attend public school should attend Faith Formation to be catechized in our Catholic Faith! The Registration links below are for
Faith Formation registration AND Sacramental Prep registration
Click here to Register for Pre-K - Grade 2 and 1st Communion:
Click here to Register for grades 3-11 and Confirmation:
To receive 1st Communion in 2nd grade, children should join Faith Formation in Kindergarten if possible, but at LEAST 1st grade
To receive Confirmation in 11th grade, students should join Faith Formation in 9th grade if possible, but at LEAST in 10th grade
If you have questions, please contact Bethany Robinson at the Parish office:
(920)725-7714 ext. 424 -----
Romans vs Christians!
Join us for our next youth event in September.....Romans vs. Christians!
Click the link to let us know you are coming!
Nathan Heenan (our previous youth minister) has moved on to teaching at JP2 School in GB - we are hiring for his position!
St. Mary and St. John the Baptist Parishes in Menasha are seeking a full time Coordinator of Youth Ministry. This position will be responsible for fostering the current, vibrant youth ministry program within the parishes, which has been established for about 7 years. This may include, but is not limited to planning retreats, having monthly events for both middle school and high school, further developing our high school and adult core teams, planning summer activities and trips, and recruiting and training adult volunteers for events. This position will work to build relationships with youth who attend Faith Formation classes, area public schools, the homeschool community and students who attend area Catholic schools, as well as their parents. This position will work in collaboration with all 5 Catholic Parishes of Neenah and Menasha; sharing ideas and planning events with all parish youth leaders.
Candidates must be practicing Catholics, who have a desire to share their love of the Lord and the Catholic faith with students and parishioners. Candidates must also have a bachelor’s degree in theology or the equivalent. This position requires the ability to work nights and weekends. Interested applicants should submit their resume to
Janitorial and/or Maintenance Positions
We have an immediate opening for a janitorial and/or maintinence person. Please call our parish office at (920)725-7714 and ask for Steve Siegel.
OR email Steve at
St. Mary Catholic Schools
Consider our amazing St. Mary Elementary School!
Isn't this newly renovated entrance inviting!!
The 2024-25 School year is inching closer!
Our St. Mary Elementary students were able to get their first peak at the newly renovated school, have their school photos taken, setup their work areas, and meet their teachers during orientation this week.
We are looking forward to having everyone back SOON!
A Message from SMCS
“It's hard to overstate the level of excitement around our campuses as we get ready to welcome students to St. Mary Catholic Schools this week! We are so proud of the partnership we have with our parishes in Menasha and Neenah, sharing in a mission to bring God's love and learning to children from Pre-K3 -12. With your help, we are growing by leaps and bounds!
Enrollment for 2024-25 is the highest it has been in decades, with well over one thousand students. We invite you to be inspired by the faith and joy of our young people if you get a chance to attend Mass with them. They pray for you and for the people of our community. We ask you to please pray for them, for their families, and for our teachers and staff as we embark on the adventure of a new school year!”
Pray for the upcoming Election
Offer 3 Hail Mary's daily that God's will be done!
As we move closer to Election Day, you can visibly see the angst, anger and anxiety on peoples faces. What we are asking our parishioners to do is to pray DAILY for the intention that God's Holy Will be done this election and by offering the Three Hail Devotion in honor of the Blessed Trinity. Friends, Jesus is King and we need to turn this over to Him.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
—Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)
Altar Flower Donations
The parishioners of St. Mary and St. John the Baptist are invited to participate in supplying flowers for weekend Masses and Holy Days of Obligation. Monetary donations are requested for fresh flowers to be placed on the altar for weekend Masses. The flowers remain up in the Church during the week!
You may request a particular weekend to honor a loved one or a special occasion. You may also indicate that funds may be used as needed. Arrangements for weekend Masses are, on average, $100; all donations are very much appreciated!
Please call or stop by the Parish Office to select a date. Thank you to helping beautify our sanctuary!
Have you registered as a Parishioner?
Are you registered with us?
One way to know is if you receive regular communications from us, such as offertory envelopes, newsletters or emails. If you do not receive at least one of these, then perhaps you are not registered here, you may want to check with the parish office staff.
Registering in the parish is a statement of faith and confidence in the life and work of our parish.
As parish members, we are all here to help each other on our spiritual journey; we don’t want to do this alone.
As much as you need us, we need you, too! Stop by the welcome table at either parish for a New Member Form. Please call Deacon Don in the Parish Office if you have any questions. (920) 725-7714 x416.
Consider Online Giving, snap the QR Code to go directly to our Giving Page!
Using SCRIP GIFT CARDS helps our Parishes!
Start this week and commit to buying one gas card and one grocery scrip card per week. If EVERYONE did just this one small thing, the benefits to our parishes would be EXPONENTIAL!! Stop by the Scrip Table after Mass or at the Parish Office, want to make it even easier - ask how you can buy SCRIP ONLINE!
Let's keep up our SCRIP Purchases!
Scrip is fundraising using gift cards. They are the same gift cards you would normally purchase from a retailer at your local retail stores, and they work the same way. You'll find cards you can use at grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants, home improvement stores and at almost any business that accepts gift cards. You can also purchase Scrip and use it for payment on your phone with RaiseRight.
You buy a gift card for face value. St. Mary & St. John earn a rebate. It really is that simple!
Your support of the Scrip program helps our church continue to fulfill Christ’s mission locally and around the world!
You bless your parish with income by simply purchasing your groceries, gas, completing home improvement projects, taking a trip, enjoying a dinner out, giving Christmas gifts, and much more!
· Provides income for our parishes without additional offertory
· Helps with church operating costs
· Supports local businesses and jobs
· Makes your household budgeting easier
There is an order form below of cards that we inventory that you can purchase after Mass or at the Parish Office during the week.
The Twin City Perpetual Adoration Chapel is for Everyone!
Parishioners from our five parishes and beyond commit to spending an hour in prayer throughout the day and night. It is open 24 hours a day, there is a security code to enter and everyone is welcome. If you cannot commit to a specific hour, becoming a substitute adorer is very helpful. We now have an easy and convenient online scheduling system that you can use to check openings, request subs and receive notices. Please visit the site at This is a beautiful place for family prayer, preparation for receiving Sacraments, reflection, praise, petition and gratitude. Questions? Contact our parish representatives Russ Brumm or Barb Schmidt.
Spend time in Adoration with Jesus!
Spend an Hour with Jesus!
Jesus is waiting for you!
Adoring Christ in the
Blessed Sacrament takes no special skill —
just a willingness to spend time with the Lord.
We are blessed to have 8 hours of Adoration followed by Benediction available to us each week!
Find a time that meets your schedule. Spending time with Jesus will change your life!
Eucharistic Adoration is available at
St. Mary** (St. John the Baptist during Restoration)
Tuesdays: 6:30am – 7:30am and 12pm – 1pm
Wednesdays: 12pm – 1pm and 6pm – 7pm
St. John the Baptist
Thursdays: 6:30am – 7:30am and 12pm – 1pm
Fridays: 12pm – 1pm and 6pm – 7pm
Perpetual Adoration is available at the Twin Cities Perpetual Adoration Chapel at St. Margaret Mary.
Prayer Cards Available.
Pray for one another. One of the greatest things we can do for our friends and family is to pray for them before the Blessed Sacrament. When we pray for others, it also allows us to experience the joy that comes from seeing someone else receive God’s blessings. It is a wonderful feeling to know that we have played a part in someone else’s healing or salvation.
To let you let your loved ones know you have prayed for them, we have made some beautiful prayer cards for you to fill out and give them.
“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” ( Galatians 6:2)
Community Service Announcements
St. Mary & St. John are sponsors of Harvest Fest!
We are also enrolled in the Scarecrow decorating contest! Be sure to come and check it out!