December 2024
From the Desk of Mrs. Schrag,
Dear Families,
I hope you had the opportunity to spend meaningful and fulfilling time with your loved ones during this season of gratitude. As we turn the page to December, it’s hard to believe there are only three weeks remaining before our winter break!
This month is a busy yet joyful time filled with learning, celebrations, and preparation for the new year ahead. Let’s make the most of this season together, staying focused and intentional in all we do.
Thank you for your continued support as we work to make every day memorable for our students.
Mrs. Schrag
Building Principal
Building Announcements
Coats and Jackets
Lost & Found
Power School
Please be sure to have all contact information updated in Powerschool.
Please remember to call the school office if your child is going to be late or absent. We have a new phone system and now have the option to leave a voicemail. (620)-241-9550. Thank you!
School Facebook
School Calendar
Please check our website for up to date calendars and information!
Lunch Menu
December Lunch Menu
Capturing Kids Hearts
Click the picture for more information about our December Character Trait - Responsibility!
Ask your student about the traits they have learned about already: Empathy, Self-Direct and Teamwork.
Family Movie Night
December Music Concert
3rd, 4th & 5th Graders
Thursday, December 12th, 5:30pm at the Free Methodist Church, the 3rd-5th grade students will have a Music Concert. Reminder about the concert on December 12th at 5:30 p.m. Students needing to be at the Free Methodist Church by 5:20 p.m. We will also be having a run through of the program on December 12th at 9:30 a.m. at the Free Methodist Church if any in the community would like to attend this viewing instead of the one that night. Any questions, please email
Stay Healthy!
Sick season is approaching, so here are some friendly reminders from your school nurses-
School-aged children can experience many colds and viruses throughout the school year. Most of the time common colds will not keep your child home from school but there will be times that your child should stay home. Please follow the guidelines below to know when you should keep your child home from school because of illness.
A fever of 100.0 or higher. They should also be sent home if their temperature is elevated and have symptoms that indicate the onset of an contagious illness such as nausea, a headache, cough and/or sneezing. It is important to remember that your child must be fever-free for 24 hours without Tylenol or any other fever-reducing medications before returning to school.
Vomiting or diarrhea. These could be signs of a contagious illness and your child should be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school.
Strep throat. Your child must be on antibiotics and fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school after a diagnosis of strep throat from a doctor.
Contagious skin conditions. Your child will be required to stay home for 24 hours after treatment has been initiated and will need a physician’s written approval to return to school.
Pink eye. Your child must be on antibiotic eye drops for 24 hours before returning to school
There are other illnesses that may keep your child home that have not been listed above. Please contact your school nurse if you question whether or not your child should attend school.
Dates to Remember
Monday, December 2nd
No School - Professional Development Day
6pm - Family Movie Nigh at Opera House
Thursday, December 5th
3:20 pm - STUCO Meeting
Tuesday, December 10
RES Fundraiser at Dairy Queen
Thursday, December 12th
Tuesday, December 17
Friday, December 20th
Winter classroom parties
Monday, December 23 - Tuesday, January 3rd
No School - Winter Break!
Click link for RES calendar!
Reminder to bring a warmer change of clothes to school for your child.
It’s starting to get colder please make sure to bring winter wear when coming to school as we will go outside if it’s 32 degrees or higher. If you need any assistance with winter wear please contact Nichole.
PreK Christmas Music concert will be Friday, December 20th at 1:45 in the Roosevelt Cafeteria. You are welcome to take your children after the concert, but please make sure to sign them out.
Please continue to have your child practice putting on their coats, hats, and gloves independently as well as zipping their own coats.
December homework will be coming home after the Thanksgiving break. Please help your child complete and return.
If you have been reading and recording books on your "15 and the Mahomies" page please return to school prior to Christmas break.
We are needing snacks. If you have not provided snack for the class to share, or money for the teachers to purchase snacks, please do so.
1st Grade
Please remember to send your decorated tree back to school so we can hang it on our holiday bulletin board!
It is getting cold, please remember to dress warm and to send a coat!
2nd Grade
*Thanks for encouraging your child to bring a coat and water bottle each day.
*Be on the lookout for a SignUp Genius from your child's teacher for our December pen pal/buddy gathering.
3rd Grade
Please send students with coats and water bottles every day.
4th Grade
Fourth grade has a field trip on the 17th, lunch is provided or they are still welcome to bring a sack lunch.
Please remind students to bring a coat to school!
5th Grade
Music program on the 12th!
Bring coats/hats/gloves for those cold days that are coming more often!
Bring water bottles every day.