The Primary Press: Parent Edition
Woodruff Primary School
What's Going on at WPS?
Winter testing is complete! Our kids are showing off! WPS had some of the highest growth in Spartanburg County in reading and math! Assessments help us tailor our instruction to what students need.
Thank you to all parents and guardians for your work at home with your student on the eLearning day! The state requires that students get the same amount of instruction and work they would on a regular school day. We appreciate you helping your little one to make sure that gets completed.
Student council members took the lead on advertising our friendship bracelet sale. Thank you to those of you who participated!
Our after school program is in full swing. Students were selected for the program based on need in specific areas of math. The goal is to provide additional practice with a specific set of math skills.
Enrollment for students in 3K, 4K, and 5K who will be new to WPS will be held on March 14th. Please help us spread the word about early enrollment for these programs. If your child attends WPS now, you will not need to attend this event.
WPS students have been on several field trips lately and have more experiences planned. Second grade visited the Spartanburg Science Center. First graders will be visiting Runway Park in Greenville. Kindergarteners will visit Greenville Zoo and 4K students will be visiting the Children's Museum. We are thrilled that our children get the opportunity to have these experiences.
Casey Dover
Did You Know?
For every 1 hour of screen time per day, there is a 10% increased risk of attention problems (Christakis, 2004, 2009).
•2 hours = 20% risk
•3 hours = 30% risk
•4 hours –40% risk
Screen use by children ages 3 to 5 can impact brain development in areas linked to language development, reading skills, and social skills.
Executive function skills, essential for school success, such as impulse control, emotion regulation, creativity, and flexible thinking, are best taught and learned through unstructured and social play (not digital).
WPS Science Fair
WPS had 22 students to participate in the WPS Science Fair for the 23-24 school year. Below are the winners along with the picture of all who participated.
Overall Winners:
1st – Wyatt Workman
2nd – Isaiah Lawson
3rd – Andrew Travis
1st – Isaiah Lawson
2nd – Ryan Matz
3rd – Avril Sanders
1st – Penny Oetken
2nd – Caylin Horton
3rd – Breonna Elmore
1st – Brooke Crain
2nd – Charlotte Simmons
3rd – Sharjeel Rayan
1st – Andrew Travis
General Science:
1st – Wyatt Workman
2nd – Caroline Smith
3rd – Deacon Woodbury
Annual Fundraising Event
St. Jude Children's Hospital
April 25th
This year we will have a walk-a-thon to raise money for the children at St. Jude!
March 25 - 29
The parade will be on March 29th at 9:00 a.m.
More information to come!
Parent Survey
The Parent Climate Survey created by the South Carolina Department of Education is available for all parents/guardians to complete. Access to this survey is available within your parent portal under forms, then general forms. Parents should complete a survey for each student enrolled in any school within Spartanburg School District Four. All Parent Climate Surveys close on April 12th. Should you need assistance with your parent portal login, please call the school.
Spring Testing
Students in kindergarten, first and second grade will begin i-Ready testing on April 15th. The testing will last several days. You will get more specific information from your child's teacher. We are excited to see how much our children have grown this year!
Improving Math Skills at Home
- Count orally by twos, fives, or tens
- Complete connect-the-dot pictures
- Have your child make a number book which contains a page for each numeral from one to ten. On each page, have your child glue clippings from newspapers and magazines illustrating that number concept (two dogs, three ducks, or four horses). As your child progresses with number recognition, they can add to the book and add numerical figures used in various ways
- Count and pair objects found around the house and determine whether there’s an odd or even number of items
- Review math facts at home, in the car, waiting in line, or during other downtime
- Provide your child with real world math problems. “We have 5 apples. I need 9 to make this pie. How many more do I need?”