COUGAR NEWS 2023-2024
Issue # 36 April 27, 2024
A Video Message From Principal Scott
4/27 Fine Arts Festival
5/1 Top 10% Breakfast
5/2 Track - State Varsity Meet
5/2 Class of 2024 SPO Meeting
5/2 Theater Night of Scenes
5/3 Theater Night of Scenes
5/6 Theater Night of Scenes
5/8 Tennis-Regional
5/9 THS Orchestra Concert
5/9 Class of 2025 SPO Meeting
5/10 THS Choir Pop Show
5/13 THS Band Spring Concert05/13/202405/13/2024
District Chess Tournament
Antonio B. Rodríguez, THS Freshman, participated in the District Chess Tournament, obtaining third place in the High School category, bringing together around 500 participating chess players from all over TISD.
Way to represent THS!!
District Soccer Recognitions
Congratulations to Peach Booker for placing 2nd in the 100 hurdles and ADVANCING TO THE STATE MEET!!!!
Rafa Vintimilla - Honorable Mention All Region Golf
Makenzie Minshew - First Team All Region Golf
Casandra Cantu - Honorable Mention All Region Golf
Rhett Turner - Honorable Mention All Region Golf
Regina Cantu - 2nd team All Region Golf
Congratulations Fernando and Eshan for placing 3rd in District
Good Luck Cougar Charms at The Dance World Competition in Orlando
Pass/Fail Application for NEXT YEAR
THS Pass Fail Application 24-25
Class of 2025 students and parents,
The THS Pass/Fail Application is now open. This application will be open from April 2nd through August 2nd. Please carefully read the Pass/Fail Communication linked above prior to completing the application. If you have questions, please reach out to your student's alpha counselor.
- THS Counselor Team
If you are interested in taking original credit for Summer School 2024, registration begins on Monday and runs through May 3.
Check out information on the Tomball ISD website https://www.tomballisd.net/families/summer-school
As the end of the school year approaches, we wanted to take a moment and remind everyone of our exam schedule (see PDF below) and our Exam Exemption Policy (click link) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sEgRzmvtkPiOQnLH9OswodciNzA_WhjUZFpRCGOedv0/edit?usp=sharing
A high school student may exempt second semester exams on a course-by-course basis by meeting the specific requirements of the course:
- For courses with STAAR assessments:
- Achieve “Approaches” or “Met Standard” on the STAAR End of Course Test and
- Be passing the course for the semester
- For ALL other courses:
- Have a minimum of an 85 average for the semester
Additionally, all exam exemptions are contingent upon the student meeting the following criteria:
- The student must have no more than four (4) absences (excused or unexcused) the 1st semester in a full-year course, and no more than three (3) absences (excused or unexcused) the 2nd semester prior to the day of the exam.
- The student must not have more than (10) unexcused tardies or late arrivals for the year.
- All students must be in attendance on the day of the semester exam review or they forfeit their exemption.
- All textbooks must be clear.
- All outstanding fees must be paid.
- Students must not have incurred more than two (2) days of ISS assigned for the year. Students who were assigned OSS or AEP during either semester may not be exempt.
- Attendance hardship cases may be appealed to the Exam Exemption Committee. The hardship appeal forms for exam exemptions may be picked up yat the Principal's Office beginning April 22, 2024, and returned no later than May 03, 2024.
Graduation Info at tomballisd.net/graduation
Graduation FAQ
When is graduation? Answer: May 24, 2024 at 8:00 am.
Where is graduation? Answer: Reed Arena at Texas A&M, College Station
Do we need tickets? Answer: No. All seating is first come, first serve.
How many people can we bring? Answer: As many as you want.
Is there handicap parking and seating? Answer: Yes, both are available.
What time will the doors open? Answer: Seniors and Parents can begin entering at 8:00am. All Seniors should arrive no later than 7:15 to have plenty of time to be set to walk out at 8:00.
Week of April 28th-May 3rd
College & Career Counselor Corner
- Spring Cougar Block College & Career Fair - LAST CALL TO SIGN-UP! May 1st open to all grade levels. Sign-up required (sign-up closes om the 28th)
- College Rep Visits - Our final college rep visits for this semester is coming up. Texas Tech University on May 9th. Sign-up is required, click HERE.
- Students taking Dual Credit in 24-25 - The deadline of April 26th has now passed, and it is too late to submit any required items. Students who did not meet the deadline will need to meet with their counselor to change their course requests. For students who met the deadline communication will be sent out in mid-May with further instructions on payments.
- HMNS Award for Outstanding Achievement in Science or Mathematics Opportunity for Juniors - Award and scholarship opportunity for juniors who excel in math and science! Click HERE for details. Deadline September 1, 2024.
- SAT Test Prep - Khan Academy partners with College Board for a free SAT prep course. Check it out HERE. If you would like to sign up for additional SAT or ACT testing, all the dates are HERE. *Students enrolled in the free & reduced lunch program can test for FREE. See Mrs. Nichols for the waiver code. These students can also apply to colleges for FREE, so be sure parents complete the annual lunch program application at www.schoolcafe.com
- Test Prep Resources from our THS Library - Free STAAR, AP, & SAT/ACT prep available through Learning Express via Classlink. Study guides, practice tests, and more!
- Sunflower Bank ABC Program - LAST CALL!! Get paid for getting A’s! Students can bring a copy of their MP3 report card to Sunflower Bank in Tomball to enter in the contest. Click HERE for details. Deadline for this report card is April 30th.
- Part-Time Job Opportunities - A few local businesses have reached out to share part time job opportunities! Compiled list HERE.
- Spelman College Cosmetic Chemistry - Spelman College Celebrates Expansion of Cosmetic Science Program, learn more about Spelman College
- United States Military Academy West Point Summer Leaders Experience - Click HERE for details
- SFASU Summer 2024 Pre-Law Academy - Click HERE for details
- SHSU College of Health Sciences Summer Camp - Click HERE for more details, applications are due by May 1st.
- Seniors - Share your post high school plans to have your name put on the College Bound Cougar Board and have your picture taken.
- FAFSA (Free Application For Federal Student Aid) - The 2024-2025 FAFSA is undergoing changes and IS NOW OPEN FOR YOU TO COMPLETE! 🙂. https://studentaid.gov/
- FAFSA Contributor Without SSN Issue Fixed - If you were affected by the issue with contributors (parents) without SSN numbers submitting FAFSA it has now been FIXED. Please have your contributor (parent) go ahead and complete their part of FAFSA as soon as possible. Check for information from your college or trade school to see what their new priority deadline is to have your FAFSA submitted. Additional Info HERE.
Important Dates for Seniors
Wednesday May 1 Top 10% Breakfast
All Top 10% Seniors will be invited to a breakfast in their honor in the Lower Lobby of Tomball High School. National Honor Society sponsors this wonderful celebration of our Top 10%. Each member of the Top 10% is allowed to invite one teacher that they choose to honor. Invitations and more information will be delivered to the Top 10% Seniors in the future.
Wednesday May 15 Senior Awards Ceremony
Seniors being recognized at The Senior Awards Ceremony will be dismissed to come to the auditorium from class. Senior dress is Sunday Best and Seniors must be in dress code to participate. Parents and family are welcome to attend Senior Awards.
Students receiving awards will be given an invitation to the Ceremony and parents of seniors will be receiving an invitation in the mail.
Families attending should enter through the Lower Lobby and into the Auditorium.
Friday, May 17 : Senior Sunset
Seniors have the opportunity to come watch the sunset on their Senior Year in Cougar Stadium. There will be food, activities, and more prizes.
Sunday, May 19 Baccalaureate
The Baccalaureate Program is put on by the Senior Parent Organization in the THS Auditorium. We ask Seniors to arrive wearing their gowns (without caps) to this program. They can also wear any earned cords and stoles if they choose.
While this is an optional program for our Seniors, it is a wonderful and more intimate opportunity to walk across the stage in Tomball for a final time and be recognized in front of family and friends. Words of encouragement and motivation as well as Praise and Worship music is standard at this program.
Monday, May 20 : Senior Final Exams
Tuesday, May 21 : Senior Final Exams
Wednesday, May 22 : Cougar Walk
Seniors will sign up in Early May and choose the elementary campus they would like to do the Cougar Walk at.
Seniors report directly to the elementary that they signed up for at 9:15 and sign in. This is how we take attendance this day. If a Senior does not want to participate, they will report to the THS Competition Gym at 9:15 for a brief meeting and attendance taking.
Seniors should wear their caps and gowns AND THEIR STUDENT I.D. for the Walk. We highly encourage all Seniors to participate in Cougar Walk as it is a memorable experience not only for the Seniors but the Elementary Students who get to cheer for the Seniors.
Seniors will meet the elementary Principal upon arrival and will be given instructions at that time.
Seniors are finished for the day after the Cougar Walk.
Thursday, May 23 : Graduation Rehearsal (Very Important)
Seniors report to the Competition Gym at 8:30 am
Seniors check the walking list to make sure they qualify to Graduate (Very Important)
Seniors Check the Updated List of Diploma Holds (If their name is on the list they should go clear their hold so they can receive their diploma packet after graduation)
We will walk through everything Seniors need to know about Graduation
Friday May 24 : Graduation
Seniors report to Reed Arena, Texas A&M between 7:00 and 7:15. (Leave with time to spare)
There is a $10 parking fee in the Reed Arena lot
Students will come down the stairs to the Practice Gym to get lined up and ready. Encourage them not to bring personal belongings downstairs as we cannot secure anything. TMHS will be in the Practice Gym as our ceremony ends. Seniors will be exiting a different way and there is no way to recover left items.
At 8:00, the Seniors will March out to the Reed Arena Floor for the Commencement Ceremony
At approximately 10:00, the Seniors will recess out of Reed Arena where they will pick up their diploma packets. (Seniors just receive the Diploma Cover when crossing the stage)
Seniors will meet their families after exiting the arena outside.
Enjoy lunch in College Station and celebrate with family.
Specific details on this Big Event coming soon.
*** Please note that ALL Seniors must be in Dress Code to participate in Graduation. All are wearing a Cap and Gown with No writing on the caps. The biggest issue we normally have that keeps Seniors from graduating is facial hair and facial piercings other than the ears and natural hair color. Please ensure that students arrive at Graduation in Dress Code so there are no disappointments on their big day.
Things for Parents to know about Graduation:
Seniors need to be there no later than 7:15.
Seniors need to be in dress code. Seniors will not be allowed to cross the stage if they are not in dress code.
Boys: Clean shaven, shirt and tie, slacks, dress shoes (no sandals or flip-flops)
Girls: Dress, skirt, or nice pants. Nice shoes (no flip flops)
Both: No facial piercings other than earrings. Hair must be a natural hair color. Seniors may NOT write and decorate the tops of their caps.
It costs $10 to park at Reed Arena. A parking map will be sent closer to Graduation
Please do not bring air horns or noise makers. The Reed Arena security will confiscate and may remove people who disrupt.
Bring as many guests as you would like to Graduation. There are NO tickets.
The Seniors will pick up their diploma packet after Graduation on their way out of the arena. The diploma packet contains their diploma, picture ordering information, and a Commencement Program as a keepsake. The diploma packet will also include a copy of their immunizations from the Registrar's Office.
There is a video link for family, friends, and relatives who are unable to attend graduation. They can live stream the Graduation Ceremony by clicking a link we will provide in the future.
Finally, make sure you save those caps and gowns for younger siblings. If your Senior does not have younger siblings and does not want to keep their cap and gown, we would be happy to take it as a donation to a student in need in future years. Seniors may also want to keep it as a keepsake.
I have enjoyed working with the Class of 2024. Your kids are amazing. I also want to thank everyone who joined and worked hard in the Senior Parent Organization. You have been making this an incredible year for your Seniors.
Enjoy the remainder of the Spring Semester and the end of the school year with your Seniors!!!
Mark Vierkant
Associate Principal for Operations
Senior Parent Organization 2024
We need all Senior Parents for the Class of 2024 to get involved.
Make sure you follow SPO 2024 on
Facebook: Tomball High School SPO 2024
Instagram: ths_spo_2024
NEW WEBSITE: www.thsspo2024.com
You can also email us at spoths2024@gmail.com
OUR NEXT MEETING is scheduled for Thursday, May May 2nd in the cafeteria of Tomball High
Mark Vierkant @THS_Mr_Vierkant
Lisa Streat @THS_Ms_Streat
Daniel Craft @THSAP_Craft
Sara Cooley @THS_cooley
Jennifer Foley @THS_jennlee
Carl Moise @C_Moise22
Carrie Sack @CSackTHS
The purpose of the Cougar News Weekly Newsletter is to inform the community of everything going on at Tomball High School.
Feel free to email MarkVierkant@tomballisd.net with any celebrations of our students!!
I put together the newsletter, but depend on Parents, Students, Staff and the Community to get me stories to share with the community of Tomball.
Please share anything newsworthy for consideration. Photos to go along with the story is a wonderful touch to the story for the reader.