January 2022 WAVA Wave Newsletter
-Welcome to our month of ""Everything Is Possible" at WAVA-
Grades K-12, Happy New Year!
We hope you and your family had a wonderful and Happy Winter Break and New Years Celebration. Did you and your family make a New Years Resolution together, are you looking forward to new goals and challenges? Together we can reach out goals. As we jump into January we look forward to a busy month with our students. This month in January we highlight our 7 Mindset, 'Everything Is Possible'. What ways can you reach your goals and make them possible? Dream big, embrace creativity, and expect great results Everything is Possible provides an understanding that we are all capable of living extraordinary lives. We look forward to sharing this month with each of you. Take a moment to share with your teachers and send an email or connect with other Learning Coaches on our WAVA Community on the K12 App.
From all of us at WAVA, Happy 2022 and we are glad you are here with us!
WAVA Cookbook
WAVA Padlet
REEL Me Video Challenge
Counselors at WAVA
January at WAVA:
January Mindset: “Everything is Possible”
Check your schedule for SEL-ebrations for Social and Emotional Learning with your Counseling team
Suggested Readings • Matthew’s Dream by Leo Lionni • Oh, the Thinks You Can Think by Dr. Seuss • The Wonderful Things You Will Be by Emily Winfield Martin • I Wish You More by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Tom Lichtenheld • How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers • Drum Dream Girl: How One Girl's Courage Changed Music by Margarita Engle • Unstoppable Me!: 10 Ways to Soar Through Life by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Grades 9-12th, Submit Your Yearbook Photos Today!
WAVA Community and Clubs News
January Community Engagement News
At WAVA we want to connect with students and believe that all student can succeed. In addition to connection in the classroom through academics, student support, class connect sessions and learning platforms students can connect on their own time for community engagement. Club options for Stride can be found on the OLS Announcements and the Class Connect Schedule. WAVA Clubs will be on the WAVA Bulletin at https://www.wavabulletinboard.com/esports-and-clubs. Clubs may include options in Gaming, Art, Baking, Music, ASB, SkillsUSA, GLSEN, Social Chats and Esports. This month on the OLS you will find announcements about a Live Baking Challenge, Photo and Innovation Challenge and club options to join. Clubs happen weekly except for holidays and no school days. Thank you!
Join us January 6th, Morning Cup of Cocoa:
8:00am to 8:30am
Join us: Morning Cup of Cocoa Link
*Direct url: https://zoom.us/j/99741405993?pwd=TkpTQUx4alppZDFWN1lkOXpXNUZHQT09
-Team WAVA
WAVA Events:
At WAVA our community is our families and students, and we provide connection opportunities for students to stay engaged. Throughout the year students can attend outings to meet families, students and staff. Regional outings, picnics, virtual events and field trip opportunities will be offered throughout the year. Contact your teacher if you are interested in a class event or way to socialize together. Events will vary and may include:
January: WAVA I'm Back Spirit Week Jan 3-7, Spelling Bee Prep Jan 11th, Hat Day, 7 Mindset Everything Is Possible, Spelling Bee Feb 1st
February: Spelling Bee, Friendship Day, Spirit Gear sales round 2, WAVA Day
March: Science Fair, Leprechaun Trap Contest, Green Day
April: Talent Show, Spring Break Clubs, Creative Hair Day
May: Photo Contest, Graduation Promo, Prom, Clubs end, Sunglasses Day
June: Graduation, End of Year Staff Parade, Summer Clubs and Activities Promo
Please let us know if you would like to give a special shoutout to your teacher and let us know something special that is happening for your student! We would love to highlight your news here in our Spotlight each month! You can share news on your student success with our National Social Media team through Project Elevate! If you are a Learning Coach interested in being on our Parent Advisory Council for 2021-2022, please contact us!
Winter Photo Challenge
December/January Photo Contest: Winter Weather
Our December/January photo contest theme is Winter Weather - we want to see pictures of the winter weather where you live! Whether it's snowbanks and frost-covered trees, or wind blowing through the palm trees on the beach we want to see what winter weather looks like in your area! Use your creativity to capture the moment.
We are encouraging you to submit a photograph (limit to 1) you have taken relating to our December/January theme, Winter Weather, for the chance to win a prize!
A winner in each grade range (K–2, 3–5, 6–8, and 9–12) will be chosen. Students in kindergarten through 12th grade are invited to participate. If you experience issues uploading or have any questions, email clubs@k12.com.
The contest runs December 1, 2021 through January 31, 2022.
See full details and official contest rules.
Upload your photo here: https:/bit.ly/K12PhotoContest
Welcome to Student Engagement Opportunities
Newsletter and National Contest Winner News.
WAVA Clubs Schedule and Info
WAVA SkillsUSA Club for Grades 9-12
WAVA HS Yearbook Photos Needed
Calling all students grades 9-12 at WAVA! Share your photos from school, activities and more with our WAVA Yearbook Club Leader to contribute to our yearbook. Email photos with your grade/name to Jo Petersen, Jpetersen@wava.org
7 Mindsets We Are Connected
Tutor Me for WAVA
WAVA Operations, Enrollment, Assesments
Thank you for registering with WAVA. Our Operations and Enrollment Team members work hard each day to ensure our students can start school and enjoy the year. Thank you for your patience throughout the year and we look forward to a wonderful year.
Re-Registration and Enrollment is just around the corner!
- For all transcript requests: : WAVA Transcript Request Form
- General Enrollment Questions: enrollment@wava.org
- General Registrar (non records or transcript) questions: registrar@wava.org
- New eFax number: 253.409.2689
Directory Opt Out Form: https://wava.k12.com/how-enroll.html
Text Opt Out Form:
-Ms. Giske, WAVA Operations Manager
Ms. Leatiota, WAVA Assistant Operations Manager
-Ms. Leah Androy, WAVA Office Manger
Thank you to all who participated in fall Smarter Balanced and WCAS Science testing. We are so proud of you!
-Assessment Administrator, Danielle Beyer
Special Programs Support
Special Programs Team:
Check out the Special Programs Page on the WAVA Bulletin
If you have questions or concerns about the diverse needs of your learner, please contact -
- Stephanie Needler, skneedler@K12.com --Special Program Support
- Scott VanGerpen, svangerpen@wava.org – 504
- Melanie Wyckoff, mwyckoff@wava.org – Highly Capable Program
- Star Downey, sdowney@wava.org - Highly Capable Program
- Karen O'Leary, koleary@wava.org – English Learner Program
- Lauren Garcia, lgarcia@wava.org, English Learner Program
Success Stories
We are WAVA, We are ONE
What's Important at WAVA?
At WAVA, students come first. We partner with families to provide a free and excellent public eduction that meets the needs of the whole child.
At WAVA, learning is our focus. We empower one another to become life-long learners through innovation and inspiration. We plan for success.
At WAVA, community is valued. We seek to positively impact our community through partnership, offerings, and collaboration.
At WAVA, cultures are respected. We celebrate diversity and commit ourselves to positive and meaningful teamwork.
Follow us on Instagram!
Follow us on YouTube!
Follow us on our main WAVA facebook page!
Washington Virtual Academies
Email: info@wava.org
Website: www,wavabulletinboard.com
Location: 2601 S 35th St Suite 100 Tacoma, WA 98409
Phone: (253) 591-6888
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WAVAESLC/
Twitter: @K12_WAVA
Omak Statement of Non-discrimination
Omak School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights Coordinator and Title IX Coordinator: Brittney Richter, (509) 826-7687, brichter@omaksd.org or WAVA Family Resource Coordinator: Kathy Swartz, (253) 682-7906, kaswartz@k12.com; and Section 504 Coordinator: John Holcomb, (509) 826-8342, johnholcomb@omaksd.org , P.O. Box 833, Omak, WA 98841 or WAVA 504 Coordinator, Scott VanGerpen, (253) 591-6888 svangerpen@wava.org
El Distrito Escolar de Omak no discrimina en ningún programa o actividad por motivos de sexo, raza, credo, religión, color, nacionalidad, edad, estado militar o veterano, orientación sexual, expresión de género o identidad, incapacidad o el uso de un perro entrenado o un animal guía o de servicio, y proporciona el mismo acceso a los Boy Scouts y otros grupos de jóvenes que sean designados. Los siguientes empleados han sido designados para estar a cargo de preguntas y quejas de presunta discriminación: Coordinadora de Derechos Civiles y Coordinador del Título IX: Brittney Richter, (509) 826-7687, brichter@omaksd.org; Coordinador de recursos familiares, Kathy Swartz, (253) 682-7906, kaswartz@k12.com; y el Coordinador de la sección 504: John Holcomb, (509) 826-8342, johnholcomb@omaksd.org, P.O. Box 833, Omak, WA 98841 or WAVA Coordinador de la sección 504, Scott VanGerpen, (253) 591-6888 svangerpen@wava.org.