Week 2-Part 2: iMovie TRAILERS
EDCI 318 Technology for Teaching & Learning-SUMMER 2018
iMovie TRAILERS let you quickly create fun, Hollywood-style movie trailers from all that footage and images.
Choose from a range of templates in almost any genre, pick your studio logo, and type in your movie title and credits. Then add photos and videos to the storyboard. Whether you’re using an iPhone, iPad, or Mac, you’ll have an instant blockbuster.
Trailers are intended to get audiences excited about seeing a film at the cinema. However, trailers are also a form of condensed storytelling. In just a couple of minutes a trailer can establish genre and mood, introduce character and setting and establish plot and key themes.
As narrative and persuasive texts, trailers are ideal for primary literacy. The short duration and strong visual and auditory content means that trailers engage pupils of all ages, abilities and learning styles.
On-screen texts are a good introduction to strands 9 (Creating and Shaping Texts) and 10 (Text Structure and Organization) of the literacy framework and create opportunities for kids to discuss and articulate their knowledge and understanding.
Check out some iMovie CONTENT trailer examples below from teachers and past semesters. Check out these examples, (click the link below)
After you have completely explored the examples, it is time to make a trailer of your own. The trailer is due by midnight on Sunday.
CHECK OUT THESE EXAMPLES before you make your Trailer
Choose your topic based on the assumption that you would teach the topic in your classroom, a few ideas to get you thinking…..
A movie trailer will be a very short (1 minute or so) but can be an exciting digital story, summarizing the content and/or process in any curriculum area
- Black History Month, Martin Luther King Day
- Texting & Driving or Drinking & Driving
- Bullying/ Cyberbulling
- Vocabulary or a concept
- Introduce a piece of literature the class will read
- Introduce an author or famous person in history
- Inroduce a science or math concept
Any type of curriculum connection, INTRODUCE A UNIT or topic you will teach. The topic does not have to be on this list above, those are just some ideas. This TRAILER is the hook to get your students excited about your unit.
It must be approp[riate to use in YOUR CLASSROOM!! It may be any topic as long as it supports a lesson and it can be used in the classroom. Teach us something.
iMovie Trailer Storyboard Templates to Plan your Trailer
- Here are a few details about iMovie Trailers, however, none of these limitations exist in the full iMovie.
- We will make a full movie later, but this assignment is just a TRAILER.
- This is approximately a 1-minute+ TRAILER depending on the theme you choose.
Things you can & cannot do in iMovie TRAILERS
- You cannot change the music, so choose the theme carefully, the music impacts your story.
- You cannot delete or add more frames, you must use what is included, all of them.
- All trailers are approximately 1 minute in length. Trailers are SHORT, so just the important stuff, get to the point but tell the story. It is amazing how much you can say in a minute if your plan well.
- You cannot add video from websites like Youtube, it must be saved to your Photos, plus Trailers use very, very short clips and contain no sound from the video clips.
- Music overrides voice on your video, so, the movie is told via images, video, text and music.
- Images and videos used in your Trailer must be stored in photos first.
- Shoot or find your pictures first and save them to your photos.
- You'll need to shoot your own video and the majority of your images should be good quality pictures and hop;efully ones you take yourself is possible.
- Make sure images they are high quality and not clipart.
- BE creative!!
Your iMovie Trailer will be posted to Seesaw and Padlet
- This is a trailer, so just the HOOK for the lesson or unit or topic!! Grab your students attention,
- Length, trailers are preset lengths, so no worrying about how long to make your trailer.
- Make sure you have read the iBook and taken the quiz BEFORE starting your iMovie Trailer project.
- Add your iMovie Trailer to your Youtube channel. (instructions below) You will upload numerous things to Youtube this semester, so you need your own account and channel.
- Add your iMovie trailer from Youtube before attempting to add to Padlet.
- Add your link from Youtube to Seesaw and Padlet.
- Title your entry in Seesaw iMovie Trailer
- Ttitle your post on Padlet with the title of your movie.
A few places to locate images other than GOOGLE!
- Unsplash: https://unsplash.com
- Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/en/service/faq/
- https://www.pinterest.com/cyndidk/photography
- https://www.pinterest.com/cyndidk/clipart-images-graphics
- https://www.flickr.com/creativecommons
- http://www.pics4learning.com
- These 39 Sites Have Amazing Stock Photos You Can Use For Free
- If you are using images from the internet, make sure you are using copyright friendly images. Here is an article to help you The Best Ways to Be Sure You're Legally Using Online Photos
Consider making a Board for graphics on your Pinterest and Pin these resources. That's 8 more pins to your 250 end of the semester requirement!!
Grading Breakdown and a few more details
- Make sure your movie trailer has an appropriate title. iMovie Trailer is not a title, the title should reflect the content of your movie, what is it about?
- Make sure your name is in the credits.
- Add a caption to your POST in Seesaw- iMovie trailer.
Points breakdown
- 10 points for tweeting with #edci318 & #iMovietrailers
- 50 points for iMovie Trailer added to Seesaw
- 20 points for adding your movie CORRECTLY to the padlet https://padlet.com/ded318/imoviesummer18
Add your iMovie Youtube link to Seesaw
Use the URL from Youtube
Tweet the same way you have in the past, say something about your project and tweet from Youtube.
Part 1 and 2 of a tutorial below
Cyndi Kuhn
College of Education
Kansas State University
paper.li: iPads in the Classroom
Email: ded318@gmail.com
Website: cyndikuhn.info
Location: Gardner, KS, United States
Twitter: @cyndidannerkuhn