Madrona Family Memo
Our Wild Cat Motto: Be Responsible, Be Respectful!

Saturday, August 31, 2024
Greetings, Madrona Wildcat Families!
What a great start to the 2024-25 School Year! Our Wildcat students quickly adapted to their new schedule, teachers, and content learning and classroom expectations in just one week. Our 6th-graders persevered through their first week of middle school, navigating six classes, PE line-ups, learned the combinations for two lockers, joined lunch and snack lines, and more! New experiences and our students' flexibility, self-advocacy, and ability to adapt are all a part of growing up!
Please save the date for Tuesday, September 10, 5:30 pm, for Back to School Night. During this event, you will meet your student's teachers, learn about the curriculum, and understand the expectations for the school year. We will begin in the gym with a Welcome and our Madrona PTSA Meeting before we start our classroom visits. Students will bring home a special bell schedule with a map of our school a few days before Back to School Night. Note: Wednesday, September 11, there will be a late start schedule (1st bell at 9:20 am) due to the Back to School Night.
Our Madrona PTSA is hard at work planning wonderful events for the 2024-25 School Year. Their first event and fundraiser is the Madrona Wildcat Welcome Back Dance, scheduled for Friday, September 13, from 4:00- 6:00 pm. More information, including parent/guardian permission slips, waivers, and pre-sale tickets, are included in this newsletter.
Friendly reminder! Due to the Labor Day holiday, there will be No School on Monday, September 2. The school will resume on Tuesday, September 3, at 9:20 am. Late Start Tuesday Bell Schedule. On Tuesdays, students may be dropped off at 8:15 am for supervised Study Hall in our Cafeteria, ensuring their safety and well-being until classes begin.
Warm regards for a wonderful three-day weekend!
Sue Key, Ed.D., Proud Principal
Madrona Middle School
Be sure to scroll through and open the Smore link to view our weekly updates, ensuring you stay informed about the latest happenings at Madrona Middle School.
Madrona's Grade Level Assemblies
This past Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, Assistant Principal Schiappa-Gobee met with each grade-level to warmly welcome them to Madrona. She shared our school and community expectations, resources, and the many opportunities to be part of our community. Thank you, Mrs. Schiappa-Gobee!
Here is a link to the presentation (translation: Spanish | Korean | Japanese (coming soon)
Wildcat Classroom Snapshots
8th-graders in Mr. H's class familiarized themselves with the English Language Arts literary terms "alliteration" and "onomatopoeia" prior to an interactive class reading.
Mr. Snow's 8th-grade class learned about influential American poet and essayist Walt Whitman. They listened to a video narration and analyzed poetic tone and style.
Ms. Aceves' Social Studies 7 students analyzed and reflected upon quotes from famous American figures in the context of the essential question: "Why Study History?"
Mr. Waldschmidt's Math 7 students completed an engagement activity that taught the importance of perseverance and collaboration when presented with a complex math problem.
Madrona Athletics!
Madrona Girls and Boys Soccer Tryouts are this week.
Students must sign-up for try-outs through using this link (*must be signed in with the student's username to fill out the form*). Cleats and shin guards are required.
- Boys Tryouts are Wednesday, September 4 (field - 3:30-4:30 pm)
- Girls Tryouts are Thursday, September 5 (field - 3:30-4:30 pm)
See Mr Waldschmidt, Mr. Amadio, or Ms. Lujan with any questions.
Students who make the team must have a completed TUSD Middle School Athletics Clearance packet!
Athletic Clearance Packet & Physical Form
These forms are an effort to improve our Middle School Athletics program and to make participation in middle school sports align more closely with the TUSD high school athletics experience. The clearance process includes a set of forms that parents/guardians, as well as student athletes must complete prior to a student being allowed to participate on an athletic team representing our school.
TUSD Middle School Athletics Packet
If your student does NOT intend to participate in Athletics next school year, then there is NO need requirement for the physical exam or any associated athletic paperwork to complete.
Mental Wellness - School Counseling Referral Form
Anyone (student, staff, parent/guardian) can fill this out our Google Form to refer a student for counseling. Referrals will be prioritized by the level of urgency and responded to as soon as possible.
NOTE: All referrals are first sent to Ms. Lujan, School Counselor. The school counselor may refer the student to our school therapist, Darren Thomas. In either case, counseling is an optional service and completely confidential, unless there is a safety risk at-hand.
If this is an 𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙮 and you do not have immediate access to the counselor, please call 911 and/or contact the Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988.
Madrona Physical Education Class - PE Clothes
For enhanced athletics and general hygiene, students are expected to wear Physical Education clothes consisting of a red t-shirt, black shorts, (or a red sweatshirt and black sweats), socks and sneakers. The purchase of the Madrona logo printed PE clothes is not required, but similar attire are required for identification during PE class activities.
Madrona PE clothes (with Madrona logo) can be purchased through the Madrona CalPro Sports Shopping cart link.
Orders are processed at the end of each order cut-off and shipped directly to families within three weeks from the ordering cut-off date. The Last Batch Order Cut-Off is 9/15/2024.
After School Math Homework Club
Good news! Madrona Math Homework Club will be returning soon for the new school year! Students who sign up for the club must take advantage of the time to get help and complete their work.
After School Math Homework Club is by Math Content Level- 3:30-4:30 pm (one day a week, Monday-Wednesday)
- Math 8/Algebra 1 - Mondays (Teacher Mrs Bloomfield, Room 14)
- Math 7/Accelerated 7 - Tuesdays (Teacher Ms. Fu, Room 9)
- Math 6/Accelerated 6 - Wednesdays (Teacher Ms. Wulpern, Room 6)
Note: The start date of Homework Club will be announced soon!
Important Dates*
- Monday, 9/2 - Labor Day (No School)
- Tuesday, 9/10 - Late Start & Back to School Night 5:30 pm, starting in the Gym
- Wednesday, 9/11 - Late Start (Period 1 Bell warning bell rings at 9:20 am - due to Back to School Night)
- Friday, 9/13 - Madrona Wildcats Welcome Back School Dance, hosted by the Madrona PTSA, Cafeteria 4-6 pm
- Monday, 9/16 - School Picture Day (photos will be taken during PE classes)
- Friday, 9/27 - Student Leadership hosted Family Movie Night (6:00 pm, details to come!). Students are expected to check in accompanied by their family/supervised by an adult.
- Friday, 10/18 - Madrona PTSA Trunk or Treat, 5 pm (details TBD)
* more events & dates to be added each week.
Use the PowerSchool App to Monitor Student Progress!
PowerSchool & PowerSchool app - Download and use the PowerSchool smartphone app to monitor your student's grades and attendance. Enable in-app alerts to receive real-time information on your student's progress. Android | Apple. The district code is TCXN. Students will need to use their student ID # and password to login. Families will need to use their PowerSchool login credentials.
2024-25 Madrona School Site Council
Madrona's School Site Council (SSC) is comprised of school stakeholders (certificated and classified staff, parents/guardians/community members, and student representatives). SSC works with Madrona Principal Dr. Key to review and provide feedback on our school's programs and budgets on behalf of our school community.
Madrona's School Site Council is scheduled five times a year after school (10/8, 11/12, 1/14, 3/4, 4/29) via Zoom. Our meeting agenda and a Zoom link will be posted on our dedicated SSC webpage a week before the meeting.
We have open parent/guardian/community positions on the School Site Council! If you are interested in participating as a voting member, please complete the following survey before this Friday, September 6, to be included in our upcoming 2024-25 School Site Council election.
We welcome parents/guardians as non-voting members to attend meetings.
Wildcats! Join Us on Sunday 10/20 For the Skechers Walk!
Madrona Middle School Wildcats students and families, let's show our school spirit by joining the "Madrona Wildcats!" Team at the Skechers Pier to Pier Friendship Walk. As the South Bay's Best Public Middle School, we have a reputation to uphold. Let's show everyone why we are THE BEST by signing up to attend this event and making a difference at Madrona Middle School!
This fundraiser aims to support the Friendship Foundation and enhance our school. We aim to update our Cafeteria/Multi-purpose Room audio/visual system, which is frequently used for family meetings and student assemblies. We are currently using an older model projector stationed on a rolling cart connected by multiple cables and power cords. If you have sat in one of our presentations before, you'll notice that this unit may hinder the view of school presentations.
The fundraising goal of $18,000 will cover the cost of purchasing and installing a new projector screen, ceiling-mounted digital projection system with a wireless connection, state-of-the-art speakers, mixer, equipment rackmounts, security cage, and ceiling-mounted drop-down microphone system for Drama class stage productions. Another goal is to have our cafeteria repainted with our new logo incorporated into a unique and eye-catching design.
I hope to see you walking with family and friends showing Madrona Middle School Wildcat pride at the Skechers Walk on Sunday, October 20! If you can't attend, you can also sign up online to participate as a virtual walker.
ON SALE NOW! Madrona's 2024-25 Yearbook
Friday, Sept. 13 - Wildcat Welcome Back Dance
The Welcome Back Wildcats Dance (hosted by the Madrona PTSA) will be held on Friday, September 13, 2024, from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Madrona Cafeteria. In addition to DJ music and dancing, students can enjoy lawn games and photo opportunities. Snacks and drinks will be sold. Attire is "dress your best" in red and black.
Admission < click here to purchase tickets and sign waiver & parent/guardian permission slip
$6 - Students w/PTA member in their household (a PTA membership number must be provided)
$8 - Students without a PTA member in their household
Advance sales will be available until Wednesday, September 11 (online only). After this date, tickets can also be purchased at the door (9/13) for the same prices, either with cash or a card. However, permission slips and waivers must be completed before Thursday, September 12.
Permission slip and PTSA Waiver
All students planning to attend the dance must complete the Google form linked on the Madrona Welcome Back Dance info page. The permission slip and waiver are required for all students planning to attend the dance; these MUST be completed no later than 9/12 since all permission slips and waivers must be verified.
The school dance is a fundraising event hosted by the Madrona PTSA. Proceeds from ticket sales will support future PTSA-hosted school activities and celebrations.
Madrona Spiritwear Store - Closes 9/6!
Renew Your Madrona PTSA Membership for 2024-25!
Donate directly to the Madrona Middle School PTSA via the DONATE link below (or) Download the Donation Form and drop off donations to the PTSA Box located in the main office. 100% of membership goes back to our school.
Donate directly to the Madrona Middle School PTSA via link above (or)
Download the Donation Form and drop off donations to the PTSA Box located in the main office
Metro GoPass Program Continues for 2024-25 School Year
Exciting News!!! The TUSD Board of Education approved the continuation of the Metro GoPass program through the 2024-2025 school year.
Would your student like a GoPass card (or) do they need the new code? Have them stop by our main office! Students can use their existing cards and registering their card immediately with the new codes provided by our office.
Current card holders will only need a new registration code to continue access to fareless transit rides through the Metro Transportation Authority.
Madrona - South Bay's Best Public Middle School!
Madrona Middle School was voted the Best Public Middle School in the 2024 Daily Breeze/Beach Reporter South Bay Best Readers' Choice survey! Thank you to our families who voted for us. This recognition is a testament to the supportive and safe learning environment created through the collaborative effort of our student body, staff, and families.
The Daily Breeze / Beach Reporter published its annual Readers Choice Awards - link to the webpage and insert: https://dailybreeze.readerschoice.la/2024-south-bays-rc-on-issuu-com/
TUSD PowerSchool Registration & Educational Benefit Form
Families! Don't forget to complete your:
- PowerSchool Annual Online Registration. All new and returning families must log into the PowerSchool Student Data System to verify that emergency and authorized contacts and release information are current (specific instructions below).
- Torrance Unified School District 2024-25 Educational Benefit Form - Although ALL Madrona students will receive FREE daily snack and lunch this year, completion of the form to help ensure our school receives additional funding to support student learning and our intervention programs, as well as additional academic counseling, socio-emotional counseling, and reading recovery. Qualifying families have access to additional benefits, such as discounted fees!
Student Safety, Traffic, Gates, and Bikes
The safety of our students is our priority!
Morning Drop-Off and Afternoon Pick-Up Traffic - Limit double parking and three-point turns since this causes significant backups. Keep our neighbors' driveway clear so they too can leave and return from work.
Campus Gates Open:
- on Mondays/Wednesdays/Thursdays/Fridays at 8:15 am. The Period 1 warning bell rings at 8:30 am, and the Period 1 Tardy bell rings at 8:40 am. Students must in their seats before the tardy bell rings.
- on Tuesdays, front gates open 8:15 - 8:30 am for supervised Cafeteria Study Hall (this open to all students). Our front and back gates reopen at 9:00 am. The first bell rings at 9:20 am; the tardy bell rings at 9:25 am.
Secure Bikes in Our Bike Rack & - Bike chains/locks are needed to secure bikes and prevent potential thievery. For safety reasons, skateboards, bikes, and electric scooters may not be ridden on the sidewalk and walkways in front of our school and on school property.
Madrona's Amazon Charitable Donation "Wish" List
Looking for a way to help out our school? We are ALWAYS in need of school supplies! Any help we can get is ALWAYS greatly appreciated. If you do purchase an item(s) please have it delivered to:
Madrona Middle School 21364 Madrona Avenue Torrance, CA 90503 310-533-4562. Thank you!
If you have it delivered to your home, please drop off at the front office (or) have your student bring it in.
Sign up for Ralphs Community Contribution Program ad NO added cost to you. Use Madrona's Organization ID UF902. Click here The program requires registration each September to stay active!
Contact Us
School Website: https://www.tusd.org/schools/madrona
Address: 21364 Madrona Avenue, Torrance, CA, USA
General Email: madronainfo@tusd.org
Attendance Office: madronattend@tusd.org
Main Phone #: (310)533-4562
Visit our school website and follow us on Instagram for updates on school events and activities.