Weekly Cadence
February 5, 2025
Schedule at a Glance
Here is everything you need to know about the Franklin Central Bands program right now.
Sync the Calendar to your phone!
The easiest way to keep up with schedules is to sync the band calendar to your phone! Add this url https://fcbands.boosterhub.com/ical-stream to your google or outlook calendar.
*If you are experiencing issues with your calendar synching, we recommend to un-sync and re-sync your calendar every once in a while to make sure your calendar is up-to-date.
Next Hosted Event - February 15
Our next hosted event is on February 15. There are still some slots available if you are needing to fulfill your agreement. Please check the times you selected to volunteer during this event as they have been updated. Any questions, please reach out to Missi Magness at events@fcbands.org.
Sign Up Here:
Franklin Central Booster Board Positions Call Out!!!!
A note from your directors -
A band program as busy and successful as Franklin Central’s does not just run on its own. The directors and staff are one aspect of the program, but beyond that, are the efforts of countless parent volunteers. For those that do not know, our program has a 501(c)3 Booster organization called “Franklin Central Band Boosters.” The boosters have a board of directors which is made up of volunteer positions voted on by the membership. The members are parents with a student involved in the Franklin Central Band Program!
We will have several positions opening up for the 2025-26 school year! Mr. Ellinger and I would like to encourage any and all interested parents to consider running for a position. The following positions will have a vacancy at the end of this school year:
Secretary- main responsibilities are taking minutes during board and parent meetings
Engagement Coordinator -main responsibilities are sending out the Weekly Cadence to band families each week
We will also have several other volunteer lead positions open this coming year:
Ticket lead- responsible for organizing ticket sales people/wristbands, anything related to selling tickets at events
Volunteer lead-responsible for checking in volunteers at events, ensuring all background checks are completed and verifying marching band members complete their four shifts.
The above positions will have vacancies for the next school year, mentioned below are positions that are currently filled, but anyone can run for any position!
See below for a list of all other board positions:
Vice President
Events Coordinator
Fundraising Coordinator
Lead Positions:
Hospitality Lead
Parking Lead
Do you have experience in managing finances? Our treasurer positions will be open for the 2026-27 school year, but we are looking for potential candidates to shadow our current treasurer for the 2025-26 school year.
We recognize that families are busy, but if you believe you have a strength in any of the areas mentioned above, we highly encourage you to reach to Mr. Ellinger or Ms. Nason for more specific information. Nominations will take place at our February 20th booster meeting, with elections taking place in March.
Concert Bands
Wind Ensemble
Wind Ensemble will have additional rehearsals throughout the semester in preparation for ISSMA State Qualifications which will take place at the beginning of May.
Wednesday, February 12th: 3:10-4:45 PM
Wednesday, February 26th: 3:10-4:45 PM
Wednesday, March 12th: 3:10-4:45 PM
Wednesday, April 2nd: 4:00-5:30 PM
Wednesday, April 23rd: 4:00-5:30 PM
Friday, April 25th: 2:30-4:00 PM
Monday, April 28th: 2:30-4:00 PM
Wednesday, April 30th: 3:10-4:45 PM
Friday, May 2nd: 2:30-4:00 PM
In addition, the Wind Ensemble will be participating in the Lawrence Central Concert Band Festival this year! The event will take place on Monday, March 10th, during the school day.
Winter Ensembles
Band Fees
Winter Ensemble Participants - Are you current with your payments? Payment should be made using the link provided in the BoosterHub invoice. It can also be found by logging into your account on BoosterHub.com or by going to the BoosterHub App and looking under Accounting. Credits can be manually applied thru the invoice link as well. To apply credits, please enter your student’s school email address when checking out.
New BoosterHub Invoice feature: most new invoices will give the option of partial payments.
Payments made easy: BoosterHub will automatically email an invoice to you. Please use the payment link in that invoice to make your monthly payments or partial payments. You can also apply credits using the same link. Although you still can, there is no need to make a payment through our website so long as you use the invoice link.
You can also mail a check payable to FCBB to the following address:
PO Box 39029
Indianapolis, IN 46239
Facing financial difficulties? We understand. If you're unable to settle your account by the deadline, please reach out to our treasurer at treasurer@fcbands.org to discuss a payment plan.
Questions and concerns should be directed to our FCBB treasurer, George Hewitt, at treasurer@fcbands.org.
*Please note, Chrome is the preferred browser when interacting with BoosterHub and payments.
Pep Band
Pep Band Games
Alumni Night is February 21!
*Report time is 6:00, game starts at 7:30
Pep Band Alumni Night - February 21st
Registration is $25, which includes a pizza dinner during the 3rd quarter of the game. All alumni participants are required by FTCSC to complete a Franklin Twp. SafeVisitor background check – it’s just $16, and is good for two years. The quick and easy form can be found here: https://ftcsc.org/safevisitor/
There are still spots available, but please register and complete your background check no later than February 10! We can’t wait to see you there!
Register here: https://fcbands.org/store/1919/9440
Questions? Email alumni@fcbands.org
Electric Mayhem & Static Havoc
Electric Mayhem goes to Pike this weekend! Please refer to the itinerary for the schedule. https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1J7GBz7jHzAh_TDer1-G_0ttR_kUVa9moCQ1AbOTBu7g/mobilebasic
Solo and ensemble participants need to make sure they leave on time to get to Pike! Best of luck to all!
The competition preview for Encores, Flight, and Static Havoc is February 13th at 7 pm.
Also, keep an eye out for Parent Square messages regarding meeting minutes, volunteer needs, & donation requests. Help where you can so we have a successful season! Thank you!
Static Havoc and Electric Mayhem calendars are up to date! Go to fcchoirs.org, and there are instructions for how to sync the calendar.
Winter Guard
Button Pictures
Button pictures will be at the Annex this Friday at 5:00 PM. Arrive with hair and makeup done the same as this past weekend.
*If your kid needs help with hair let Kim Good know and we can arrange for it to be done before then.
Saturday, February 8th
- Lunch- noon-1:00- Bring your own or parents can drop off at Annex
Valentine Raffle
- Keep selling those tickets! Raffle winner will be drawn on February 13th!
- Return all unsold tickets and stubs of sold tickets to Crystal at practice on February 12th.
- Contact Crystal through the Band app if you need more tickets.
Interested in buying tickets???? Contact a guard member or email Kim Good at guardliaison@fcbands.org.
Guard Snack Bags
Snack bags are given out to our hungry kids, chaperones, and bus drivers at each of our competitions. We will need lots of items donated so we can do this for all the competitions for both guards. Please sign up through the link below!
Chaperones Needed
We still need a few more chaperones for our competitions this year. Please use the links below to sign up.
Open Guard- Open Guard Chaperone Sign-ups
Regional A Guard- Regional A Guard Chaperone Sign-ups
**You must have an unexpired Safe Visitor background check on file with the school to volunteer. The instructions and link to complete the background check can always be found at the bottom of the Weekly Cadence.
Tickets for WGI world championships are now on sale!
Percussion Symphony
Saturday 2/8
The rehearsal has been changed to 4pm to 7pm and will be at the annex. Students should arrive early to allow time to move equipment over to the annex. Everything should be moved over and ready to start at 4pm.
Parent Volunteers Needed!
We will need 8 parent volunteers to help at every competition with pushing our pit equipment onto the competition floor. If you are interested in doing this, please let me know! We will be practicing this Saturday. If you want to help, please plan to be at the annex at 4pm. We can meet and discuss responsibilities and then we will practice with the group.
Friday, Feb. 14th
Our group is required to help set up Friday, Feb. 14th at 6pm for the IPA competition at FCHS on Feb. 15th.
All members should arrive at 6pm to complete their sections assigned tasks.
Items to Complete:
Drumline - Setup Main Gym Tarp
Visual/Cymbals - Setup FA Gym & FA Cafeteria Tarps
Front Ensemble - Tape "homeroom" areas
Assist with misc. as needed by parents
Feb. 15th IPA Comp Dinner Sign-up
Here is our 2/15 Comp dinner sign-up, please donate if you can do so. We are feeding the JV Percussion group with our group.
2/15 First Comp Info
The itinerary for the 15th will be shared soon. Here is some important info to know while waiting for the itinerary.
FCPS performance time is 8:23pm. Indiana Percussion Association website link is here: https://www.indianapercussion.org/?q=content/franklin-central-high-school-invitational
You can find the event schedule and ticket price info here.
Students should expect to be at the school all day, just like a staging camp practice.
Students should bring with them all the items they will need for the day when they arrive in the morning.
- Water bottle
- Practice clothes, performance under garments, practice and performance shoes, all hair and makeup for performance, all hygiene items they might need (deodorant)
- Students are to bring lunch or have one dropped off for them at lunchtime. Dinner will be provided.
- Dinner donation link can be found here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C44A5AC2AA1F8C25-54789276-2025?fbclid=IwY2xjawIO8zhleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHUAlQacZdwm0ycBdINoGTUojsdssDbNdVP3grhWIIZjCBMZVTZoGhZYsuw_aem_4nHT6G4mPictcsya1pP7Mg#/
- Students will be required to help with tear down of the event once it has concluded.
Percussion Undergarments - action required!
All performers will need to purchase one of the below undergarments according to their gender. Please purchase the nude/beige color. Our uniforms will be form fitting this year. These undergarments are commonly wore among all performing arts groups and levels. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Jessica Lee at percussionliaison@fcbands.org.
All performers will need to have this for our first competition.
Guys- Dance Belts
Dark Beige - Dance Belts - Undergarments | Wear Moi WM249 | DiscountDance.com
Mens "Samuel" Full Seat Dance Belt - Dance Belts - Undergarments | Lulli LUB319M | DiscountDance.com
Full Seat Support Dance Belt | Body Wrappers
Girls- Body Tights
Convertible foot
Womens Body Tights - Body Tights - Undergarments | Capezio 1818 | DiscountDance.com
Stirrup foot
Womens Ultra Soft Stirrup Body Tights - Body Tights - Undergarments | Capezio 1819W | DiscountDance.com
Womens True Bare Stirrup Body Tights - Body Tights - Undergarments | Mariia MTB17 | DiscountDance.com
Tickets for WGI world championships are now on sale! https://am.ticketmaster.com/wgi/
You are highly encouraged to buy your finals tickets sooner rather than later!
Marching Band
Mark your Calendar!
We hope to see you there! GO FLASHES!
Any parent or student interested in learning about the 2025 Marching Band season!
Franklin Central 2025 Marching Band Information Meeting
High School Auditorium
Wednesday, February 12 - 7:00pm
To learn about the upcoming Marching Band season! We will go over:
- Summer & Fall Break Dates
- Saturday Competitions
- Student Expectations
- Parent Expectations
- General Information
- Forms & Fees
Dine to Donate
Catch dinner at McAlister’s on Emerson on Wednesday, February 19 5-8 pm! FC Bands will earn 10% of what is purchased if you tell them you a there for this fundraiser!
FC Bands Laundry Detergent (and more) Fundraiser
Products Available:
5 Gallon Laundry Bucket with pump
Laundry Sheets
Fabric Softener with pump
Laundry Paks
Scent Beads
Liquid Dish Soap
Dishwasher Paks
Trash Bags
Payment & Order Deadline (Online orders only):
Online Orders & Online Payment Due: Midnight of Sunday, February 23.
Online Order Details: Detergent Fundraiser
The FC Band students will earn $10 per item sold money towards their band accounts.
Students/parents may collect orders utilizing the paper order form, if they wish. All orders must then be entered online.
Orders will arrive approximately 2 weeks after the deadline.
Item Delivery: Students will pick up orders to distribute to their supporters.
IMS 2025 Concession Sign-up
Help fund your student's band accounts!! Locations may have a combination or all of the following: Frozen Yogurt, Lemonade, and Pretzel Cart and will sell bottled water as well. (Parking passes and wristbands will be distributed as we get closer. The vendors will communicate attire. This is being offered to more than just us so shifts are not guaranteed yet, so act fast.
Compensation: 10% Of Total Gross Sales at Each Location Worked by our booster club and 100% of ALL Tips from Each Location Worked. If two or more booths are combined (due to weather, etc) those booths' sales will be pooled. The vendor will provide one check for each location along with a list of people showing what the number of shifts worked and at which location. We will then credit the students' accounts appropriately.
**Please note: All workers must be at least 16 years old. All minors must have at least one adult with them. This event does not count toward the event shift requirement from the Marching Band Financial Agreement. Thank you for your understanding.
BEST Events
2025 Dates now available for BEST events. Please note, times have not been provided at this time. If you sign up, be sure to clear your schedule, for that day, so that when times are added there is no conflict. Some of the dates overlap with winter ensemble activities so be sure to check the band calendar for any potential conflicts. Be sure to read the full description on Signup Genius. Signing up commits you to working that shift. No shows / canceling may result in our program losing this opportunity.
Signup Genius Link:
For first time workers ONLY registration link: https://workatbest.com/v/NeBKwp2GPiuFv-uHtBClA
• Once this is completed, BEST will send you an email from HireRight to complete a background screen. Usually 24 hours after you do registration.
• This must be completed before you are approved to work.
•BEST pays for the background screening, so you must be willing to work at least three shifts.
Amazon Wishlist
Our Winter Ensembles need a restock - please check out the updates on the Amazon Wishlist!
Items will be added to the list throughout the band year!
Franklin Central Band Sponsors
Thank you to our current sponsors!
Sponsor FC Bands!
It's a new year and time to rally to find businesses interested in sponsoring our awesome band program. The partnership of sponsors is critical to maintain the exceptional level of instruction and opportunity that is currently provided to our students.
For every sponsor you are able to secure, you will receive 10% of the donation to your student’s band account. Franklin Central Band Boosters is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Sponsor donations are tax deductible.
Check out recent updates to our Sponsorship Program
- Updated Sponsor Landing Page on Booster Hub
- New perks and advertising added to each sponsor level.
- Student Packet to assist in reaching out to our community businesses to acquire new sponsors!
- Band Student Sponsor Resources - all the details and support needed to speak to potential sponsors
Questions? sponsor@fcbands.org
Callout for Sponsorship Committee
We would like to pull together a committee to assist in petitioning, securing and managing our sponsorship program. If you would like additional information, or to express your interest please contact Jennifer McCormick at engagement@fcbands.org.
Background Checks
Reminder for all parents and volunteers! ⭐
Please make sure you have a SafeVisitor background check on file with FTCSC. A cleared background check is required for all of our volunteers (this includes required volunteer shifts at our events and helping with props during competitions). Background Checks are good for 2 years.
To complete a background check: https://ftcsc.org/safevisitor/
*Note: Volunteer Background Checks are no longer free of charge. The fee is approximately $16.00 per volunteer.
General Fundraising
Have you seen the new feature? You can now earn even more by using the "online shopping" tool via RaiseRight. Please note, credits from taking advantage of this new "Online Shopping" tool will take longer to show in their booster credits. RaiseRight will not pay out online shopping credits until 45 days after purchase to assure no item have been returned.
Find our enrollment code on FCbands.org or contact Jessica Lee at raiseright@fcbands.org
with any questions! This is an easy way to earn extra funds for your student account.
RaiseRight credits are added to students' band accounts in BoosterHub the first week of every month.
You can find detailed instructions on enrolling in RaiseRight HERE.
Kroger Community Rewards
It's easy to sign up and start earning for the band. Ask your friends, parents, cousins, aunts, uncles... everyone you know to sign up as well!
Log in to your Kroger account and search for our organization:
Organization Name: Band Boosters Club of Franklin Central H. S. Inc.
Organization Code: 10100
You can find detailed instructions on enrolling in Kroger Community Rewards HERE