Ryan Middle School WELCOME BACK!
August 2, 2023
School Starts August 15, 2024
Hello Wolverine Families!
Wow, it is hard to believe that the Fair is here and school is just around the corner. Students return to school on August 15th.
There are a few important dates before the first day that families need to be aware of:
- August 14th from 5:00-6:00pm Popsicles with Parents
- August 15th First Day of School
I would like to remind families that it's that time again to fill out your application for free and reduced price breakfast and lunch. Families must complete the application process each year in order for students to receive the benefits of this program, benefits the whole school we receive additional funds to support all of our students through our Title 1 program. The information provided by families is confidential and not shared with the school, we only receive the percentage of our student population that are eligible.
This newsletter has a LOT of information and useful links, so read it over and feel free to call the office with any questions you may have.
Thank you for always doing what is best for our students.
Don't forget to Mark Your Calendars:
August 15 | First Day of School
August Sports | Track & Field, Cross Country Running, Soccer, Girl's Basketball
All students must have a sports physical BEFORE trying out.
We are looking forward to a Rockin' year!
Ms. Stewart- Principal
Mr. Bell- Assistant Principal
Don't Forget to Be Someone's Hero!
Julie Held |
Chao Zalewski |
School Supplies
Chromebooks will be checked out to students so, no other devices will be necessary. CORRECTION- students will not be issued a chromebook to take home all classrooms have class sets of chromebooks for student use.
Ryan's Cell Phone and Wireless Headphone Policy is "Off and In Your Locker"
Nutrition Services Information - Don't Forget to Apply!
Nutrition Services Information - Don't Forget To Apply!
NEW!!! Our online breakfast & lunch menu provider has changed. We now have everything you need at https://www.schoolcafe.com . No account is needed. You can view the menus as a guest!
School meals are a great value and huge convenience for busy families. Full elementary price breakfast is $3.25 and lunch is $4.75. Middle and high school price breakfast is $3.50 and lunch is $5.00. If your child qualifies to receive meals at the reduced price, breakfast is free and lunch is $.40. Free and reduced price meal benefits do not extend to additional milk or milk only purchases or partial meal purchases. All portions of a meal can be purchased by paying the ala carte prices. Milk comes with breakfast and lunch but if your child purchases additional milk with his/her meal or one to drink with his/her lunch from home, the cost is $.1.00. Visit https://www.schoolcafe.com to make payments, view the menus, and see what your child purchases.
If your child received free or reduced price meal eligibility last school year as the result of a completed 24-25 meals application and were enrolled on the last day of school, the grace period will expire on September 17, 2024. On September 18, 2024, students receiving meal benefits due to the grace period will revert to full pay status. You have the convenience of completing the application online at https://www.schoolcafe.com or you can get a paper application from your child’s school. Submit a completed meals application for the 2022-2023 school year as soon as possible as it can take up to ten (10) days for application processing.
If your family received free or reduced meals in the past you will need to reapply for these benefits each year.
We encourage all Ryan families to apply.
Sports Information
All students need the following BEFORE they can try out for any school sport.
McKinney-Vento Education Program
Title 1 News
Nutrition Services Information - Don't Forget To Apply!
How to Contact Us
Bruce Bell, Assistant Principal x13511
Chao Zalewski, Counselor x13526
Julie Held, Counselor x13525
Tia Kraus, Social Service Manager x13533
Ann Buske, Prevention Specialist x13535
Email: heather.stewart@k12northstar.org
Website: k12northstar.org/ryn
Location: 1450 Cowles Street, Fairbanks, AK, USA
Phone: 907-452-4751
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ryan.middle.980
Twitter: @RyanWolverines