Boerne ISD Board Report

Open Session
The Boerne ISD Board of Trustees held their regular monthly meeting in the BISD Board Room on Monday, June 17, 2024.
This month's Board meeting included:
- 2024-25 Employee Compensation Plan
- 2024-25 Tax Rate
- Director of Alternative Programs
- Board Operating Procedures
- Board Code of Ethics
- Reports to the Board
- Board Reports
- 2024-25 Student Code of Conduct
- Changes to 2024-25 Academic Calendar
- Teaching Partnership with Texas State
- To view the entire agenda please click here.
2024-25 Employee Compensation Plan
The Board approved the 2024-25 employee compensation plan.
Overall, BISD increased employee compensation district-wide by over $1.2 million dollars for the 2024-2025 school year.
The approved compensation plan features:
Para-professional and Auxiliary employees will receive a 2.5% pay increase.
Teachers, Nurses, and Librarians will receive a 1.5% increase.
Professional Pay Grades AP01 - AP06 will receive a 1.5% increase.
Professional Pay Grades AP07 or above will receive a 0.5% increase.
In addition, BISD will contribute over $3.8M to health insurance premium benefits for the 2024-25 school year.
2024-25 Tax Rate
The Board voted to adopt a budget that will lower the district's property tax rate for the sixth straight year.
The 2024-25 tax rate is estimated to decrease per $100 valuation from $0.99320 to $0.99090. The district's tax rate has decreased by a total of 25 cents since 2019, and is among one of the lowest school tax rates in the area.
The TEA will determine Boerne ISD's tax rate in August 2024.
Board Welcomes New Administrators
Boerne ISD named current Champion High School Assistant Principal, Thomas Hatten, as Director of Alternative Programs.
Hatten, who has nearly 20 years of education experience, served as Assistant Principal at Champion High School for the past three years.
Before joining BISD, Hatten spent 14 years in Northside ISD as an Administrative Intern, as well as a Special Education and Social Studies Teacher.
Prior to entering the education field, Hatten honorably served in the United States Navy for over 20 years.
Hatten earned his Bachelors of Occupational Education in 2005 and his Masters of Educational Leadership in 2007 from Wayland Baptist University.
The Board also welcomed Jill Rhodes Pruin as Chief Human Resources Officer. She was officially approved as CHRO at the May Board meeting.
Director of Alternative Programs Thomas Hatten (3rd from left) with his wife Laura, and Chief Human Resources Officer Jill Rhodes Pruin (3rd from right), with her husband Grant, are recognized at the Board meeting.
Board Approves Operating Procedures, Code of Ethics
The Board approved its annual Operating Procedures and Code of Ethics.
Board Operating Procedures outline expectations and priorities to help clearly define how to carry out regular board tasks.
The Board Code of Ethics is a pledge by Trustees to adhere to ethical standards and to promote the best interests of students and the District as a whole.
To view the Board Operating Procedures and Code of Ethics please click here.
Reports to the Board
The Board was given an update on End of Year testing and preliminary STAAR data. The report highlighted:
End of Year (EOY) Universal Screeners for Kinder through 2nd grade data indicates expected growth overall and increases in Spanish Reading proficiency and in Health/Wellness.
STAAR data shows BISD consistently scored well above Region 20 and State marks in all subjects and grade levels.
STAAR was administered earlier than in most years which shortened units and offered little time for review.
To view all reports in their entirety please view the meeting agenda.
Board Member Reports
Program Evaluation Committee
In 2023-2024, BISD students acquired 644 Industry Based certifications (IBC) district-wide.
This is an increase of 34% from last year.
BISD saw improvement in all areas in the latest Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS).
Legislative Committee
Trustees will meet with Senator Campbell and Representative Troxclair about its approved TASB Advocacy Agenda resolutions.
TASB Summer Leadership Institute (SLI)
Trustees attended SLI last week in San Antonio to learn and collaborate with school boards across Texas.
Mr. Sena served as a panelist to discuss creating local legislative priorities that establish a district’s vision for how the Texas Legislature can better serve students and communities.
2024-25 Student Code of Conduct
BISD has made changes related to the student dress code and to the district’s practices regarding the wearing of student ID badges.
- Previously, BISD has required high school students to wear student identification badges at all times during school hours, while on school property. Beginning in the 2024-25 school year, this will expand to middle school students as well.
- Student identification badges provide an important layer of safety and security on our campuses, and will help us to know who is on our campuses, and who is authorized to be on our campuses.
- BISD solicited feedback from multiple groups regarding this update, including principals, the BISD Safety Committee, PTO Presidents, Assistant Principals, and the District Educational Improvement Committee (DEIC).
Changes to 2024-25 Academic Calendar
Moved the Thursday, August 1 Teacher Work Day to Friday, August 9.
Made Friday, December 20 a student and staff early release day.
Teaching Partnership with Texas State
The Board approved a three-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to create a new student teaching partnership with Texas State University.
The agreement will enable BISD to place student teachers and interns on district campuses to support the recruitment of new teachers.
The partnership will begin this fall.
Monthly Approvals
The Board also:
Approved district and campus administrator contracts for the 2024-25 school year
Approved the monthly personnel report
Approved the monthly purchasing report
Approved the monthly financial report
Approved minutes from prior meetings
Superintendent's Report
New BISD Chief Human Resources Officer Jill Rhodes Pruin and New Director of Alternative Programs Thomas Hatten were officially introduced.
BISD students who attend military service academies participated in a forum to discuss their background and journey- they have bright futures ahead!
BISD hosted over 100 law enforcement members and administrators for Active Attack Integrated Response (AAIR) training this week.
BISD hosted our first Core Values meeting with over 100 leaders, teachers, students, and community members.
Dr. Craft was selected to join the latest cohort of the Holdsworth Superintendent Leadership Program.
We currently have 15 applications for the 2024-24 Community Leadership Academy.
Board Commendations
The Board honored successful community partnerships:
- FBI Partners for their assistance and support.
- Leadership Boerne Class of 2024/Boerne Police Foundation, donation of funds for Viola Wilson Elementary SRO equipment.
To learn more about our June 2024 Commendations please click below for the presentation script.
BEF WOW Moment
This month's BEF WOW moment highlights students at Voss Middle School
Thank you to BEF for supporting every student, every teacher, and every classroom in Boerne ISD!
Next Board Meeting: Monday, Aug. 26, 2024
Connect With Boerne ISD
Email: Communications@Boerne-ISD.net
Website: www.BoerneISD.net
Location: 235 Johns Road, Boerne, TX, USA
Phone: 830-357-2000
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BoerneISD
Twitter: @BoerneISD