Think Different #52
Resources for the Week of February 18, 2018
Assess a student's reading fluency in real-time with ThinkFluency
ThinkFluency: new iOS app that lets teachers assess a student's Reading fluency in real-time. Create an account, add students/classes, select a Reading passage or create your own, and then begin the assessment. ThinkFluency makes it really easy for the teacher to track errors by tapping a button on the screen while the student is reading. Once this is done ThinkFluency will generate a detailed report and develop an individualized instruction that can be shared w/ others. This is a great app that saves teachers time as well as helping them differentiate instruction.
9 Ways OneNote Makes Lesson-Planning a Breeze
OneNote, which you can download for free, is a teacher’s best friend. Read these nine ways OneNote can help make digital lesson-planning easier, faster, and more effective!
CLICK HERE to learn about the 9 ideas.
CLICK HERE to learn about the 9 ideas.
For more in-depth interactive guides on how to make the most of OneNote in the classroom, be sure to check out www.onenoteforteachers.com.
Read more: Click Here
Video “20 Years of School Shootings”
Here’s a new video from The Wall Street Journal, “20 Years of School Shootings.”
Mind Mapping tools for the classroom
- MindMeister - This versatile and collaborative mind mapping tool can work on any platform or device. FREEMIUM
- MindMup - This online mind mapping tool integrates with Google Drive. FREEMIUM
- Inspiration Maps - This iOS-based mind mapping app is also available through Apple's Volume Purchase Program. FREEMIUM
- FreeMind - This desktop-based mind mapping tool is free and open source. FREE
- XMind - This desktop-based mind mapping tool contains a robust set of features. FREEMIUM
Want more? Check out these edshelf lists or tools.
- Mind Mapping - Curated by tech integration specialist Sandy Scordato.
- Diagram Creators - Curated by school teacher Jennifer Hettler.
A little help with Google tools including classroom
New Google for Education Facebook page
We're excited to announce another home for #GoogleEdu product updates, insights, lesson inspiration, event information, and more. Hop on over to Facebook to follow our newest channel!
Think Different Resources
Cyndi Kuhn
Weekly resources are archived at http://www.cyndikuhn.info under Weekly Resources
Email: cyndidk@ksu.edu
Website: http://www.cyndikuhn.info
Location: Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, United States
Phone: 785-532-5812
Twitter: @cyndidannerkuhn