Lions Letter
February 19, 2020
A Mindful Space
Our Social Emotional Campus Facilitator, Meredith Smith, has created a mindfulness space in the library for students, faculty, and staff. This space is designed to help manage emotions one may be experiencing during the day. It will be a quiet space with multiple coping methods to help manage emotions that may be overwhelming for students. If a student asks to utilize the space, they must first obtain a special pass from their teacher. The teacher will notify our lead counselor of the student and we will follow-up with the student before the end of the day. We will have books, coloring books, journals, soft music, and other coping methods to help those utilize that space to decompress. There will also be a supervising adult close by and a counselor on call.
A Candid Conversation about Vaping and Drugs - Feb 20
Visit the Prom Closet - Feb 18, 19, 20, 22
Celebrate Black History Month - Feb 27
Practice ACT and SAT - Feb 29
Take Advantage of Free Test Prep
Apply for the Klein Internship - Due March 1
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