PFES Board Report
May, 2024

Safety Drill
On May 17 at 10:45 the PFES completed the monthy safety drill. During the fire drill children were reminded to respond to fire drills by being excellent listeners to their teachers. The expectation is for a calm and organized evacuation for a fire drill. I observed teachers taking attendance as they lined up which is part of their responsibilities.
Congratulations Chequamegon Parent Teacher Organization
Reading Corp
The two images show the number of students tutored through Reading Corps this year and their growth in the various reading grade level areas. Based on comments from our Reading Corps contacts we are having excellent results with this program. I have applied to add a "Math Corps" as well.
Book Blast!
All children that earned the participation prizes will get them on Tuesday, May 28th when we also give out at least one book to every child in our school! Thank you to everyone that was able to particpate with a donation.
If you intend to have a planned absence for Tuesday, May 28th, please inform your teacher so that we can deliver the book(s) and prizes if earned.
April Eagle Award Winners
These students distiguished themselves showing excellence in cooperation!
Front Row Left to Right:
Adaline Klepac, Breeleigh Walker, Lila Hammond, Penelope Andreas, Madelynn Larson, Brooks Nelson, Jamie Herbst, Kiah Eshankunda,
Back Row Left to Right:
*Daxon Singer, Sarah Morgan, Sebastion Snyder, Colton Bruun, Diesel Oswald, Jerrick Andreas, Camden Arntsen, Kaylah Nyakusinga
*Bus Soaring Eagle!
Read Every Day
Ms. Scanlon's 1st grade class are the April Red (Read Every Day) Winners. They read the most out of all the classrooms in the school.
POP Tab Winner
Mr Tollakson's Grade 5 with 40.7 lbs!
May is Asian Pacific Islander Month
What is Next?
- May 23, 5th grade Field Trip/The Waters
- May 24, grade 1 and 2 field trip to Wildwood
- May 24, 4th grade Field Trip: The Waters
- May 27 (Monday) No School!
- May 29 (Wednesday) Last Day for Students!
Park Falls Elementary School
Email: tkief@csdk12.net
Website: https://www.csdk12.net/4/home
Location: 380 North Ninth Street Park Falls Wi 54552
Phone: 715-762-2474 Office Extension - 2352
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