Muirlands Library News
Muirlands Middle School
The end of the school year is fast approaching. Students will not participate in end-of-the-year activities, including 8th grade promotion if they have overdue books or library fines. Please help your student "know what they owe" the library for textbook returns, overdue library books, and fines. Computers will be kept at home over the summer unless you are leaving San Diego Unified School District. Be sure to read over the summer or listen to audiobooks. Reading is the key to success!
Ms. Gates
May 2024
All library books are due Friday, May 17
Textbooks and combination locks will be returned during
Science classes on the following dates:
May 29: 8th grade
May 30: 7th grade
May 31: 6th grade
Know What You Owe
Know What You Owe:
Follow the steps below to find out what library and/or textbooks are currently checked out to you. If you have items from other schools return them to me.
- go to http://destiny.sandi.net
- type the first several letters of your school name in the box and click the Go! button.
- at your school home page, click on the Login button (top right).
- put your school ID in the user name field, enter your password (the same username and password as your computer login.
- click the Login button.
Select the My Info tab.
Under the My Info tab you will be able to see
- if you have any library and/or textbooks checked out
- if you owe library fines
- the price for each item the date when you checked it out
Ms. Gates
Email: lgates2@sandi.net
Website: https://muirlands.sandiegounified.org/
Location: 1056 Nautilus Street, San Diego, CA, 92037 USA
Phone: (858) 302-3150