Flora Update
The Latest News and Information from AC Flora High School
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, November 15- Deadline to Donate a Teacher/Staff Member Lunch (details below)
Monday, November 25- ELearning Day
Tuesday, November 26- ELearning Day
Wednesday, November 27-Friday, November 29- Thanksgiving Holidays
Flora Gives- Meal Boxes-commit by Nov. 13
Flora Gives is AC Flora’s school-wide initiative to support our community throughout the year. Our winter projects include Thanksgiving Meal Boxes and Families Helping Families. Our goal this year is to provide a minimum of 40 Flora families with the Thanksgiving they deserve and sponsor a minimum of 40 Flora-zoned families by providing gifts for the holidays. We encourage all teachers, students, parents, and community members to participate in Flora Gives. Please pick up a contract from the school’s Main Office or click below to participate. Thank you for your support! Please see flyer below.
Please bring Thanksgiving Meal Box items on Monday, November 18, or Tuesday, November 19.
Families Helping Families donations are due by Wednesday, December 11. Thank you for your support!
From the Counseling Office
Click here for the latest scholarship update.
Upcoming college visit:
Wednesday, November 13- Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) -Flight Time- Guidance College Room
Socktober Success
Thank you to all of those who donated new socks and/or underwear for Socktober. We are proud to provide those in need with these resources for the colder seasons. This October was the first time Student Council hosted the sock drive and had a successful turnout. We collected 262 pairs of socks and 124 pairs of underwear for Transitions Homeless Shelter. Thank you all for your support as we could not have done this without you! Pictured: Sofia Edwards, who lead this effort.
College and Career Fair
On Monday, AC Flora students took advantage of the Richland One School District College and Career Fair. They were given the opportunity to meet with college representatives and admissions counselors to discuss their post-secondary plans and map out their future. See photos below.
Make Up Picture Day
If you did not have your yearbook photo taken last month, Wednesday, November 13, is the last day to have a make up photo taken by Legacy Studios.
Senior Portraits- Sittings Still Available
Wednesday, November 13 (auditorium lobby) will be the last chance to have your senior's portrait taken on campus. These sittings do not need an appointment, but are tux/drape only.
From the PTSO
Buy Your Teachers and Staff Lunch! To show our appreciation for all that they do, the PTSO will collect donations for a Teacher and Staff Luncheon to be held on Wednesday, November 20. With the lunches, teachers and staff will each receive a thank you card with the names of the students or other school supporters who donated on their behalf. Any additional funds raised will go to holiday gift cards that will be distributed in December. Deadline to donate is Friday, November 15. Please click the link to make a donation: https://form.jotform.com/242962734240052
TONIGHT! Thursday, November 7, buy a sweet treat at Crumbl on Forest Drive from 6-8:30 p.m. A portion of your purchase will go to AC Flora’s PTSO.
Join the AC Flora PTSO.
To join and support the PTSO’s ongoing efforts in the AC Flora community, please visit the following links:
Click here to become a Business Partner.
Click here to become a Friends and Family Member.
Attendance Quiz
Parents, attendance matters!
Please take this quiz to test your knowledge on school attendance. For help, see flyer below.
Parents who participate between by tomorrow, November 8th have a chance for their student to be entered into a raffle for a chance to win a prize.
2024-2025 PTSO Business Partners
Falcon Gold
Brabham Griffin Insurance
Falcon Silver
Brabham Fence
Brandon Davidson Interiors
Catalyst Architects
Ellison Kibler & Associates
Graybill Lansche & Vinzani, LLC
HLJ Creative
Hood Construction
Johnson & Lesley Construction Company
L&N Produce
McKenzie & Lybrand
Milliken Properties
RedBird Windows & Doors
Richardson Thomas LLC
Falcon Bronze
Bonitz, Inc.
Bradley Insurance Group
Camp, Moring & Brendle, LLC
Cohn Development
Dog Daze
Forest Acres Needlepoint
Freeway Music
Hendricks and Company
JHV Travel
Milling Law
SouthState Bank
Vicious Biscuit
Falcon Friend
Big Red Box
Moe’s Southwest Grill (Beltline Boulevard)
Thank you to our 2024-2025 PTSO Donors
Falcon’s Pride ($500 or more)
Laura and Adam Jordan
Falcon’s Flight ($250 or more)
Missy and Tommy Boggs
Cam and Culver Choate
Shawn and Summer Elliott
Blease and Sandi Graham
David Hawkins
Kenzie and Ryan Newton
Betsy and Brent Roof
Paula Sabbagha
Ashley Sitton
Heather Stallworth
Benefactors ($100 or more)
Katie and Zack Atkinson
Elizabeth and Nicholas Beasley
Marni Bird
Lisa Butler
Celeste Carnaggio
Natacha Cerisier-Whetstone
Gable Clark
Molley and Edward Clarkson
Nici and Brian Comer
Lindsay and Stephen Creech
Wes and Mindy Culp
Townes and Stephen Denemark
Peter Duffy
Kelly and Ryan Foster
Antione and Kalenia Frederick
Angie and Robert Gahagan
Rachelle Gajadhar
Mundi and Michael George
Misha Lawyer Goodwin
Paige Haas
Sara Svedberg Homewood
Ashley Jaillette
Leah Jeter
Steven and Sazy Johnson
Jennifer and Franklin Jones
Kalen Kloskey
Evelyn and Darren Knight
Elizabeth and Spann Laffitte
Montague and Lauren Laffitte
Angie Lichty
Catherine and Jason Lockhart
Kristen Long
Andrea Maas
Jordan and Michael Mancini
Josh and Marthan McCain
Jamie and Monica McCutcheon
Mary Dameron and James Milliken
Jonathan and Cydney Milling
Stephanie and Frank Mood
Bryan and Rebecca Norris
Elizabeth O’Bradovich
Jenny and Chris O’Neill
Stephanie Penaranda
Maria Price
Melissa Ray
Meredith and Rob Robertson
Kristie Rowe
Preston and Louisa Sabalis
Amy and Stephen Scott
Caroline and Austin Scott
Anna and Kevin Shalkham
Andy and Christy Slaughter
Bart and Rachel Snyder
Ashley Thomas
Shawn Toole
Laura Voyles
Sheryl Wiskur
Contact Us
Email: jennifer.collins@richlandone.org
Location: 1 Falcon Drive, Columbia, SC, USA
Phone: 803-738-7300
Twitter: @acflorahigh