NUHS Guidance Office News
December 2024
December happenings....
Important Dates
December 23-January 3 - Winter Break
January 6 - First Day back from break
January 8 - First Day of CCP Classes @ Marion Tech
January 9 - End of the Second Nine Weeks / First Semester
January 9 - College Credit Plus Meeting, 6:00 PM
January 10 - No School (Teacher Work Day)
January 20 - No School (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)
February 1 - application deadline to attend Tri-Rivers Career Center for 2025-26
February 6 - Junior Class Parent Meeting (focus on college), 5:00pm
February 6 - Parent Teacher Conferences, 3:00-6:00pm
February 11 - Career Pathway Open House, 4:30-6:00pm
February 11 - Parent Teacher Conferences, 3:00-6:00pm
February 14 & 17 - No School
February 25 - ACT Testing for Juniors
The 12 Days of Diploma Seals!
We are almost at the end of our 12 Days of Diploma Seals campaign. Students have to earn at least two seals in order to graduate. More information can be found here: https://sites.google.com/nu-district.org/diploma-seal-resources/home
Tri-Rivers is accepting applications for 2025-26
Students who wish to attend Tri-Rivers Career Center next year must fill out the application for admission. The application can be found here: https://tririvers.com/admissions/ . The deadline to apply is February 1st. After February 1st, students will only be considered if there is space available. Last year, there were waiting lists for several programs so interested students are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.
Mark your calendars!
The first event is on February 6th at 5:00PM. We will host a junior class parent meeting in our media center. Our focus will be on the college application process and how it works. We hope to see you there!
The second event is our Career Pathway Open House on February 11th. We would love to share all of our pathways with you and your student, as we prepare to schedule classes for next year. Everyone is welcome to attend and see all of the great things our students are doing!
Buckeye Boys / Girls State
Any junior who would like to attend Buckeye Boys State or Girls State in June needs to reach out to Mrs. Willis as soon as possible. This is a great leadership opportunity and looks great on college and scholarship applications. For more information, check out their websites: https://www.ohiobuckeyeboysstate.com/ or https://buckeyegirlsstate.org/ .
Ohio Electric Cooperative Youth Tour
Sophomores and juniors are eligible to apply for the Ohio Electric Cooperative's Youth Tour, which will take place in June. This is an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. The student's parents/guardians must be a customer of Union Rural Electric. Applications are due on February 12th and can be access here: ure.com/community/youth-programs . If you are not a URE customer, check with your electric cooperative - many have the same program, and Union/Delaware County is served by several.
College Credit Plus Information
Our annual college credit plus meeting for students in grades 6-11 will be held on Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 6:00 PM in the high school cafeteria. Please plan to attend if your student will participate in CCP for the 25-26 school year.
Marion Technical College CCP Program
Important Dates Spring 2025
- Spring book vouchers are available on Monday, December 16, 2024.
- Last day to add a Spring 2025 course, Monday January 6 by 5pm.
- Classes begin Wednesday, January 8.
- Last day to drop a Spring 2025 course (no repayment, no penalty): Wednesday, January 22 by 5pm
- Last day to withdraw (will receive a “W” on transcript and may be responsible for reimbursing high school) from a Spring 2025 course: Monday, April 28 by 5pm
Senior Corner - Important Info for the Class of 2025!
Seniors - make sure you are meeting all deadlines! Especially for college applications and scholarships. The info posted below should be helpful. Make sure you are checking the Class of 2025 Google Classroom for updates (Turn those notifications ON) Read your email. Listen to the announcements.
Senior Wednesdays!
Senior Wednesday is a series of events to help our seniors with the college application, financial aid, and applying for scholarships. Please see the link below for our upcoming events.
The FAFSA is already open for students to apply for aid for the 2025-26 school year.
Scholarship Information
We started to send out our weekly scholarship list on November 8th. It comes out every Friday, usually in the afternoon.
How do seniors receive this list?
It is posted in the Class of 2025 google classroom
It is emailed to all seniors, including those at Tri-Rivers, and the TRCC staff
It is posted on the website (link above)
It is posted in various places in the school building
Do you need a transcript? Are you using Common App?
Link to request a transcript: NUHS Transcript Request form Any senior who needs a transcript will use this form to request one. Please remember to mark whether or not you want your test scores to appear on your transcript. If you are filling out common app, you only need to do this once.
NOTE: if you are using Common App, the same transcript goes to every college on your list, so it will have to be one way or the other for every college.
Common App Info: What is Common App handout (English).pdf.pdf
NU Common App Cheat Sheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JLkKSRZShKUXaXZY0-qESAMQsSkvArQS/view?usp=classroom_web&authuser=0
Important Senior Dates for later on in the school year....
April 30 - Academic, Armed Forces & Employment Signing Day, 9:00 AM
May 14 - Senior Awards, 7:00 PM - seniors who are receiving awards will receive an invitation by email and snail mail.
May 16 - Last Day for Seniors
May 22 - Senior Walk & Graduation Rehearsal, 8:30 AM - followed by senior luncheon at Benny's (transportation is available)
May 23 - Graduation, 7:00 PM
Resources for everyone!
SAT Testing
SAT Testing: https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat/register
You choose the location for testing.
Free Test Prep: Khan Academy Free SAT Prep
Free Practice Tests: SAT Practice Tests
SAT is making the transition to all digital testing - the first one is March 2024.
Link to dates and registration deadlines: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y_sjdUqCUPsOzwgmL4d4vSuR70YnZ5XfUqtmfINRY0c/edit?usp=sharing
ACT Testing
Juniors will test on February 25, 2025. NU will register the juniors for testing. This in-school test event is separate from the national test dates and sign up process below. ACT is OPTIONAL, starting with the Class of 2026.
Students sign up here for the national test dates: https://my.act.org/account/signin?location=https://my.act.org You will choose the location and date to take the test. If you have previously tested, you have an ACT ID and an account set up. ACT ID can be found at the top of the scoresheet in the student Google folder.
Mrs. Willis has fee waivers for those who qualify. Fee waivers do not cover a late registration fee. See her for information. Only juniors and seniors can use a fee waiver.
Cost: $68. $93 for ACT with the Writing Section.
Other free test prep is available here: https://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/the-act/test-preparation/free-act-test-prep.html
Link to dates and registration deadlines: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y_sjdUqCUPsOzwgmL4d4vSuR70YnZ5XfUqtmfINRY0c/edit?usp=sharing
North Union High School Guidance Office
Jennifer Willis, School Counselor Email: jwillis@nu-district.org
Barbara Patterson, Social Worker Email: bpatterson@nu-district.org
Candace Hunt, Guidance Office admin assistant
Website: https://www.n-union.k12.oh.us/Guidance.aspx
Location: North Union High School, 401 N. Franklin Street, Richwood, Ohio 43344
Phone: 740-943-3012
X (formerly Twitter): @NUHS_Guidance
Facebook: North Union High School
Instagram: nuhsohio