West Godwin Weekly
Week of Sept 18, 2023
Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, Sept 27 - Early Release - 2:00 pm
Wednesday, Sept. 27 - Fall Family Night - 5:00-6:30 pm
Friday, Sept. 29 - Homecoming Parade - 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, Oct 11 - Early Release - 2:00 pm
Wednesday, Oct 18 - Early Release - 2:00 pm
Thursday, Oct 19 - Early Release - 2:00 pm
Friday, Oct 20 - Half Day - 12:00 pm
Wednesday Oct 18 - Friday, Oct 20 - Parent Teacher conference
Tuesday, Oct 24 - Picture Retakes
Wednesday, Oct 25 - Early Release - 2:00 pm
Here is the link to our full year school calendar.
News from Specials!
Mrs. Johns:
Welcome to any new families at West Godwin! My name is Megan Johns and I am your child’s Physical Education teacher (PE). 1st and 2nd graders have class twice a week and Kindergarten students see me once a week. Please remember to have your child wear or bring sneakers on days they have PE so they can safely participate in the lessons. Thank you for your cooperation with this! For this month our focus is on learning class rules and procedures, learning and reviewing locomotor movements, team building and of course, having fun!! Please email me at megan.johns@godwinschools.org or message me on Talking Points if you have any questions or concerns about your child. It is going to be a great school year!
Ms. Sobleskey:
Welcome Back!!! My name is Dawn Sobleskey and I am your child’s Art teacher now through December. 1st and 2nd graders have class twice a week and Kindergarten students see me once a week. I am excited to announce I have a teacher assistant working with me in the mornings. She is a student at Grand Valley studying to become an Art teacher. Her name is Hannah Mshar and she has been great with the students. In art we have been working on rules and procedures, as well as skill assessments. Next week we will be celebrating International Dot day so PLEASE have your child dress in something that has dots on it on Friday, September 15th.
Please email me at sobleske@godwinschools.org or message me on Talking Points if you have any questions or concerns about your child. We are going to have a lot of fun creating lots of beautiful art!!!
Ms. Matelski:
Welcome back! My name is Ms. Matelski and I am the school librarian. The students come in once a week, and during our time together we will discuss different topics such as characters, setting, and fiction vs. nonfiction. They also spend some time checking out books and reading! This month is focused on establishing library rules, routines and procedures. We have been talking about book care, and how to be responsible with our books. If your child is bringing home their library book please be sure to return it on their library day so they can check out a new one! I am looking forward to a great year full of some great books!
Spirit Week
National Coordinators Appreciation Week
Back to School Bash Pictures
Feeding America Food Truck:
Our Feeding America truck distributions will now be every month on TUESDAYS!
Location: Godwin Heights High School
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
After School Program for 1st and 2nd Graders
English Application Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdEchCZ-STg1p0Uk-ZIA44I9dL2Pfj2UL6i6JP3avg3S1WxLw/viewform?usp=sharing
Spanish Application Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScvxln7mtka-y9c7s8d5cC140fBXUVN4j4tqpakUIcdiR1yLw/viewform?usp=sharing
Dear Parents:
We will again be partnering with Cherry Health to offer dental and vision services for our students during this school year. These services will include a dental exam, x-rays, cleaning, fluoride, and sealants if needed as well as a comprehensive dilated eye exam. If glasses are prescribed, they will be ordered and delivered to your school after a discussion with a parent or guardian. This is a wonderful opportunity to have these preventative services completed at school if you do not have a dentist or vision provider or are already a patient with Cherry Health. If you would like these services and are unsure if you registered, please call Cherry Health School Linked Health programs at 616-776-2345.
Kids' Food Basket and Hand2Hand Weekend Meals
Student Medication
Drop-Off -Students can be dropped off in the rear lot off of 36th street between 8:15 am and 8:30 am. Staff will call you forward to the flag and open the door for your student.
For safety, we ask that you and your student remain in your vehicle until staff directs you to the drop-off area. Please have your child’s coat on and additional items ready prior to pulling into the drop-off zone.
Pick-Up- Students can be picked up in the rear lot off 36th street at 3:30 pm. Please remember to have your student information sign at your window.
Please pay close attention to security officers and staff directing traffic daily. For safety please follow directions of staff during pick-up and drop-off and practice slow speeds through the student drop-off pick-up zone.
Please observe the Right Turn Only Sign as you exit the parking lot. Attempts to turn left have resulted in some extremely close calls when entering traffic on 36th street.
KSSN Information
West Godwin Elementary
At Godwin Heights we believe that all students possess the ability to learn, to experience personal success, and to be productive citizens. Godwin Heights Public Schools deliver quality education enabling each student to work cooperatively and to participate in our diverse, democratic society
About Us
- Principal
Mrs. Casey Kroll
- Assistant Principal casey.kroll@godwinschools.org
- Secretary
- Secretary
Website: www.godwinschools.org
Location: 3546 Clyde Park Ave SW, Wyoming, MI
Phone: (616) 252-2030
Facebook: facebook.com/westgodwinelementary