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OMS Pirate Press Newsletter
Week of September 2-6, 2024
Important Announcements/Reminders
Bus 5 riders: please plan to be out at the bus stop 7 minutes earlier than you have been. The bus has been arriving late due to traffic and the pickup time will be adjusted to pick up 7 minutes earlier. Thank you for understanding.
Parents who drop off in the morning: Please PULL ALL THE WAY FORWARD in the drop off lane to accommodate the line of cars and other students waiting to be dropped. Pulling forward helps us to get all of our students in on time.
Water Bottles: Please remember to have your children bring refillable water bottles to school, clear ones preferred.
School Forms: Please have your child return all school forms and make sure you have updated all demographic info on student profile sheet (contacts, address, phone number, email, etc.).
This is a jam packed issue as we prepare for school opening!
- Schedule for the Week of September 2-6, 2024
- Transportation/Morning Drop Off and Afternoon Pick Up/After School
- Breakfast and Lunch Info
- Fall Sports Info-LAST CALL
- From the Health Office
- Save the Date info for upcoming events
- Helpful district and school resources
Schedule for the Week of September 2-6, 2024
- Monday, September 2nd:
- No School, Holiday
- Tuesday, September 3rd
- No School Students, State Elections-voting at schools. Teacher PD Day
- Wednesday, September 4th: Regularly scheduled day
- Therapy Dog Visit
- Thursday, September 5th: Regularly scheduled day
- Friday, September 6th: Regularly scheduled day
- Pirates Cove School Store Open
FOMS Welcome Back Chalk the Walk
FOMS (Friends of Oxford Middle School) welcomed students and staff back to school by "Chalking the Walk." What a great way to start the school year! Thank you to our FOMS. We are looking forward to a great year at OMS, Charting the Course to Success!
- Bus Transportation
- Bus routes and transportation are linked here: https://www.oxps.org/apps/pages/transportation
- Bus Riding info-seating, drop off time and afternoon dismissal time:
- OMS students ride the bus with OHS students. OHS students will sit in the rear of the bus and be dropped in the morning and picked up in the afternoon first.
- OMS students will sit in the front of the bus and be dropped at 7:10 at the Middle School, when doors open.
- Bus riders will be dismissed at 1:50 ahead of walkers and private transportation pick up line as buses need right of way to depart first so that the buses can make their afternoon elementary runs in a timely manner. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
- Bus stop safety: All school rules apply at the bus stop and on the bus. Students should be waiting at the bus stop, visible, and safely off the roadway.
- Morning Drop Off: Please pull into the lot, using the cut off between front drive and open field to travel and park facing Main Street in the 3 parent drop off lanes parallel to Carbuncle Drive to drop students. PLEASE BE COURTEOUS OF ALL STUDENTS AND FAMILIES AND PULL ALL THE WAY UP TO DROP OFF. This is very important for us to get all students into our building on time. Do not park head into curb. Do not pull out mid-lane, but wait for line to move forward. Do not pull forward to front doors as that is reserved for buses and specialized transportation. Please do not park in parking spaces next to building as that is reserved for staff. Doors will open at 7:05 a.m. daily. Classes begin at 7:20 daily. Buses have the right of way.
- Afternoon Pick Up: Students riding bus will be dismissed first at 1:50. Student walkers and private transport riders will be dismissed at approximately 1:55. This is to be sure that buses can get to their elementary runs without issue in response to the busing changes in Oxford. Just like morning pick up, please pull into the lot, using the cut off between front drive and open field to travel and park facing Main Street in the 3 parent drop off lanes parallel to Carbuncle Drive to drop students. Do not park head into curb. Do not pull out mid-lane, but wait for line to move forward. Do not pull forward to front doors as that is reserved for buses. Do Not park in parking spaces next to building as that is reserved for staff. Please do not block Main Street. Buses have the right of way. Please also do not drop along Main Street, Carbuncle, or Rear lot by Project Coffee for traffic safety reasons.
- After School: Students must be in a scheduled, supervised activity after school. Students are only permitted to stay after school if they are on a OXPS sport or have been invited by staff to stay for help session, detention, or a club or activity AND have a signed permission slip to do so.
- Late Buses: We will have late buses for the school year, which will run at approximately 3:15-3:30.
Student meals are free this year and available daily to students.
Our breakfast for the first day of school will be grab and go.
Students arriving late to school will be able to obtain a grab and go breakfast daily upon arrival.
The lunch menu is linked here: https://www.oxps.org/apps/pages/food_menus
After School Band
After school band will run on Wednesdays after school from 2:00-3:15 with Mr. Kim in the band room 122. Students staying for band will need a signed permission slip to stay for this club. Students will be able to take late buses home. Late buses begin September 8th and run between 3:15-3:30. Students interested should see Mr. Kim or reach out by email with any questions mailto:mkim@oxps.org
Homework Club
Homework Club will begin on Tuesday, September 10th!
Need help, time, and resources with homework, research, projects, and studying? The Homework Center will run on Mondays-Tuesdays-Wednesdays-Thursdays after school 2:00-3:00, with the exception of the once a month faculty days held mostly on Mondays. Students wishing to stay will need a blue Homework Center form signed by a teacher with a specific assignment/project to work on and the parent/guardian signature. See or email Ms. Kennen for permission slips and with questions. mailto:akennen@oxps.org .
LAST CALL--OMS Fall Sports Information
Registration for Fall Sports is Now Open! Please use the following link to register: https://sites.google.com/oxps.org/athletics/registration
Here are the sports offered for OMS students:
- Boys and Girls Soccer (grades 6-8)-- Begins on Wednesday, September 4th after school until 3:15. Students will be able to take the late bus if needed.
- Boys and Girls Cross Country (Grade 6/7 at OMS and grade 8 at OHS-there will be an 8th grade waiver for OHS cross country)-- OMS grade 6/7 Cross Country Begins on Wednesday, September 4th after school until 3:15. Students will be able to take the late bus if needed.
- OHS Golf - (7th and 8th grade only)
- OHS Field Hockey - (7th and 8th grade only, but there is a grade 6 club, see below)
- OHS Football - (8th grade only)
- OHS Volleyball - (8th grade only)
Contact Kevin May, Athletic Director, with any questions. mailto:kmay@oxps.org
LAST CALL Incoming Grade 6 Field Hockey Club-Fall 2024
Want to be involved and learn more about Field Hockey? Please consider joining the OMS Grade 6 Field Hockey Club. Information is below.
From the Health Office
am excited to introduce myself, Amanda Cronauer, as the new OMS school nurse for the 2024-2025 school year!
Please if you have not done so already, send in a current physical with update immunization records It is important we have update information in our system.
Those wanting to drop off medication for your child to take during the school year please contact me. You will need a doctor's order and a signed parent/guardian consent form when dropping off the medication. We cannot accept medication from a student. This includes students requiring inhalers and epipens.
Feel free to reach out anytime with questions or concerns: acronauer@oxps.org.
We are excited to continue our work with Animal Assisted Therapy Services Massachusetts (AaTs) Therapy dogs will be visiting us on Wednesday mornings at OMS. Please see the attached letter that provides information about therapy dogs.
- OXPS School Year 2024-2025 Calendar: https://4.files.edl.io/4acb/01/24/24/145713-e7ec4bb5-ee84-4575-880d-b5dc3f62160b.pdf
- Upcoming Calendar Notes:
- No School Monday, September 2nd (holiday)
- No School for students Tuesday, September 3rd (state elections at schools-Teacher PD Day)
- Parent/Guardian-Teacher Conference Dates:
- Monday, November 25th afternoon and evening times available
- Tuesday, November 26th: afternoon times available
- Thursday, March 6th: evening times available
- OMS School Picture Day: Tuesday, October 8th
- Halloween Dance: Friday, October 25, 2024 6:30-8:30
Helpful District and School Resources
- Are you getting text messages of our automated calls/texts/emails? If you are not currently receiving text prompts about school and district news, please send a message to the number 22300 and type ALERT in the message in order to receive texts in the future.
- Our District Calendar can be found via the following links:
- District School Day Calendar: https://4.files.edl.io/4acb/01/24/24/145713-e7ec4bb5-ee84-4575-880d-b5dc3f62160b.pdf
- District Events: https://www.oxps.org/apps/pages/district_calendars
- School Hours The link to the school hours is here: https://www.oxps.org/apps/pages/school_times
- At OMS, doors will open to students (buses and drop-off) at 7:10--this is a change of 5 minutes from 23-24 school year. All OMS classes will begin at 7:20 a.m.
- At OMS afternoon dismissal will run as follows: bus riders' dismissal 1:50; walkers, bike riders, and private transport dismissal 1:55
- At OMS, doors will open to students (buses and drop-off) at 7:10--this is a change of 5 minutes from 23-24 school year. All OMS classes will begin at 7:20 a.m.
- Electronic Backpack: Please be sure to remember to check the electronic backpack for forms, letters, community announcements as well. The link to the electronic backpack for OMS is as follows: https://oms.oxps.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=2070226&type=d&pREC_ID=2128528
- School Transportation Information: https://www.oxps.org/apps/pages/transportation
- School Breakfast and Lunch Menu: https://www.oxps.org/apps/pages/food_menus
Feast For FOMS Fundraiser night at Sept 12 at Papa Gino's in Webster.
Please support OMS and FOMS (Friends of Oxford Middle School) by attending Feast for FOMS at Papa Gino's in Webster on Thursday, September 12th 11 a.m. -8:00 p.m. 20% of all qualifying sales during this time will be donated to FOMS, who supports OMS! The flyer is below.
OHS Nothing Bundt Cakes Fundraiser
OHS Nothing Bundt Cakes Fundraiser runs through September 6th. Cakes are $7 each and come in a number of different flavors. See the attached pictured.