Bulldog Bits-n-Bytes
October 2024
Please contact the office if you need this information provided in another language.
Our Vision
"Brooklyn STEM Academy students and staff believe in being positive, working hard, and learning in an environment that is rich in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math so that everyone is prepared to meet the challenges of the world around them."
Email: jennifer.teare@msdmartinsville.org
Website: https://www.msdofmartinsville.org/brooklyn-elementary-stem-academy/
Location: 251 North Church Street, Brooklyn, IN, USA
Phone: (317)831-2150
Facebook: facebook.com/BrooklynSTEMAcademy
Twitter: @brooklyn_stem
Important Dates
Sept. 30th - Oct. 4th: Coin Wars Fundraiser
Oct. 2nd: PTO Meeting
Oct. 2nd: Custodian Day
Oct. 3rd: 1st Grade Field Trip to Anderson Apple Orchard
Oct. 7th: 2k @ Poston Elementary
Oct. 7th: Grandparents' Day Volunteer Sign-Up Deadline
Oct. 9th: Asynchronous E-Learning Day
Oct. 9th & 10th: Parent/Teacher Conferences
Oct. 10th: Family Food Pantry
Oct. 11th: Last Day to Bring Grandparents' Day Raffle Basket Donations
Oct. 14th-18th: Fall Break (NO SCHOOL)
Oct. 21st-25th: Book Fair
Oct. 24th: Grandparents' Night
Oct. 24th: United Track and Field Event
Oct. 31st: Fall Parties
Our Fall Book Fair is October 21st through 25th. Make purchases easy by registering for an ewallet using the link below!
Grandparents' Night Volunteers Needed!
Volunteers: Grandparents’ Night is NOT possible without volunteers!!!!! If you are able and willing to volunteer your time, please complete the information at the link below by Monday, October 7th. THANK YOU!!!!!
*****Everyone who volunteers will receive a free dinner ticket.*****
STEM Around Brooklyn
First Grade
Second Grade
2nd grade began their second PLTW module: Diversity of Life. They are exploring habitats around the world and have discovered that plants and animals must have different features in order to live in these habitats.
Third Grade
3rd grade continued looking at both inherited and environmental traits. They will start putting their traits into Punnett Squares to see what combinations they can create.
Fourth Grade
4th grade has been learning about natural disasters, including tsunamis, hurricanes, and landslides. Did you know Indiana has about 22 tornadoes every year?
Family Pantry Dates
MSD of Martinsville's Family Pantry dates are Thursdays, 10/10, 11/14, 12/12, 01/09, 02/13, 03/13, 04/10, and 05/15 between 11am-1pm located in the back of Wooden Middle School (109 E. Garfield Street). Enter the school's one-way road from Sycamore Street. After giving information (family name, school, and ages of the people in their household), volunteers will put the pantry items inside your vehicles.
Grandparent's Night Basket Themes
***Please send donations in to be added to your student’s grade level basket no later than Friday, October 11, 2024***
PK: Family Game Night
K: Lilo & Stitch or Disney Themed Items
1st: Squishmallow and Mario Brothers
2nd: Martial Arts and Let's Get Moving
3rd: Shop Local
4th: Give Me S'more Fall
Costume Guidelines
If your student's classroom is celebrating on the 31st with costumes, please remember all dress-up items must be school-appropriate. No full-face masks/face paint or weapons are permitted.
Girls' Basketball Grades 1-6
-Registration Aug. 30th - Oct. 21st
-$75 Registration Fee
-Register online @ https://www.ymcamorgancounty.org/programs/lady-artesian-youth-basketball/
Elementary 2K Run
Elementary 2K Run is taking place on Monday, October 7th at Poston Road Elementary School. The boys' race starts at 4:45 with with girls' race following. The race is FREE to grades PreK-4 in the MSD of Martinsville School District. The top 25 girls and 25 boys will receive a cross-country tshirt. The top 3 finishers in each run will receive a gold, silver, and bronze medal. Water and a snack will be provided for runners after completion of their run. Permission slips are due by Friday, October 4th!
Coming Soon!
Students are beginning their Art to Remember projects. Be on the lookout for order forms to come home this month!
School Wide Title 1
Funding has been made available through School Wide Title 1 Services to Brooklyn STEM Academy for the purpose of providing students with extra support in reading/language arts and math. This extra support is available for all students at Brooklyn STEM Academy. Classroom teachers, Title 1 Teachers and instructional aides provide assistance through small group and individualized instruction as children demonstrate a need for support. Please contact your teacher about services your child may receive.
MSD of Martinsville Vision Statement
“Together we challenge and inspire our children through rich experiences, empowering them to achieve success while making positive contributions to our world.”