Steffen News
October 31, 2024

October 31st, 2024
Principal's Memo
Greetings Steffen Families,
I wanted to thank everyone who took the time to attend conferences last week. Conferences were very well attended, and we deeply appreciate the commitment of families to partner with us in our students' education.
Today at Steffen, students and staff had a fun day dressing up for Halloween! Check out the Steffen Middle School Facebook page to see some of the creative costumes.
Thank you,
Sam Nadolsky
Important Upcoming Dates
- Wednesday, October 30 - 40-day Progress Reports go to families of any student who is receiving a D or F in any class.
- Friday, November 1 - "Blackout" Dance - 3:30-5:00 PM (students should wear black clothing, if possible). Snacks will be provided.
- Sunday, November 3 - Daylight Savings Time Ends. Please remember to turn back your clocks.
- Monday, November 11 - Veterans Day, today we honor those who served for our country so we could enjoy the freedom that we have.
- Wednesday-Friday, November 27-29 - Thanksgiving Break
WIRED Headphones
Please be sure your student have a pair of WIRED headphones for school use. Wired headphones or earbuds are listed on the school supply list. Wireless earbuds are not allowed for school use. Thank you.
Smart Watches in School
Teachers are reporting that smart watches are becoming a challenge in our classrooms with students texting each other and using the devices for non-instructional purposes. As a reminder, smart watches fall under our cell phone policy as a "wireless electronic device," and as such, should only be used for time-telling purposes during the school day.
If your student has a smart watch, please speak with them about its use during school. Also a reminder that if you need to get a hold of your student during the day, please call the office instead of texting them. We would be more than happy to pass any messages along. Students frequently report, "I'm just texting my mom," when told to put away their device during class. Your partnership in this is greatly appreciated.
Attention all 7th and 8th grade boys interested in playing basketball: Tryouts will begin Monday November 4th from 3:30-4:45 for 7th grade and 4:45-6:00 for 8th grade. There will be two days of tryouts before team selections. The full practice and game schedule can be found on the Steffen athletics website.
You must have all participation forms prior to trying out. Please stop in the office or see Mr. Hagenbach if you have any questions. Thank you!
WRESTLING - 6, 7, 8 Grade Boys
Attention: Boys wrestling begins next Wednesday, November 6. Practice time is from 4:45 - 6:15 pm. If you are interested in joining the wrestling team, please go online to the Steffen athletics website to register (see above). If you have any questions regarding wrestling, please talk to Mr. Hagenbach or you may speak to Ms. Love regarding registration.
Main phone line: 262-238-4700 Attendance line: 262-238-4700 x1
Sam Nadolsky, Principal: snadolsky@mtsd.k12.wi.us
Joel Sinden, School Counselor: jsinden@mtsd.k12.wi.us
Amber Schmidt, Social Emotional Coach: aschmidt@mtsd.k12.wi.us
Katherine Smith, School Psychologist: ksmith1@mtsd.k12.wi.us
Mary Kasten, Administrative Assistant: mkasten@mtsd.k12.wi.us
Jamie Love, Office Secretary: jlove@mtsd.k12.wi.us and: SteffenAttendance@mtsd.k12.wi.us
School Attendance
Please report your student's absence from school by 8:30 a.m. This includes late arrivals or early dismissals.
There are three ways to report your child's absence:
- Preferred: Directly through Infinite Campus parent portal. Directions for Submitting Absence Requests on Infinite Campus
- Email SteffenAttendance@mtsd.k12.wi.us
- Call the office at 262-238-4700 x1
For early pick-up, parents need to come into the office to sign their student out. For late drop-off, you do not need to sign your student in. Please send in all doctors notes to have attendance updated correctly.
District Attendance Policy
At MTSD, we have developed our attendance policy and procedures to follow Wisconsin State Law and to prioritize regular attendance. Click HERE to read all about it.
Bus Routes Available in Infinite Campus
Your child’s bus stop details can be found in your Infinite Campus account. To view these please follow the steps below:
• Login to your Infinite Campus account
• Click on ‘More’
• Click ‘Transportation’
Note that these times are approximate and may be updated during the school year as changes in student registration occur. If you elected to opt-out of transportation, you will not see route information. If you have any concerns regarding your bus information, please contact Go Riteway at 262-512-1044.
For real-time information on the location of your child’s bus, please download Here Comes the Bus! More information can be found on our website. If you have questions about the app, please contact Go Riteway at 262-512-1044: Here Comes the Bus
Class Tardies & Passes
Any student who is late to class will be marked as tardy. After three tardies, a student will receive a "minor" referral, and after three minor referrals for tardiness, a student will receive a detention.
Any time a student is marked, their parent/guardian can expect an automated message, typically by the end of the work day. Students have three minutes to transition between classes, so some planning ahead on when to stop at their lockers is necessary. Students typically report to class for attendance and then ask to go to the bathroom or their locker in order to avoid being marked tardy.
Students use their school-assigned planners for passes to use the restroom. Students also need passes from their teachers to come to the office or see the school nurse. Parents can look at their student's planner to see their pass utilization during the week.
Thank You for Donations to the Parent/Teacher Conferences Meal for Staff!
THANK YOU to all the families that donated food and/or beverages for a dinner for Steffen Staff during Parent Teacher Conferences on October 24th. A special thank you to Jenni Bertolino for planning, organizing and executing the dinner - staff were treated to multiple soups, salads, a baked potato bar, desserts and drinks!
Soups and Chili - YUM!
Baked Potato Bar - Oh My!
Desserts - Delicious!
Book Fair Wrap-Up!
Thank you to all of our Fall Book Fair patrons and volunteers! We had many satisfied student customers. Through the book fair sales, we were able to provide $1600 of books and classroom items to the teachers!
Thank you to all of the volunteers who took a shift or two behind the cash register.. Special thanks to Tracy Kosinski for all of her efforts in organizing and overseeing the Book Fair!
Please check out the message below from the Homestead Booster Club:
Hello All!!
The weather is beginning to change and the fall colors are on full display, that means it's time for the Homestead Boosters HOLIDAY SALE! Sale ends November 7th. All orders will be delivered to Homestead for pick up before Winter Break.
Click the link below to check out the latest Homestead Highlanders gear! Feel free to share the link with family and friends!
Thank you! And Go Homestead!
For questions, please contact Erin Oberndorfer at estern1002@gmail.com
Friday, November 1st - 3:30pm-5pm
Students are encouraged to wear all black to tie into the theme!
To register your student for the Black Out Dance:
Complete the Black Out Dance form on this page and submit payment through the Membership Toolkit site by the end of the day, October 31st.
A student is not registered for the event until they have paid AND returned a completed permission slip. Financial assistance is available, if needed; please contact the office.
VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED during the day to set up, during and for cleanup - please consider donating your time and energy! Black Out Dance Volunteer Signup
We are focused on raising funds to cover our operating expenses; if we meet our goal, we will be able to achieve the level of staff and student support that we have offered in the past.
Any funds raised above and beyond what is needed to cover operating expenses will be used towards a staff lounge seating area and a small lactation room space. We would love to be able to provide these improvements for our deserving staff!
For those who have already donated, THANK YOU!!!
For those who have not yet donated, we ask you to thoughtfully consider your contribution; your gift of any amount helps!
Simply DONATE HERE! Alternatively, please send in check payment to the Steffen office; checks may be made out to "SteffenENGAGE PTO". 100% of your tax-deductible donation supports the needs at Steffen Middle School. All participating families will be recognized on the SteffenENGAGE website and in the school newsletter.
Please contact Stacy Passey (espassey@usa.net) with questions about the Spartan Fund.
Thank you in advance for your support!
With our Spartan Fund proceeds this year, we hope to support the lounge seating area and lactation area. We are looking for ANY volunteers who have experience and a flair for decorating to help us design and plan out these areas! If you would be willing to donate your time and talent in this way, please reach out to SteffenENGAGE for further information at ptosteffen@gmail.com.
SteffenENGAGE Speaker Series RECORDING
Thank you to all who joined us on Wednesday, 10/16 our first Speaker Series meeting of the school year. We heard from Dr. Mary Gavigan and Dr. Michael Stadler, members of our MTSD Board of Education, as well as from Mr. Nadolsky, our new Steffen principal.
Missed it and want to know more? We have you covered! The meeting recording can be accessed HERE.
SteffenENGAGE Useful Quick Links
Membership Toolkit - our SteffenENGAGE website. Please take time to confirm that your contact information is updated in the directory to ensure that you receive all communications!
PTOsteffen@gmail.com - our SteffenENGAGE email address. Reach out to us with any questions, ideas, or volunteer opportunities!
Steffen Middle School
Email: steffen@mtsd.k12k.wi.us
Website: mtsd.k12.wi.us/steffen
Location: 6633 W. Steffen Dr., Mequon, WI 53092
Phone: 262-238-4700
Facebook: @SteffenPRIDE