The Bulldog Briefs
February 14th, 2025
Walker Community,
Happy Valentine's Day! I hope today you received all the love and kindness you give.
We have off on Monday the 17th in observation of President's Day.
State mandated testing will begin for 5th graders in March with the Illinois Science Assessment. The IAR for our 3rd-5th grade students will begin in April, following Spring Break.
Please review the dates below for many school wide activities as well as programs being offered in the school district. As always, please reach out if you have any questions.
In partnership,
Mr. Jeff Moore, Walker Principal
School and Office Informtion
Principal: Mr. Jeff Moore
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Gloria Gutierrez
School Nurse: Mrs. Bianca Vazquez
School Office Hours: 7:30 AM-3:15 PM
School Phone: (708) 458-7150
Walker Coyote
We have had an unwanted visitor the past week or so. We are in constant communication with the Park District and Police Department. Please talk to your students as some walk to school.
February Dates:
4: 100th Day of School Activities
10: BARK Bash
14: Valentine's Day Classroom Parties
17: President's Day- No School
24: BARK Bash
26: Pink Shirt Day
27: Spring Pictures
27: School PBIS Glow Party
3: No School
4: Read Across Bedford Park: Students Visit the Bedford Park Library.
4-7th: Respect Week and Spirit Week (See Below)
4: ISA begins for 5th Grade
7: Respect Week Rally
Walker Communications
Student Council Crochets Coasters for Summit Senior Housing
The Walker Student Council, led by 4th graders Leylani and Emma, crocheted coasters for the Summit Senior Housing. This project was student driven and is one of the many outreach projects they have . Great job students!
5 Essentials Survey-PLEASE READ
Beginning February 18, 2025 students and teachers across Illinois will have an opportunity to participate in the twelfth annual statewide Illinois 5Essentials Survey. This survey is designed to generate a detailed picture of the inner workings of your child’s school. As a parent/guardian, this opportunity will allow you to share your thoughts on the important elements of school effectiveness in a survey about your child’s school.
A letter will be sent home with the link to complete the survey. A link is also available below. Surveys can be completed on any phone, tablet, or computer. If you would like to complete it, but do not have access to those devices, please come to the school and we will support you.
Students will ern a non-uniform day for survey completed by a family member. A families that complete the survey will be entered into a raffle to receive a family gift basket. Please send a screen shot or picture of the receipt of submission to my email address (jmoore@sd104.us) or message me on Seesaw.
Please reach out if you have any questions.
Survey opens February 18th.
Pink Shirt Day-February 26th
On Wednesday, February 26th, we will be celebrating pink shirt day. In 2007 two boys, David and Travis, noticed another boy being bullied at school for wearing a pink shirt. That night they went out and bought 50 pink tank tops and sent out a message to their classmates asking them to wear pink to show support for the boy who was being bullied. The next day David and Travis handed out the pink tank tops in the school’s foyer to anyone who wanted to stand up to the bully too! The kindness of the two boys helped stop the bullying. Pink shirt day is now an annual event. Wearing a pink shirt reminds us all to be kind and to stand up for each other.
Walker Parking Lot
Walker Car Drop Off
Just a reminder that the student drop off line open at 7:30 and closes at 7:50. Students are not to arrive at school prior to 7:30. Breakfast opens at 7:30.
Student Personal Electronic Devices and Watches
All student electronic should be turned off and kept in their locker during the day. If students have a watch that is used for communication, parents should not be communicating with them during the day.
We are running into situations where students are contacted directly about who afterschool pickup procedures. If you have change in your child's afterschool pickup procedure, please contacted the office and all parties will be notified.
Attendance Policy
Although our attendance rate has increased from last year, we are still averaging a below our goal if a 95% percentage rate. Please read the district attendance policy below.
Also, school begins at 7:50 and any student not in class by 7:55 will be considered tardy. Please do your best to have your child in school and on time.
Attendance Incentives
We are monitoring attendance daily, and rewarding students who are present and on time. Our monthly raffle incentive for February is
1 Gift Card for The Museum of Science and Industry and 2 $25 gift cards for Cinemark Movies.
Walker Celebrations
100th day of School
We celebrated our 100th Day of school on February 4th!
Students participated in various activities centered around the number 100. Many students dressed like they were 100, while others wore items that represented 100. What a fun day!
Glow Party- February 27th
Students who demonstrate respectful and responsible behavior will participate in a glow dance party on February 27th.
BARK Bashes
Every other Monday, we celebrate the successes of our students both academically and behaviorally.
We also celebrate those students that are making academic growth in school. Below are the students who received certificates from Lexia.
Notes from the Social Worker
Erin's Law Presentation
Students are receiving presentations on Erin's Law in February. This equips students with knowledge to be safe at school and in their community. If you have any questions, please reach out!
Notes from the Nurse
Hello Walker families,
We've seen an increase in positive cases of Influenza A among other types of infections. Please instruct your child to cough into their elbow as well as encourage effective hand hygiene to prevent the spread of germs. Please see attached for tips.
Next, Dental Day at Walker is next week, February 20th. Sign up today for a free dental exam that fulfills the kindergarten, second and sixth grade registration requirement. If your student is currently in first and fifth grade, sign up now to get ahead for the next school year. Return the permission form or use the QR code that is attached. Also, for those that I have not received a required dental exam, parents were informed via letter sent home.
Health forms for the 2025-2026 school year
Physicals with immunizations are due for all students entering kindergarten and sixth grade for the 2025-26 school year before the first day of school. If your incoming sixth grader has already turned 11 years old, please consider scheduling your medical appointment now and return all completed physicals with immunizations to the nurse. Please see attached for all health forms that are due at the start of the new school year.
As always, thank you for your understanding and support as we work to provide students with a safe and healthy learning environment.
Bianca Vazquez MSN, RN, PEL-CSN
District 104 School Nurse
Walker Elementary
District Events
District Policies and Procedures
Policy Review
Please review the policies below regarding visitors, school treats, and attendance. A copy of the student handbook is also available below.