January News and Events

January 3, 2025
Principal's Corner
Hello Eisenhower Families and Happy New Year!
Just today another adult in our building casually asked me if I had thought about the fact that the year 2000, or Y2K, was 25 years ago already. If you are old enough to remember that time, you likely remember the fear that surrounded what experts thought could have happened when our electronic calendars shifted from 1999 to 2000.
Needless to say, our calendars turned over just fine, however since then, cell phones, SMART watches and other communication devices have become an integral part of our daily lives. More and more students are bringing personal devices to school and given the wide use of devices, it's easy to forget, or not even think about, how a simple buzzing notification can interrupt our thought processes. I have personally felt the impact of this.
I want to ensure each of our families that we are committed to providing a safe, secure and positive learning/working environment. Anoka-Hennepin's school board policy 524.2G supports our efforts as it allows us to restrict the use of these devices during the day and limit distractions. We do require students to keep their phones and other devices powered off and in their backpacks during the school day. This helps them to keep their focus on learning and building positive connections.
I ask that you please discuss this policy with your student(s). If they transport personal devices to school they are expected to keep their devices turned off and kept in their backpacks during the day. In case of an emergency, if you need to get in touch with your student during the day, please call the main office at 763-506-2300. It's also important to know that we do not have, or allow, locks on our lockers. In the event that a personal item is lost or taken, we will not be able to replace it.
Thank you for your partnership and help in keeping Eisenhower an amazing place to learn and grow!
Lillian DeRung
Winter Transportation Safety Week
January 6-10th is Winter Transportation Safety Week. The district is having it's 30th annual School Bus Safety Poster Contest with the theme "Safety First - Safety Always". Please see details of the contest here. Below are some safety tips to keep in mind:
Here are some important Winter Transportation Safety tips for students:
- Please dress in warm winter clothing such as hat, mittens and boots - bright colors if possible.
- Please be on time at the bus stop.
- Please wait for the bus several feet further off the road in a safe place in winter weather.
- Please use the handrail when boarding or exiting the bus to prevent slipping and injuring yourself on icy road surfaces or steps.
- Please move away from the bus to a place where you and the driver can see each other after you exit the bus.
- Please cross at least 10 feet in front of the bus after getting the "all clear" signal from the driver before leaving the curb.
- Please keep all school materials in a backpack.
Here are some hazardous conditions to watch for:
- Please do not stand or play on snow piles at the bus stop to avoid sliding into the street in the path of oncoming traffic.
- Please do not attempt to retrieve your books or lunch box from around or underneath the bus until after it has cleared the unloading zone.
- Please do not push or shove when getting on or off the bus.
- Please do not chase after the bus or attempt to grab the rear bumper.
Yearbook Orders
It’s time to order your 2024-2025 Yearbooks. Yearbooks will be available to purchase until March 31st, for the cost of $20.00. There will be limited extra yearbooks for sale in the spring. Books can be ordered online at Lifetouch using code 15366225. If you need assistance with the cost, please feel free to contact, Josie Gall, Social Worker at 763-506-2369 or mailto:josephine.gall@ahschools.us
Community Ed
Start the New Year with a Community Education class!
Art Memes starts Tuesday January 14
Unleash your child's inner comic with cartoon drawing classes! Watch them master the art of exaggeration and facial expressions in our "Cold Faces" and "Dad Expressions" lessons. They'll also bring to life cuddly polar bears and craft hilarious stories through sequential art, like our silly shaving series. It's a fantastic way to nurture their creativity and storytelling skills. Get ready for loads of drawing fun! Presented by Young Rembrandts.
Craft Day Open Stitch non school day January 17
Want to join your friends for some crafting fun? Bring your project and join us! You can bring knitting, crochet, sewing, and jewelry making. You need to bring your own supplies. We will have sewing machines available. Snacks provided.
Register for Craft Day Open Stitch
Basketball and Friends starts Tuesday January 28
Basketball Development and Games program. Students will work on court dribbling, passing, shooting and defensive awareness. Each class includes specific skill development and "3 on 3" games so that each player gets game experience. Classes taught by AKASPORT instructors.
Register for Basketball and Friends
Bricktopia Catapults starts Tuesday January 28
Join now and explore engineering with Bricktopia's Catapults class. Build a catapult, dragster, and scale with LEGO bricks, and challenge yourself to problem-solve and innovate. LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site or program. Presented by Youth Enrichment League.
Register for Bricktopia Catapults
Mini Snowman Canvas starts Tuesday January 28
Are you ready to make a snowman? Join us as we paint two adorable snowmen heads. One will be wearing a hat and the other will be wearing fluffy earmuffs. Your family will enjoy these keepsakes.
Registration for Mini Snowman Canvas
Anna Heinrich
Community Education Programmer
(763)506-2312 (Eisenhower)
PTO Meeting
Please join the Eisenhower PTO in room #124 (art room) starting at 6:00pm on January 9th. Please enter through door #2. All meetings held in person and online (Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/oqe-kyqf-gxr).
PTO Fundraiser
Join us January 15th between 5 and 9pm to have supper and support our PTO. 25% of your total goes right back the our PTO. Order online and use code 672RVV8 or show the picture below in store.
Planners Needed
Eisenhower PTO needs help planning and staffing two upcoming events.
Please reach out to eaglesightingcr@gmail.com
If you are interested in
Planning Feb Family Dance (Feb 14th 6-8pm)
Helping plan the scholastic book fair (Feb 18th-21st)
Nominate a Teacher January Results
Mr. Diemer
Mr. Diemer shows our Character Strong traits of Cooperation and Empathy.
Enjoy your gift card from the PTO Mr. Diemer!
PTO is doing this each month so be sure to nominate a staff member for February. Is there a teacher or staff member at school that has made an impact on you or your child? If so, tell us about it! All you have to do is email us your nomination. Please include a brief description of why you are nominating this person. Email: eaglesightingcr@gmail.com
Parenting News
Volunteer Opportunities
Weekly Student Packets for Trimester 2 - Volunteers will sort/count and assemble all flyers to be sent home with students. When you arrive at school please sign in at the office and meet up in the cafe.
Workroom Volunteer for Trimester 2 - Our school staff is looking for a volunteer(s) for the staff workroom on Tuesday and Thursday for 1 - 2 hours. (Volunteers can choose what time works best for them during the school day, 9:30-4:00 pm. Volunteers would help with making copies, laminate projects, cutting and/or prep. Staff will complete a workroom request form with instructions. Myself or the office staff would be available for questions and training.
Every Meal Food Distribution - We are looking for volunteers to distribute food for the school's Every Meal program. Every Meal works to fight hunger in our community by filling the gaps in food access that children face during weekends, summers, and extended breaks. Volunteers will be placing food in Students' lockers on Friday mornings from 10:00-11:00 am (we will have extra days due to school breaks).
Watch Dogs - Is an innovative program being used by schools across America which helps them to be positively impacted by the committed involvement of fathers and father-figures in their student’s life. Our goal is to have you spend a day this year at the school to be a positive male role model and to provide an extra set of eyes and ears. Watch Dogs will be volunteering at recess, the lunchroom and in gym class. Your Watch Dogs day will start at 10:50 and end around 3:50 pm. After you check in at the main office your day will start in our lunchroom. While in the lunchroom you will be visiting students and helping with opening lunch items as needed. Next you will be heading outside to join students at recess. At recess please feel free to visit and play games. Your day will end at Physical Education (PE). Please feel free in joining the class, you never know what fun exercise themed event they will be working on. My favorite is the giant parachute. During the day if you have any questions please feel to ask a staff member or stop in the office.
Enrichment Programs
Seeking volunteers who are interested in leading any of the following enrichment programs. Online training is available. Please contact Kathrina DeKruyff-Glass if you are interested. (Training is required)
The program was developed to help kindergarten thru second grade students develop lifelong literacy and math skills. The volunteer program is comprised of a variety of activities that volunteers can practice with students one-on-one in the classroom while reinforcing the skills that classroom teachers have already introduced to kindergarteners through lesson plans, including: Reading aloud, tracing the alphabet, sorting and finding letters, listening to sounds, and counting and building number recognition. This program occurs during the school day.
Volunteers provide children with additional opportunities to foster a love of reading outside of the classroom by introducing various genres of literature, extending students' writing connections, and promoting higher level thinking skills. Like a book club! This occurs outside of school hours, usually after school.
The purpose of the Math PLUS is to provide additional, on-going mathematical experiences for students in grade K-5. Students participate in math activities that reinforce problem solving, logic and reasoning, and communicating mathematical findings. This makes math learning fun! This occurs outside of school hours, usually after school.
Please don’t hesitate to call me if an opportunity arises that you would like to be involved in or to say “Hello” anytime!
Thank you and I look forward to working with you here at Eisenhower
Kathrina DeKruyff-Glass
Volunteer Services Coordinator
Monday - Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Thursday 8:00 - noon
(Hours may vary)
Volunteers have helped in the workroom, weekly student folders, Challenge Reading, Every Meal Distribution, and the Watch Dogs Program. Many also helped contribute cookies, brownie, bagels, hot beverages and more for staff holiday treats - YUMMY!
Volunteer Impact at Eisenhower
Total # of registered volunteers: 108
Total # of volunteer hours since school started: 410
Character Strong
This month's trait is PERSEVERANCE. One way to think about perseverance is “pushing yourself through challenges and obstacles.” Check in with your kids about what they have learned and give examples of how you have had perseverance.
Upcoming events
PTO meeting - Jan 9
Chipotle Food Night - Jan 15
No School - Jan 17 & 20
Conferences - Feb 18 & 20 (sign-up information coming)
This e-newsletter is published by Eisenhower Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.