District Digest
Glen Ellyn School District 41
Parent Safety Session - TONIGHT
Glen Ellyn School District 41 and the Glen Ellyn Police Department will host a Safety Information Night for parents TONIGHT Thursday, October 3, 7 p.m., at Hadley Junior High School, Library Media Center. Information will be shared related to safety drills in the schools including the new requirement to conduct active shooter drills within 90 days of the start of school. District 41 will conduct these drills in all schools prior to winter break. This will be the second school year District 41 has conducted active shooter drills. In District 41, the staff and students learn the Run. Hide. Fight. technique and the drills are conversation based only. The children do not practice running, for example.
Glencoe Street Construction Near Hadley
One lane of Glencoe Street will be closed beginning on Monday, October 7, due to City of Wheaton road work between Geneva Road and Hawthorne Blvd. This is the street Hadley buses use to get in and out of the bus lane. We expect some impact to bus traffic and student drop off and pick up. It is possible that buses could be arriving home late during this time. The City of Wheaton predicts the work will be on-going for at least four weeks. Thank you for your patience as we manage this inconvenience.
Institute Day on October 14 - No School for Students
Bestselling authors visit Hadley
Forest Glen poet in residence
Email: ekrehbiel@d41.org
Website: www.d41.org
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Facebook: facebook.com/glenellynd41
Twitter: @glenellynd41