Sheldon Update
Sheldon's Weekly Family Newsletter ~ November 11, 2024
Welcome from Mrs. Tanner
Dear Sheldon Families,
Happy Veterans Day! Thank you to all those who have served!
Please remember, the front of our building is our bus lane for loading and unloading students at the beginning and end of the day. Please DO NOT park in the spaces at the front of the school from 9:00-9:30 Monday-Thursday (10:00-10:30 on Fridays) and 3:00-4:00. If your vehicle is parked there, you will be asked to move and you risk getting blocked in by the school buses. If the car line has ended, you may park along Munson. You may also park along Sena or other side streets surrounding Sheldon. Also, please do NOT park in any parking spots with a Reserved sign, even if it is currently empty. Thank you for your attention to this!
If you have further questions after reading, please do not hesitate to reach out!
Thank you for the privilege of serving you ~
Mrs. Gabrielle Tanner, Principal
Upcoming Events
November Events
November is Native American Heritage Month
November 11: Veterans Day
November 12: Math Morning Family Event @ 8:30-9:00; DCAC @ 5:30-7:00
November 18-22: American Education Week
November 18-19: Art with Angie
November 21: National Parental Involvement Day; Board of Education Meeting @ 5:30
November 22: Substitute Educators Day
*The GraceMed Dental Clinic has been rescheduled for December 18-20.
Christmas Bureau Sign-Up
Please note that there are no paper applications to hand out this year. 2024 Christmas Bureau signup starts on October 30th.
- Wednesday, October 30 from 10 to 7PM
- Monday, November 4 from 10 to 7PM
- Thursday, November 7 from 10 to 7PM
- Saturday, November 9 from 10 to 2 PM (Last Day to submit/verify information. Please note the earlier closing time. No late applications are accepted)
All applicants must provide documentation in person at the intake site, which will once again be at the Echo Ridge Community Center, 2021 SE Market St., in Topeka. Only Shawnee County households are eligible to apply.
Student Photos
Still need to order pictures? Strawbridge's NEW Code Lookup Tool is now available. You can simply scan the QR code on the flyer below and follow the directions to access your child's picture ordering gallery. No need to contact Customer Service for an access code! *Student last name and Student ID number will be required for data security. Student ID numbers can be found on your Synergy ParentVUE account.*
Building Information
Sheldon Head Start School Day Hours (Updated)
Monday-Thursday: 9:15 AM - 4:00 PM
- Arrival begins: 9:00 AM (drop off through car line)
- School starts: 9:15 AM
- Arrival ends: 9:15 AM (Students will be considered tardy after 9:15 AM. Students arriving after 9:15 AM will need to sign in at the main office)
- Dismissal begins: 3:45 PM (pick up in the car line)
- Dismissal ends: 4:00 PM (all students must be picked up by 4:00 PM)
Late Start Fridays (every Friday): 10:15 AM - 4:00 PM
- Arrival begins: 10:15 AM (drop off through car line)
- School starts: 10:15 AM
- Arrival ends: 10:30 AM (Students will be considered tardy after 10:30 AM. Students arriving after 10:30 AM will need to sign in at the main office)
- Dismissal begins: 3:45 PM (pick up in the car line)
- Dismissal ends: 4:00 PM (all students must be picked up by 4:00 PM)
Late Start Fridays
Late Start is on FRIDAYS for this school year and the arrival time will be at 10:15. This is for every Friday that school is in session.
Sheldon Family Handbook
This handbook includes important information about Sheldon Head Start including our mission and vision, policies and procedures.
Please take time to review this handbook.
TPS 2024-2025 Academic Calendar
Sheldon Head Start follows the Topeka Public Schools Academic Calendar. The only exceptions are a later start date and earlier end date. The first day of school for Sheldon students is Wednesday, August 21st. The last day of school for Sheldon students will be May 16th.
Time to Eat!
Follow Sheldon Head Start on Facebook
Our Sheldon Head Start Facebook page is active! We use this as a way to communicate with families and share many pictures. Please follow the page to stay updated!
Sheldon Attendance Policy
Regular school attendance is one of the most important factors that determine school success. The habit of attending school every single day begins with the preschool year(s).
Daily Absence Information
- Parents/guardians should notify the school each day a student is absent by 9:15 a.m, by calling (785) 438-4530. If leaving a voicemail, please provide the student's name, classroom teacher and reason for absence. If the parent/guardian fails to notify the school, the school will attempt to contact the parent/guardian. The communication can be in a variety of methods, such as electronic communication, telephone call or in person. Home visits will be conducted if there has been no contact made after two days.
- All absences, including those excused, will count against a student’s attendance.
- The school encourages parents to schedule doctor and dental appointments after school hours, or on days when school is not in session.
- Parents/guardians may be required to submit supporting documentation in order to excuse the absence of their student if student absenteeism is excessive.
- Preschool absences are recorded in Synergy, the district's student information system. The expectation is that students attend school at least 90% of the time. If the student falls below 90% (excused or unexcused) a letter will be sent home. If this issue does not improve an official attendance plan will be put into place and/or a meeting with the school principal will be scheduled.
The Kansas State law specifically says that a student is truant if they have missed 3 unexcused days in a row, 5 unexcused days in a semester, or 7 unexcused days in a school year. Truancy may result in a report being filed with DCF.
Examples of Excused Absences:
- Personal illness or medical appointment
- Illness of an immediate family member
- Death in the immediate family or other emergency beyond the control of the family
- Religious holidays of the student’s religious faith
- Participation in a district approved or school sponsored activity or event
- Required court appearance or subpoena by a law enforcement agency
- Family vacation/Out of town (that have been pre-approved by the school principal)
Examples of Unexcused Absences:
- No contact by parent/guardian
- Oversleeping
- Personal grooming appointments (hair, nails, etc)
- Shopping/errands
- Suspension from school
- Family vacation/ Out of town that have not been pre-approved
- Missing the bus/ride
Community Resources
Community Resource Fair
Free & Affordable Mental Health Supports
Check out this website for free or affordable mental health resources and supports.
Community Resources
Check out this excellent packet of community resources available, provided by the City of Topeka.
Topeka Resources Checklist
Community Resources Council Directory
If in need of resources, you can also contact the United Way by dialing 211.
Sheldon Head Start Child Development Center
Website: https://sheldon.topekapublicschools.net/
Location: 1155 SW Seabrook Ave.
Phone: 785-438-4530
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SheldonChildDevelopmentCenterHeadStart