Summit Road STEM Elementary
SPARK Newsletter
November 27th & 28th - No School (Thanksgiving Break)
Dec. 2nd - Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser (PTO), Print Flyer Below)
Dec. 3rd - Picture Retakes
Dec. 2nd - Back To School
Dec. 2-6th - Book Fair (During School)
Dec. 5th - Book Fair Shopping (4PM-8PM)
Dec. 19th - Winter Parties (Classroom Teachers will communicate)
Dec. 20th - January 5th - No School, Winter Break
Jan. 6th - Back to School
Balloons Over Broadway
On Nov. 26th, students created a float to parade around Summit Elementary! See the photos below of a few examples.
The floats that are created go along with their current PBL (Problem Based Learning), or other learning that is occuring in the classroom. Students used the design process to create these floats, and are always engaging in high-quality, engaging, STEM Education.
Learn more about our STEM Education by clicking here.
Outdoor Recess
We have outdoor recess if the windchill (at Summit) is 26 degrees or above. We will only have indoor recess if the windchill is below that temperature, if it is currently raining, or if existing snow is piled on the playground.
Please plan on your student being outdoors for at least 30 minutes during the school day. Hats and gloves with a winter coat should be sent or left at school. Please communicate with your child's teacher if you would like the hats/gloves to be left at the building.
PBIS At Summit Road STEM Elementary
Our students work hard to be Summit SPARKS! We often talk to our students about how they "SPARK" throughout the building. SPARK stands for, Safe, Patient, Accepting, Responsible, and Kind. Being a Summit SPARK means they display these characteristics everywhere they are, and no matter who is watching.
Each month, we celebrate our students in our SPARK morning meeting, for those who display a characteristic of SPARK. If your child is selected, your child's teacher will be in contact with you, and we hope you will attend!
Each month, students can also earn an incentive for following SPARK expectations throughout the entire month! Top students are invited to the SPARK incentives such as a movie, dance party, and more!
How can you partner with us?
Ask your student:
- How did you SPARK today?
- How were you helpful today?
- How can you be a friend to someone tomorrow?
- Model being Safe, Patient, Accepting, Responsible, and Kind to your child, and talk about what it looked like, and how it felt.
Tennis Shoes
When your child is going to miss school, please email maggie.lawson@reyn.org to let the school know that your child will be absent that day. This must be done every time your child misses school.
Weekend Meal Request
RCS Weekend Meal Program Request-Reynoldsburg City Schools partners with Children's Hunger Alliance to provide non-perishable shelf stable meals for students and families in need of additional food resources for weekends and breaks. These boxes are provided at each school site weekly by request. The method by which these boxes are distributed varies based on school location.
If you would like your child to receive weekend meal boxes, please complete the form above. Please read each question carefully and answer all questions.