CHS Student Council Monthly Update - December 2024
Cohasset Boys Soccer Make History
by Cole Buckley
For the first time ever, Cohasset Boys Soccer won the Division 4 State Championship. From the electrifying semi-final win in overtime against East Boston, Cohasset had nothing in mind except to be victorious against Lynnfield in the final. On the wet Curry College turf field, Cohasset students, alumni, parents, teachers, friends, and coaches came together to watch history in the making. Lynnfield started off quickly with a goal in the first five minutes, but Cohasset came back with a goal scored by Cian Casey and assisted by Nathan Askjaer, leading to the end of the first half.
Lynnfield scored first again in the second half, but Cohasset responded when Oliver Buckley sent a pass to Ty Rudnick. He was able to win the header against the goalkeeper and safely pass it into the goal, tying the game with 19 minutes to spare. Over the remainder of the game, Cohasset dominated with possession but wasn’t able to get the ball in the net. However with just under a minute left, Nathan Askjaer dribbled past multiple defenders, passing the ball to Cian Casey. He then laid it off for Sam Ellinger who was able to smash it in, causing an exhilarating moment, not only for Sam, but the whole Cohasset community.
With the lead 3-2 and the clock ticking down, Lynnfield tried to create one last push to tie up the game. For a moment, Lynnfield had a promising attack going, but it was eventually shut down by Cohasset’s defense. As the referee blew his whistle, the Cohasset team rushed the field to celebrate with their teammates and later to the crowd to celebrate with friends and family. This will be a moment that the team will remember for the rest of their lives.
Thanksgiving Activities
by Caitlyn Simms
The Thanksgiving holiday is one that many people choose to take part in through the usual face-stuffing and stomach-filling activities. However, there are other fun ways to get into the holiday spirit. These ways will both make people feel festive and excited along with giving them something to do that is out of the ordinary. The first Thanksgiving activity that I can personally say is a great way to spend an afternoon is painting mini pumpkins. All a person has to do is get a mini pumpkin at a local garden store and get some paint and paintbrushes. Although my favorite design for the pumpkin is a turkey, people could also paint leaves or even a fall scene if they would prefer something more simple.
The second activity to bring joy, and a sweet treat, to the long weekend is making turkey Hershey kiss plate settings. The supplies needed include Hershey kisses, construction paper, felt, glue, scissors, and googly eyes to add some fun to the design! This is quite simple to do and the steps are easy to follow: cut the construction paper base, feathers, and felt nose, then glue the feathers to the back of the Hershey kiss and the eyes and beak to the front, then glue the whole thing to the base. Voila! A Hershey kiss turkey!
The final craft for this holiday is, of course, the classic hand turkey! People can either draw it straight on to a piece of paper or trace and cut out construction paper to glue together. It would not be Thanksgiving without the hand turkey! However it was spent, i hope everyone enjoyed their time off and this season of giving!
Girls Soccer
by Emme Cunning
The 2024 Girls Varsity Soccer season was very successful this year. Unfortunately the girls lost 3-1 to the number 1 seed, Sutton, who had won the State Final the year before. But the girls made it all the way to the Division Four State Semi-Final and won a very exciting quarter final game versus Littleton, who was the team that knocked out the girls the previous year. Senior captain Tess Barrett had an amazing goal to win the game 1-0 with a minute and a half left in the game. Tess Barrett also received an invitation to the HS All-American game and is being named an All-American by the EMASS Coaches! Kylie Newman, Lylah Jackson, and Ava Sunday were also senior captains who were great role models on and off the field.
Future JPH Trip
By Keira Lynch
After a successful test run of the James P. Harrington Wellness Retreat, Cohasset’s Substance Abuse Awareness Club (SAAC) is excited to work on launching the event on a larger scale. Based in Boston, The James P. Harrington Organization (JPH) is a group that focuses on mental health and substance abuse prevention. Earlier this year, CHS collaborated with this group to send a few students on the retreat as a way of testing the event.
On October 10th, a collection of students from all grades attended the JPH Wellness retreat in Marshfield. While there, CHS students engaged in many mindful and meditative activities involving nature, deep breathing, and art. Many reported that they enjoyed the trip, including freshman Malone Yemini, who commented, “Overall, I thought it was a really great experience. We got the opportunity to hear personal stories from people who struggled with mental health and addiction in the past, which was really inspiring.”
Upon hearing about the retreat’s success, the SAAC has begun working to plan a trip with a bigger group of students. If scheduled, the ideal timing would be during late April or early May, falling just before National Prevention Week starting on May 11th. The group of students that would be invited to attend has not yet been determined, but it would definitely be a greater number compared to those who attended the trial. Serving as a day-long field trip, the retreat would consist of various consecutive sessions filled with activities such as meditative art, mindfulness and light movement, community building, and a presentation focused on self care and prevention. The goal of the retreat is to teach students healthy habits and how to self regulate through these activities, as well as to help them feel comfortable reaching out to others within their community.
Along with student- and teacher-planned activities, the SAAC also wants to coordinate with local experts on substance abuse and self care to arrange time for them to present. The group hopes that by incorporating these experts, students will be able to ask questions and be more engaged in the lessons. Overall, the SAAC is very excited to continue its work with JPH, and hopes that students will be able to participate in this promising experience.
Powderpuff Game
By Graham Simmons
The powderpuff game this year was kicked off by Meghan Smith and would be one of the most entertaining games in recent history. As the seniors went up to a 14-0 lead, the juniors would fight back with an interception by Addy Andrews and some strong runs. The fighting, however, wouldn’t be enough, as the seniors would win 20-0 in a blowout victory. The many fans in attendance were refreshed by sweet treats and other goods provided by Cohasset’s student council.
Freshman French Class Baking
By Kelsey Simms
On November 5th, the freshman French class had the opportunity to bake two traditional desserts from Belgium: Tiramisu Speculoos and Belgian Christmas cookies. My class has been learning about foods and food traditions from Belgium, so we got to use what we learned to bake the two desserts. My class had a very fun time baking the desserts together and got to put our knowledge of the language into use through having to read off a menu in French in order to create the dishes. There is a lot of history and tradition behind both of these desserts that is both interesting and a great way to learn a little about what holiday traditions another country has.
My class learned that in the past the Belgian Christmas cookies were usually created in the shape of baby Jesus and were served after the midnight mass on Christmas. However, they are now enjoyed throughout all of December by Belgian families. Tiramisu is originally not from France, but the French created their own twist of it by adding Biscoff cookies and coffee to the recipe. My class loved both recipes and found them to be very delicious as well as a great experience to make. It was nice to be able to actually taste foods that are commonly made in another country instead of just learning about them. Overall, the class really enjoyed being able to do something out of the ordinary while learning about traditions from other countries.
Teacher Feature - Mrs. Humphrey
By Malone Yemini
The feature for this month comes from the math department, a school favorite, Mrs. Humphrey. Although she’s excellent at it, Mrs. Humphrey didn’t always plan to be a teacher. Originally a financial consultant, she chose to move to teaching when she thought it was best for her family.
Her first teaching job was at Notre Dame Academy in Hingham, where she taught Geometry. Later on in her teaching career, she was excited to hear there was a teaching job available at Cohasset High School, where she would be able to get to know the school system her children would go through. She currently teaches AP Statistics which she finds incredibly rewarding and beneficial to students' academic careers. She is very happy with her decision to move to CHS and proud to be a member of this community. She believes the size of our school is a huge asset in community and academic aspects. Overall, her favorite part about teaching is by far the students. She loves problem solving and finding the best way to help students succeed is a great challenge for her.
Aside from just the schools, Mrs. Humphrey’s favorite part of Cohasset is the woods. The trails provide a perfect place for one of her favorite activities, hiking. In her free time, Mrs. Humphrey also enjoys playing board games, watercoloring, and traveling. If Mrs. Humphrey could give one piece of advice to high school students, it would be to always be kind. “Going out of your way to be kind to others, especially when they could use the brightness in their day, is so important and so rewarding. Rather than judging and assuming, everyone should lead with kindness, compassion, and love.”
Overall, Mrs. Humphrey is beloved for so many reasons. Her kindness and compassion brighten so many students' days. Her dedication to teaching and commitment to helping students is incredibly meaningful to many. CHS is extremely lucky to have such a special teacher.
The Start of Quarter Two
by Maximus Ly
The month of November brought the new quarter to CHS. The new quarter allows a reset for the grades, as well as a new schedule for students. Students’ grades in Aspen will reset at the beginning of the term and all new assignments put into Aspen will be filed into quarter two. As for the new schedule, students will have new electives to replace other one-quarter classes in their schedule. However, no full semester classes will change until the beginning of quarter three. Quarter two also marks the beginning of winter sports to Cohasset. Many sports such as basketball, hockey, swimming, wrestling, gymnastics, and the ski team are starting in quarter two.
CHS Spinnaker
Editor: Amanda Fox
Website: cohassetk12.org
Location: 143 Pond Street, Cohasset, MA, USA
Phone: 781 383-6100
"Pursuant to state law, no expression made by students in the exercise of such rights shall be deemed to be an expression of school policy and no school officials shall be held responsible in any civil or criminal action for any expression made or published by the students."