Trailside Academy
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August 2024
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
The sun is shining on the 2024-2025 school year at Trailside! We hope you are all enjoying a restful and fun summer with your families.
Thanks to the hard work of our custodial team, Mr. Duane, Ms. Maria and Ms. Isabel, the building is looking amazing! Next week, teachers return to prepare classrooms for students. Soon, students will fill our spaces and start another incredible year of learning and growth. Read on for important information about the beginning of the school year.
School Calendar and Start and End Times
The Trailside Calendar can be found on our website. Here is the English calendar and el calendario en español. This includes our school community events and conferences. Please note - we will no longer have monthly late starts.
Additionally, start and end times have been adjusted around the district. This year, the Trailside school day will be 7:50-2:55. Students will be marked tardy if they arrive in the classroom after 7:50am. For K-8th students, breakfast will be served by the kitchen from 7:35-7:45. If your student plans to eat breakfast at school, we strongly encourage them to arrive at 7:35am so they have time to eat and arrive to class on time.
School Supplies
KinderWolf Welcome!
Kindergarteners and their families are invited to join us for our KinderWolf Welcome event! This fun afternoon is sponsored and organized by Trailside PIE (Partners in Education, our wonderful parent volunteer organization).
Come to the school on Tuesday, August 6th, at 4:00pm to meet other families, participate in a short ceremony and enjoy a treat. 1st grade students are invited to volunteer to help welcome the new kindergarteners! If your 1st grader would like to attend, please RSVP to TrailsidePIE@gmail.com.
Back to School Night
We are excited to host all students and families at our annual Back to School Night! Come to our open house on Friday, August 9th, from 4:00-5:30pm. You can meet teachers, see the classroom and drop off supplies.
Classroom Assignments
Classroom assignments for Kindergarten-8th Grade students are now available in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. This is the same place where online registration is completed. If you need help accessing your account, please email the office at TrailsideOffice@mapleton.us or call at 303.853.3040. Only a few staff members are in the building this week, so it may take us 24 hours to return phone calls or messages.
When you enter our school building, you'll notice the installation of a new art piece! This was created collaboratively with Trailside students in our after school programs and artist Chelsea Gilmore. It is focused on the concepts of connectivity, community and growth.
6th Grade TDAP Vaccinations
Colorado law requires all 6th grade students to have a current TDAP vaccination at the beginning of the school year. Incoming 6th grade families should be prepared to provide immunization records showing a current TDAP vaccine. There are still a few weeks left to get that appointment in if you need to! Thank you for your help in keeping our community healthy! An information letter is available in both English and Spanish.
New Bloomz Invitations
Student and Family Handbook
Please take a few minutes to read our Student and Family Handbook. There are always a few adjustments made each year. Then, please talk with your students about school expectations. Teachers will also review school expectations with students the first week of school.
Please note - At Trailside, we are committed to creating positive, focused, learning environments. As we closed out the 2023-2024, our staff reflected on the successes and challenges of the previous year. We decided to move forward with an "Away for the Day" cell phone policy to promote increased social and academic engagement. Recent research indicates that students' academic and social emotional growth is impacted by the distraction of cell phones. You can learn more here.
All students will now be required to turn their cell phones in to their homeroom teacher at the beginning of the school day. Teachers will be provided with a locking storage case to ensure phones remain secure. If you need to reach your child during the school day, you are welcome to leave a message in the main office. Questions about this new policy? Please contact Jessie Massey, Director, at masseyj@mapleton.us to set up an appointment.
Trailside Academy
Email: TrailsideOffice@mapleton.us
Director: Jessie Massey, masseyj@mapleton.us
Website: www.mapleton.us/trailsideacademy
Location: 2300 West 67th Place, Denver, CO, USA
Phone: (303)853-3040