Lincoln Linc- Early February
Lincoln Elementary. Home of the Positive Polecats.
Principal's Message
Polecat Pride,
'Tis The Season! WASH HANDS, and sanitize! It is a struggle as we all get through this time of year. There is no school on Friday and Monday; we hope you rest up and get healthy. We have our talent show on Thursday during the day, starting at 9:20. Only parents of the kids in the show are invited. Our students have been working hard practicing their parts.
Happy Valentine's Day to all. I appreciate the love you all have for this amazing school. Keep up the great work!
Tails Up! Go Polecats!
Mr. Latz
No School;PD Day- Friday, February 14th
No School;President's Day- Monday, February 17th
Raffle Basket Items Due- Friday, February 28th
K/1 Music Concert- Tuesday, March 4th. 6:30-7:00, arrival time 6:20. PMS
Lincoln Carnival- Friday, March 7th 5:30-7:30pm
Parent/Teacher Conferences- Tuesday, March 11th & Thursday, March 13th (More info to come)
No School- Friday, March 14th
Snapshots of our days!
For absences please email jrussell@northmen.org (preferred) or call 231.348.2120.
Leave detailed information, including symptoms.
For early pickup or late drop off please call 231.348.2120.
Call the office or email by 2:00 for end-of-day changes.
Thank you!
Lincoln Elementary
Email: jlatz@northmen.org
Address: 616 Connable Avenue, Petoskey, MI 49770
Phone: 231-348-2120