Rocket News
December 2023
A Wonderful Time of Year at Reynolds
Wishing you a happy holiday season! This time of year is a reminder of how fortunate we are to have such a supportive partnership between home and school. We couldn't do it without you!
Author Visit with Melissa Finkelstein on December 15th.
Dismissal Email
When making dismissal changes for your child, please remember to use the Reynolds Dismissal group email and cc your child's teacher too. The email is:
Hour of Code
Reynolds students will participate in the Hour of Code during the week of December 4th, an engaging interactive introduction to the world of programming. It's a fantastic opportunity for your child to explore the basics of coding, fostering creativity and problem solving skills that will benefit them in our tech-driven world.
Report Cards
December Holiday Shoppe
- PTO Holiday Shop- The holiday shop will take place again this year during the week of December 4th. Thank you to the PTO for this enjoyable activity for our students. Information about class date and time will be sent home through the PTO.
Counseling Corner
November provided a great opportunity for Mrs. Slacin to get to know Reynolds students better during Minute Meetings; a one to three minute check in to see how the school year is going! Students provided quick feedback on school, friendships, and connections with staff when they needed help. Minute Meetings are a great opportunity to connect with all students and remind them that Mrs. Slacin can provide support when needed. Mrs. Slacin and Mrs. Severs have been recognizing Star Students in special announcements each week. Students that go above and beyond by spreading positivity and kindness are given a shout out, special certificate, and gold coin that lets them know how much they shine at Reynolds School! Keep up the great work, Rockets!
Tips from the Reynolds Learning Lab
Practice reading and spelling your child’s red words in a fun way. Write the words on Post-It notes and stick the notes to different spots in your child’s room. Have your child use a flashlight to shine on a word and read it. Turn the flashlight off and have your child spell the word.
Estimate and count. Give your child objects (start small at first) and ask your child how many he/she thinks there are and then have them count the objects. Talk about his/her estimate compared to the actual amount.
Tips to Stay Healthy During the Winter Months from the Health Office
As the temperatures drop and flu season is here , there are a few tips that we could use to avoid getting a cold or even the flu:
Wash your hands.
Protect your skin- wear gloves, ear muffs, hats and moisturize your skin when it is dry.
Cover your mouth when you are sneezing or coughing.
Wear appropriate clothing, layer your clothes if needed.
Eat healthy foods such as fruits or vegetables high in vitamins and minerals.
Take your vitamins.
Drink lots of fluids
Sleep 8-10 hours a night.
Enjoy the winter and Stay Healthy !!!!!
Winter Weather
Emergency Closings
Reynolds School
Location: 395 West Saddle River Road, Upper Saddle River, NJ, United States
Phone: 201-961-6300
Twitter: @ReynoldsUSR