East Elementary Edition
Week of July 3
March 3, 2024
Upcoming Events
March 4-March 8
East Elementary's Butter Braid Fundraiser (details below)
East Unified Committee-T-Shirt Fundraiser (details below)
Pirate Pantry Donations
March 4-
Happy Birthday to Mrs. Haley Weems (3rd Grade Teacher)!
March 5-
Math Interim Assessment for Grades 3-5
March 6-
Spinal Screening for 5th Grade Girls (More information will be sent home in folders.)
March 7-
Wear your Texas Tech gear or red and black! We will have Red Raider football players visiting our campus to read with us!
March 8-
Neon Day
LCISD Early Release-12:00 p.m.
March 11-15
LCISD Spring Break
March 14-
Happy Birthday to Mrs. Breanna Reyna (ECSE TA)!
Happy Birthday to Mrs. Stephanie Quinteros (Cafeteria)!
March 18-
East Track Team Try-outs-3:45-5:00 p.m. at East Elementary
March 19-
Science Interim Assessment for Grade 5
March 22-
Last Day for East Elementary Spring Shirt Sales (details below)
March 23-
LCP Fine Arts Showcase (details below)
April 2-5-
East Elementary Book Fair
April 11-
Lubbock-Cooper Education Foundation Benefit Concert: Aaron Watson (details below)
April 12-
East Elementary Campus Track Meet, LCMS Track
May 14-
Lubbock-Cooper District Tract Meet at Pirate Stadium
Last Week in Review
We had another eventful week of learning and growing at East Elementary last week. Our campus hosted our first annual Battle of the Books, BOB competition on Monday. We had fourteen teams competing. The top four teams moved on to compete at the District Competition that was held Friday at the Lubbock-Cooper Administration Office. Our teams represented our campus well and the East Book Fries won 2nd place. Students in Kindergarten were learning about graphing and celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday on Friday. First graders had chicks hatching and continued working on measuring with non-standard units. Fourth graders participated in Measurement Madness to review for their Unit Assessment. Fifth graders learned about the creation of the National Anthem, originally a poem that was written by Francis Scott Key. We also had a fantastic turnout at our East February Family Night!
Graphing in Kindergarten
4th Grade Measurement Madness
1st Graders Measure Up!
East Battle of the Books
BOB Competitors
District 2nd Place Team: East Book Fries
Breakfast Bags
East students may eat breakfast free of charge each day. Students arriving between 7:15-7:45 a.m. will be served a hot breakfast in the cafeteria. Students arriving after 7:45 a.m. will receive a breakfast bag that contains a nutritious breakfast "to go". Students may only eat one school breakfast daily that it is free of charge.
February's Perfect Attendance Awards
Congratulations to Brianna Jefferson and Lucas DeLeon, our East Elementary Perfect Attendance Award winners for the month of February!
East Elementary Butter Braid Fundraiser
East Unified Committee Fundraiser
The East Unified Committee will be hosting a t-shirt fundraiser through March 8th, 2024.
"Unified East - Spread the Word: Inclusion" t-shirts will only be $20.00.
Lubbock-Cooper East Elementary is now a Unified Champion School! This program is aimed at promoting social inclusion through intentionally planned and implemented activities affecting systems-wide change in K-12 schools. With sports as the foundation, it also offers a unique combination of effective activities that equip young people with tools and training to create sports, classroom, and school climates of acceptance.
East Elementary Spring Shirt Sales
Amazon Link for Pirate Pantry
This is the Amazon link for Pirate Pantry. We have many needs for Spring Break.
East Track Team 2024
We are happy to announce that there is a new digital reading app available for you and your child. Sora is a wonderful platform that is accessible to all students both at school and at home. Just follow the steps listed and begin your reading journey!! If you are not sure of your child's login password (lunch number), you can find it under 'Student Info' in Skyward. Parents/guardians should help students select books for their particular age group just as they would in a bookstore or public library. Please reach out to Terri Vaughn at tvaughn@lcisd.net if you have any questions.
Sunny Supplies - Every Wednesday!
LCP Fine Arts Showcase
Pirate Pride Band Boosters Golf Tournament
Lubbock-Cooper Education Foundation Concert
The Lubbock-Cooper Education Foundation and First United Bank are pleased to present Aaron Watson on April 11 at Cook's Garage! Serving as the Foundation's premier fundraising event, this annual spring concert has raised more than $1 million to date for Lubbock-Cooper students and teachers! We hope you'll join us - tickets are available now!
Lubbock-Cooper Unified Champion School Track Day
Capturing Kids' Hearts Newsletter - Courage
This month, we’re focusing on kindness. As a campus, we will be intentional with celebrating through "Good Things" and providing affirmations. As a family, find opportunities to focus on the positive and affirm each other! We are better together!
The newsletters attached below provide several ideas and conversation starters to use as a family this month.
Student Badges
Lubbock-Cooper ISD students wear badges to check out library books, to eat in the cafeteria, and to scan on and off buses. Our office staff and teachers worked diligently last week to ensure that every student has a badge, pocket, and lanyard that is in good condition. Moving forward, if a badge is lost or destroyed, there will be a $5 replacement fee required to cover the cost of supplies.
- When a student comes to the office for a replacement badge, your child will call to inform parents of the lost badge.
- A $5 fee will be added to your students account in Skyward.
- Parents will receive an email notifying them of the charge.
- The badge can be paid for online or cash can be turned into the front office.
- If your student brings their badge home, please ensure that it is returned to school to avoid a fee.
Nominate a Teacher for Mrs. Baird's Teachers on the Rise!
Each month this school year, Mrs. Baird's collects nominations at www.MrsBTeacher.com and honors three teachers--one elementary, one middle school and one high school teachers from South Plains schools. We would love to honor one of your teachers here at East Elementary! You can nominate teachers - past and present - who deserve special recognition.
Watch DOGS - Hallway Heroes!
We are excited to begin our partnership with Watch DOGS for the 2023-2024 school year!
I have attached the registration form below. If you are interested in volunteering as a hallway superhero, please complete the registration form and email it to Joshua Fields, who serves as our East Elementary Watch DOGS Coordinator. Mr. Fields can be reached by email at CooperEastWatchdogs@gmail.com.
Mr. Fields works with our volunteer father-figures to develop a schedule where dads volunteer on campus. They typically give a full-day of their time to work in classrooms, patrol our building, and supervise lunch and recess. Mr. Fields builds each schedule individually, giving each father time in class with their own child and serving in a variety of opportunities around the campus.
Connect with us Online & on Social Media!
We are excited to launch our East Elementary Google Site, sharing information about our campus. Please check out this wealth of information about our staff family, video highlights of work taking place at East, and news about campus initiatives.
On Facebook, follow:
Lubbock-Cooper East Elementary
On Twitter, follow:
Lubbock-Cooper Spirit Sales
A variety of organizations have posted LCISD spirit items for sale on a common LCISD website for easy access by families on all campuses. You can access current items for sale across the district by visiting the link below:
Check back often for new items from a variety of organizations!
Lubbock-Cooper East Elementary
2727 134th Street
Lubbock, TX 79423
P: (806) 993-2342
F: (806) 993-2382